TRAILER 9 - The Incredible Hulk

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Trailer Texts by KyleAlingus

(I don't own anything. I'm just a high school student who loves writing.)


Bruce Banner / The Hulk  -  Bartholomew Oobleck

Betty Ross  -  Melanie Malachite

Emil Blonsky / The Abomination  -  Shay D. Mann

"Is it Marvel?!" Ruby asked and Bill nodded.

"I'm so excited!" Whitley exclaimed in joy.

"Yeah, I enjoyed the last one." Oscar exclaimed.

"I wonder what heroes will be introduced." Ozpin said, taking a sip from his drink.

"So far, we have Iron Man and Captain Atlas." Glynda said.

"Iron Man is better!" Ruby exclaimed while her friends mischievously glared at her.

"Of course you would say that..." Yang said and raised her eyebrow.

Ruby realized that she was in a relationship with Oscar in that universe and immediately covered her embarrassed face with her cape while Oscar covered his face with an empty food tray.

"I like Captain Atlas better." Yang said and Raven agreed.

"I prefer a melee combatant rather than a flying metal suit." Raven stated.

"Or is it because you like dad in that one, mom?" Yang said with a smirk causing Raven to slightly blush and turned away from her daughter's mischievous face.

"I wonder what villains will be shown here." Roman said, hoping that he would be in this one.

"I reckon it's a psychopath." Cinder said and glared at Tyrian who ignored her.

"I wonder who would win if both Iron Man and Captain Atlas fight." Blake wondered.

"Of course it's Iron Man! He can fly and shoot laser blasts!" Nora exclaimed.

"I think Captain Atlas would win considering he's skilled in arts of combat and strategy." Winter stated as James and Clover agreed.

"But all he has is a shield and a buff body." Weiss said, though she prefers Captain Atlas more than Iron Man.

"Yeah, he couldn't even keep up with Green Skull when they are both equally matched." Ruby said.

"He's still inexperienced with the serum, you never know what happens in the near future." James stated.

"Meh, Iron Man would kick his butt." Ruby muttered while Blake heard her and smirked.

"Who will win, Tai?" Qrow asked.

"I don't know." Tai said since he didn't want to lie that Captain Atlas would win considering it's him.

"Enough!" Bill shouted. "Let's just get into the trailer."

He pressed the remote as he floated back to his seat.

'They have already thought of Civil War. Teenagers!' Bill thought in frustration.


"I've got a problem." Oobleck's voice said. 

The trailer showed a nice medium sized house then the scene changed to show Oobleck and Leonard Samson sitting across from each other as they spoke.

"So it's about me." Oobleck said.

"This is the first time I see Professor Oobleck on screen." Ruby stated.

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