SCENE 8 - Home Invasion (Qrow Wick)

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Scene Texts by ZongWeiTan9

Revised Texts by KiddoIsTheBest

(I don't own anything, I'm just a high school student who loves writing.)


John Wick  -  Qrow Branwen

Viggo Tarasov - Cinder Fall

Jimmy - Taiyang Xiao Long

Charlie - Jacques Schnee

Winter groaned, "I hope we don't get to see another Qrow counterpart...

Kiddo scratched his head, "Well... the next one is going to be Qrow again."

Winter face palmed, "Great..."

"Which universe is it?" Ruby asked excitedly.

"We're going to be reacting to a scene of your favorite assassin, Qrow Wick." Kiddo said which made everyone who loved the attractive assassin cheered.

"About damn time." Qrow said with a smile.

"I don't like blood and all, but if it's Uncle Qrow then I can handle it!" Ruby stated.

"I hope that he kills that Mercury bastard!" Yang said as she cracked her knuckles.

"Are you guys still into that?! It's my counterpart that killed the dog, not me!" Mercury defended himself.

"Since we can't kill your sh*t counterpart, you're substituting him as our target practice." Yang said as her eyes glowed red.

'Language.' Jaune said in thought because he didn't want to anger Qrow.

"Oh come on!" Mercury yelled in frustration.

"I'll give some information before we start," Kiddo said. "This is after Cinder discovered that her son, Mercury, robbed and beaten up the wrong man. She was pissed at her son's actions for angering Qrow and goes to explain about him being a boogeyman who took down a fracking boogeyman. After attempting to make peace with Qrow which obviously failed, she sent some of her men to Qrow."

Cinder groaned when she was reminded that her mercenary henchman is her son in that universe. However, Mercury found the whole thing whimsical for Qrow's counterpart.

"It's not like he's that dangerous." Mercury said since he doubts that a one man could defeat an entire squad.

The audience face palmed at his idiocy. They could see Qrow Wick being an absolute machine when it comes to mercilessly killing his opponents, especially Salem who could see that the attractive assassin is a man of focus, commitment, and sheer will which is something Mercury, who was still doubting, know very little about.

'He doesn't understand how dangerous this one man can be. He'll see it soon enough,' Kiddo thought. "Anyway, let's get to reacting shall we?"

'I wonder how dangerous is this man.' Robyn wondered as she prepares to write down the information.

The scene opens with Qrow looking in a mirror. He's wearing a smart three piece suit and looks ready for business.

The women, especially Winter, were blushing hard when seeing the handsome Qrow in a suit.

"Wow, Qrow wearing a formal suit caught me off guard." Summer said.

"You dress up like your counterpart, Qrow. Maybe you'll get a chance with the ladies." Tai teased.

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