fred weasley x reader: how to get the girl

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"The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds." - Nicholas Sparks

warnings: none


"Merlin, Fred, I'm trying to eat, and the whole table is shaking like a leaf," you complained, placing a hand on the redhead's leg. You loved the Weasleys, but between George's loud chewing and Fred's nervous shaking, you were losing it. "And George, for Merlin's sake, close your mouth when you chew!"

"Someone's in a pissy mood," George frowned, taking another bite out of his cottage pie and exaggerating his chewing. "Did Joshua Gilbert explode your cauldron again? He's trouble- I know it because he's got to first names."

"Look who's talking- didn't the two of you just set off a dung bomb in Filch's office?"

"Us? Never!" George exclaimed with faux-shock, his eyes gleaming mischievously and giving away his lie.

"Okay, seriously, Fred, what's got your knickers all twisted? You've hardly touched the bread pudding, you keep looking off into space, and- and you like a girl, don't you?" You took the quick glance he shot George as confirmation and felt something swell in your chest- presumably curiosity. "Who is she? Do I know her? Are you asking her to the Yule Ball?"

"I didn't say I liked anyone," Fred exclaimed, tossing his hand up as if it was proof of innocence. "But, hypothetically, Katie Bell and I have been, well, I'm not sure."

You cocked your head to the side and furrowed your eyebrows. You hadn't known Fred or George for too long, but still, you'd been around enough to have seen something. Yet, the only time you could think of Fred and Katie being together was through Quidditch.

"So, she likes you?" You asked, the curiosity getting the best of you.

"You know how girls are," George piped in, writing some word in the sky with his fork.

"No, please tell me how we are," you deadpanned, watching George turn red and shrink in his seat.

"I just mean she's playing with him- talking to him a lot one day, then the next she doesn't even notice him. It's all mind games with girls- boys are just straightforward," George clamored, sheepishly grinning as you crossed your arms.

"Yes, because the way you talk to Angelina is so very straightforward," you snickered.

"Easy, y/n, it's that he's not straightforward," Fred joined in, "It's that he's not smooth. Though I supposed 'mghshsjdnch' is quite smooth if you speak blast-ended skwert or the delicate language of troll?"

"First off, it sounds most like elfish. Second off, I sent Angelina a note, and she's already agreed to go with me," George smiled, shooting a glance at Angelina.

"Well, Georgie set on a date, so you have to make a move, Fred. Or do you not want to?" Usually, you let the twins' banter play out, but the question had been on your mind and clawed at your throat. You were an absolute sucker for anything to do with love, yet, something about the question felt odd on your tongue.

"I don't know- I don't want her to say no, but I also don't want to keep being in this like standstill," Fred sighed, poking at the bread pudding in front of him. "I think I need a good way to approach it so that I'm not trying too hard, but also not making it seem too casual and friend-like. Damn, I sound like a girl."

"You're not smart enough to sound like a girl," you quipped back, earning a high-five and chuckle from George. "Okay, girl to someone who likes another girl, just say you like her. Keep it simple, so there is no way to make it seem anything but romantic."

"Boooo," George drawled, waving two thumbs-down in your face. "Bad advice- play it so that she can take it how she wants. If you keep it vague, then she can decide whether you meant it romantically or plutonically."

"You can't take advice from someone who doesn't know how to say platonically," you argued, sticking your tongue out at George. "Trust me."

"Oh yes, trust the girl who has only had one boyfriend," George whispered dramatically. "Don't forget he was a dunce, Freddie."

"He was daft, y/n," Fred chuckled. "However, I get where you're coming from, so I'll ask her tomorrow and let you know how it goes."

"You're following her advice?" George groaned, "Over your own twin? Your own flesh and blood? Your- Oi, Lee, where did you get that Yorkshire Pudding?"

You laughed, your eyes watching as George put on a show by chasing Lee Jordan around the Great Hall. The conversation changed, crowds dwindled, and eventually, you found yourself walking back to your dorm with the twins. It was strange; the night was nothing out of the ordinary, yet you felt uneasy.

"I'm not feeling well," you announced, parting away from the boys and making your way into your dorm.

It wasn't a lie; in fact, it was probably the most honest thing you'd said the entire night. Your mind replayed the conversation, and you felt as if you watched yourself reply to Fred. The reels of your night replayed in your dreams all night, leaving you unable to place your emotions and incredibly exhausted in the morning.

The ache you had felt as you tossed around in your bed left your mind in a fog, and as you stumbled to the Great Hall for breakfast, you hadn't even noticed Fred running up to you.

"Y/N, can we talk?" Fred asked, beaming at you as if he'd won the lottery.

"What? Oh, sure." You trailed behind the bouncing redhead, knowing exactly where the conversation was going. You weren't sure if it was the dread or the lack of sleep, but suddenly it seemed foolish of you to get out of bed.

"Okay, just give me a moment," Fred grinned, closing the door to the greenhouse.

You looked around, your eyebrows furrowing. We were miles away from the Great Hall; frankly, it was bad enough he was going to rub his date in your face, but to do it in your favorite classroom seemed extra cruel.

"Fred, you don't need to be so extravagant about this," You whined softly. "This could easily have been discussed over coffee- a lot of coffee."

"What? How did you guess?" Fred asked, his mouth dropping open. "I thought I threw you off last night with Katie Bell."

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm here to ask you to the Yule Ball? I didn't realize you had such low standards- I mean, asking in the greenhouse is hardly extravagant," Fred argued. "George vetoed the idea of getting us both in detention with Snape, then organizing the potions closet to spell out Yule Ball."

"You're asking me?" Your eyes darted around you, waiting for George to pop out and explain he was practicing for someone else. "But- Katie?"

Fred burst into a lopsided grin, his eyes lighting up as everything started to make sense. "Katie is going with some Ravenclaw- I panicked when you guessed I wanted to ask someone to the Yule Ball. Please, Wood's 'no dating players on the team' policy is still brainwashing me."

"So- you want me to go with you?" You imagined you looked and sounded like an idiot, but honestly, the notion felt surreal.

"Yeah, of course, you're the only person I'd want to go with," Fred chuckled. "You're smart, and you have this kind of humor that makes it easy to joke with you while also not completely understanding the joke. I- I mean, you've been my best friend for what feels like forever, and I didn't ever really think you felt the same, but I had to take the risk. I meant forever in a good way just so you know."

You stared at Fred while he rambled, watching the way he talked with his hands and how his freckles seemed to exaggerate his expressions. He was so animated, so wildly himself, and you couldn't help but feel as if realization had washed over you.

"I like you," you blurted.

Fred stopped talking, his ears tinted pink. "I like you, too- that's where all of that was going, you know."

"Yeah, I figured," you laughed, stepping closer to Fred.

"So, Yule Ball?" Fred whispered, his hot breath hot on your lips.

"Yeah, I suppose," you joked, closing the gap between the two of you. 

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