george weasley x female reader: reds and oranges

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george weasley x female reader

summary: muggle american university au

words: 1422

warnings: cheeky beginning, no explicitness

author's note: hey, i wanted to try something new. let me know what you think - gracie ♡♡


His hands moved up your bare sides- the pads of his fingers moving softly against the forming goosebumps. He was a puddle of reds, oranges, and flesh- your body moved through his apartment like you knew every corner, and his body entangled with yours until you weren't sure where you ended and he began.

"My name is," you paused, a soft groan interrupting your thoughts. "Y/N."

You were completely sober at this point, yet you felt as intoxicated as you were at the club. His brown eyes the color of falling of love and chocolate stared back at you- not dilated and reflecting the passion in your own eyes.

"George," he replied simply, his hands lifting you as your legs naturally wrapped around his waist. "But for one night with you- I'd let you call me anything."

You melted at his words, attacking his lips and letting yourself drown in the smell of gunpowder and spun sugar. You weren't normally like this- you normally weren't someone to let a red-haired stranger lower you down onto some bed with both grace and possessiveness, but he was something else. George moved against you like a mix of electricity and magic.

"I rather like you how you are," you breathed out, your body reacting to the simple grin on his lips like a match to gasoline.

You watched with anticipation as his grin moved out of sight and down your body, starting a night that became lost in flashes of colors and sounds of a night worth holding onto. The two of you rolled around in your spontaneous lust and danced to your own illicit sounds until the dark sky melted into a bronze.

The night was just as unbelievable as he was, but all good things must come to an end.

You woke up less with less grace and beauty than the night before, your body aching and your mind heavy from a lack of sleep and the stale taste of liquor. You were quick to roll away from George, knowing that if you spent another minute staring at his constellation of freckles, you wouldn't be able to leave.

You were smart- a second-year law student at a top university- and you knew that guy never wanted more than a night. You rolled out of his bed, warming yourself with the nearest t-shirt and your discarded jean shorts.

"George," you whispered soft enough to allow the boy to continue sleeping, a smile kissing your lips for a fleeting moment. You shook your head at yourself, quickly moving through his campus apartment and collecting your strewn clothes.

"Mornin'" You looked up, shame spreading across your face as you made eye contact with all too familiar brown eyes. You were quick to look back towards the bedroom you just emerged from, certain you were quick and quiet enough that he should've still been sleeping. The boy cocked an eyebrow mischievously as if he knew the inner turmoil stirring inside of you. "Oh, don't worry, love- I'm not lover boy. I'm Fred."

You shifted the weight between your feet, embarrassment seeping out of you. "Sorry- I-George didn't say anything about a twin," you admitted shyly, wondering if he had said something during the time you spent together with alcohol still running through your blood.

"Want some breakfast? About to make some eggs- don't worry they're unfertilized eggs, just the way you girls like them." Fred was just as playful as George, the lightness of his tone easing you out of your embarrassment and uncomfortableness. "I can make some bacon too- I imagine you're quite tired of sausage."

You let a soft chuckle escape, your shoulders relaxing and your nerves less anxious to quickly leave. "A comedian, aren't you? I guess it's a bit ironic to say that I'm a vegetarian, though," you faded slowly as the sound of a door opening interrupted your string of thoughts. "I n-need to go. Tell George that um, good luck on his exam."

You were quick, much quicker than George who only caught a flash of his t-shirt disappearing out the door. "Missed her mate- cute, though, and wicked sense of humor," Fred grinned, taking a bite out of his poorly prepared scrambled eggs. "Still not as good as mum's."

With your heels in hand, you were much faster than you thought and managed to close the elevator doors before the flash of red hair rounded the corner.

"Hey," George breathed out, his hand clutching his side as the metal doors opened. "You-You- oh God, you'll need to give me a minute- those stairs are killer."

You took a minute to scan the redhead in front of you, his face just as handsome in the light of day as it was in the shine of the moon. His hair was ruffled and his pyjama pants sagged lowly on his hips, but he was just as intoxicating as the night before.

"You have an exam for your entrepreneurial class, and I-I just need to go," you mumbled, attempting to push past the boy when he quickly blocked your way. "George, please just let me go."

George stared down at you in a mix of confusion and innocence because surely he gave you a good time, and surely, he was just as drawn to you as you were to him. "Please, don't."

"I'm not normally like this, George," you plead as the redhead moved towards you, forcing you back into the elevator out of fear of staying. "I'm the type of girl to fall in love with a boy who looks at her from across the bookstore. I'm the type of girl to wake up beside the boy of her dream and fall in love with him all over again. I'm not normally the type of girl to end up in a stranger's bed and share an awkward pity breakfast with him."

The metal doors closed and George slid in. "I'm not a guy who picks up girls in bars, and I'm the type of guy to fall for an intended one-night-stand."

"George, stop. You-you don't like me," you stuttered, your heart beating faster as George smiled at you. "You just think I'm easy."

"I don't think anything about you is easy," George stated, his words fact rather than a protest. "I think that you only talking to me if I could recite a quote from Jane Eyre absolutely insane. I think that you giving me law advice on my brother and I's business in a bar incredibly crazy. I think you're absurd, intelligent, strong, independent, but never easy."

"You don't know me," you managed, letting the cool metal cool your feverishly warm skin. "We don't know anything about each other, and, as you said, we were just each other's intended one-night-stands."

"I plead the fifth?" George joked sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck and regretting his choice of words. You shook your head, reaching for the button back to the lobby. "Wait- just hear me out, y/n. I'm going to press the button to the floor of my apartment, and I have until that time to present my case."

You looked at the boy- his eyes, dark and romantic, staring at you with so much emotion you couldn't say no. "Fine, George, but no promises."

George grinned, pressing his finger on the faded seven button. "My name is Goerge Fabian Weasley. I hate uni, like with a burning passion, but my mum wants us here. I grew up dirt poor, and all my parents want is a great future for Fred and me. Fred and I have this somewhat not too legal business of selling fireworks, but we want to expand into a full magic/prank/toy shop. I have four older brothers, one younger brother, and a little sister, who kicks ass as our school's soccer team. I am allergic to molasses, and I am head over heels for some random girl I saw arguing with a bartender over tap prices. The girl was absolutely ruthless, and somehow got him to give her the drinks for half-off."

The doors opened with a soft ping, and George slipped out of the metal doors with a sheepish smile. His finger casually pressed the lobby button before he stood outside the door, offering you a smile and his hand.

"My brother makes some pretty awful scrambled eggs if you're interested?" George laughed hopefully.

"How can I say no?" You placed your hand between the closing doors, stepping out of the elevator and taking a chance.

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