fred weasley x reader: pathways

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"I am more interested in experiencing life than in analyzing it" - will bradley

warnings: none

notes: lol not me writing about how you don't have to follow a set path and I'm willingly and gladly pre-med


"Stop it, Fred Weasley." A laugh escaped your lips and ruined your annoyed facade as the redhead continued to poke your sides. "Quit it! Some of us are attempting to study for our N.E.W.Ts."

Fred flopped back in his chair, a cheeky look smudged his face, and his eyes rolled to the back of his head. "You and every other nerd in this castle. My mum hasn't let up on Georgie and me about studying for these boring tests. What is knowing mooncalf M.O.M classification going to do for my future?"

"XX," you beamed, putting down your quills and scrolls. "Don't take these tests too seriously; they are meant to see how you handle intense, lengthy material. Just like the O.W.Ls but with boomslang. Get it? Because it's a slow-acting poison, and the exams are slowly killing my brain cells."

"No, I didn't because you don't need boomslang to make the potions I care about. I want to make people forget about bad times- not induce blistering in their throats until they chock on their blister pus."

"Boomslang doesn't do that," you teased, sitting next to Fred and placing your arms around his shoulders. "Nonetheless, I see your point and agree that these exams will do nothing for your future."

Fred shrugged his shoulders, your arms dropping softly. "Do you, though? You, my mum, my family, and all the professors push school onto me. I'm not brilliant like Percy- Merlin, save his soul from the ministry- nor do I have some niche brilliance like Bill and Charlie. I'm a joke. My future is making sure people laugh at my antics and not me."

You watched Fred and the way his lips pressed together as his eyebrows knit together. He was always soft laughing lines; you forgot how much he'd grown up since the two of you met. You forgot how much of his softness had been sharpened by external pressure and expectations.

"Do you know what I see when I look at you, Fred Weasley?"

"Someone who is going to fail all of their N.E.W.Ts?" Fred questioned back, avoiding looking at you.

"Yes," you laughed, nudging the boy lightly with your shoulder. "I also see the boy who runs to crying, homesick first-years and shows them Whiz-Bangs. Or, the boy who acts "scary" to anyone who likes his sister but would walk through fire to make her laugh when she's heartbroken. Even better, I catch a glimpse of the thirteen-year-old boy who grabbed my hand and ran me down the hall so I wouldn't get blamed for a prank on Filch."

"Actually, it was George. I just never had the heart to tell you that you got us mixed up," Fred laughed, his cheeks warmed with embarrassment.

"Nope. You don't need to put yourself down and throw a pity party, Mr. Weasley." You threw your arm back over his shoulders, bringing him in for a side-hug. "If you could see yourself through my point of view, your ego would explode."

"Please, I always have room for flattery."

"I'm sure you do."

"In all seriousness, thank you," Fred whispered, leaning his head on you. "I-I don't know what came over me? I have all this confidence in George and I's plan. We aren't the type of brilliant our mum wants us to be, but we have this dream and all these ideas. I just-my family means everything and my mum has the best intentions. If everyone pushes something at you- maybe it is for the best?"

"Or, maybe some people aren't supposed to follow the pathway? Don't get me wrong, I will be a ministry drone for years until I get a position in the International Confederation of Wizards. However, I want that for myself. Either way, it's not wrong only if you want it for yourself and not someone else."

"I wish my parents could hear you right now," Fred chuckled, his shoulders dropping. "I want them to be happy with me being happy."

"They wanted nothing more than for you to be happy. It just takes parents a while to realize what will make their kids happy."

"You're too smart to be a ministry drone, you know," Fred smirked, wrapping his arm around your waist and giving you a squeeze. "Too attractive too." 

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