TRAILER 17 - Bumblebee

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Trailer Texts by KyleAlingus

Revised Texts by KiddoIsTheBest

(I don't own anything, I'm just a high school student who loves writing.)


Charlie Watson  -  Yang Xiao Long

Guillermo "Memo" Gutierrez  -  Jaune Arc

Jack Burns  -  James Ironwood

Dr. Powell - Bartholomew Oobleck

Uncle Hank - Qrow Branwen

"I'm so excited! I wonder who's gonna be story about next." Ruby excitedly said.

"I give you a hint," Kiddo said. "It's about certain blonde woman who has a great anger issues and has duel wrist shotguns for weapons."

The audience blinked multiple times at Kiddo's "hint".

Junior groaned, "It's the troublemakers!"

Yang gasped, "It's about me?! Seriously?!"

Kiddo nodded, "Yep. It's about time."

Yang excitedly punched the air, "Yes! It's about time I'm going to be a main character!"

"Congrats, I suppose." Weiss congratulated.

"This is going to be fun to watch." Taiyang said.

"I guess..." Raven quietly agreed.

"Without a further ado, let's react." Kiddo said as he pressed the button and teleported back to his comfy seat.

The trailer started by showing a large red bridge over an ocean then it showed Yang on a motorbike, wearing headphones.

"I'm Yang Xiao Long, I'm 18." Yang voiced over.

"Yang is 18 already? She must have been born one year earlier." Ruby stated.

"I guess so." Taiyang said.

"Forget about my age! What happened to my bike?! Why am I riding that ugly thing?!" Yang yelled hysterically.

"It isn't even that bad." Blake said.

"Shut it, kitty!" Yang ordered while others were laughing.

"Today actually." Yang finished.

She was shown walking towards a small, yellow Beetle that was mostly covered by a tarp.

"Is the Beetle for sale?" Yang asked Qrow who was sitting across from her.

"What?! I'm getting an ugly car now?!" Yang shouted while the others continued to laugh.

"Have you ever heard the line 'Do not judge a book by its cover'?" Kiddo stated. "What if that car was something special?"

"What so special about a crud car?!" Yang shouted at the god which she immediately closed her mouth when she realized she raised her voice on him.

Kiddo chuckled, "Nora said the same thing about Mjølnir because of its size, and now she wanted it after seeing its full capabilities."

"I guess... but it's just a crud car while the hammer was basically a god's weapon." Yang stated.

"You'll see it soon."  Kiddo said, followed by a yawn.

Yang was shown unwrapping the car from the tarp then she was shown looking around the car while inside it.

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