TRAILER 11 - Qrow Wick

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Trailer Texts by KyleAlingus

(I don't own anything. I'm just a high school student)


John Wick  -  Qrow Branwen

Viggo Tarasov - Cinder Fall

Iosef Tarasov - Mercury Black

Ms. Perkins - Emerald Sustrai

Aurelio - Jaune Arc

Winston - Ozpin

Charon - Glynda Goodwitch

Jimmy - Taiyang Xiao Long

"So what is this one about?" Glynda asked.

"Let me see," Kiddo looks at the available channels and saw something interesting. "Qrow... Wick."

Qrow spat out his drink, "What?!"

"It's about that drunkard?!" Winter stated in disbelief.

Yang rubs her chin, "This is going to be interesting."

"Yeah, it probably involves him drinking." Ruby stated.

"You girls hurt me." Qrow said.

"So what's this universe about?" Winter said with a sigh.

"One word," Kiddo said as Winter waits for the answer. "Action."

"Why did you stop for a while?" Winter said with her eyebrows raised.

"I don't know." Kiddo said as he pressed the button on the remote and went back to his seat.

A large city is shown then the view changed to Qrow being woken up by a small dog on his face.

The dog barked as Qrow rolled over.

"I'm up. I'm up." Qrow said.

Half of the cast were awing at the sight of the puppy.

"Seriously?" Cinder said in disgust.

"That puppy is adorable." Mercury stated.

"I didn't know you like dogs." Emerald said.

"Only because some are useful in the mission." Mercury said.

"That... puppy... is... so... cute!" Ruby stated.

"I know!" Yang said.

Zwei was whimpering in envy at the sight of his friends awing the puppy. Ruby noticed that and picks Zwei up.

"Don't worry, Zwei. You're still the best!" Ruby said as Zwei barks from happiness.

"I didn't think you would get yourself a dog, Qrow." Taiyang said.

"Me too." Qrow said.

'Why do I have a feeling that something bad would happen,' Qrow thought. 'Meh, I'm probably just paranoid.'

The scene changed to show Qrow in a brown leather jacket, picking up his car keys and walking away as his dog followed him.

A garage opened and a Ford racecar came to life with a powerful roar.

"Holy moly, where can I get that baby?" Yang said, impressed with the car design.

"How much does that car cost?" Ozpin asked.

"I don't know. I don't know anything about money currencies or prizes." Kiddo answered.

The car was shown drifting out of the garage and then it drifted around an airplane road eventually ending with a powerful drift and stopping in the middle of the airplane road.

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