george weasley x reader: every rule needs an exception

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george weasley x reader

summary: every rule needs an exception, and george is yours

words: 1241

warnings: sorta suggestive dialogue, baby curses, and i feel I like mention religion in the same sentence as snogging which might be sacrilegious

author's note: this was going to be posted on tuesday, but i feel like i owe something to everyone who got me to fifty followers (now 63). this be for all you guys - gracie ♡♡


You were simple- predictable even. You got up at the same time every morning, arrived 5 minutes early to all your classes, had a glass of pumpkin juice every breakfast, and always fancied a specific type of guy. You couldn't help it- it just wasn't in your DNA to want anything that wasn't predictable and reliable. And, well, nothing- absolute nothing- was more to your taste than a set schedule and a good guy.

Hogwarts house, blood status, hair color, hair length, or whatever else you could name meant nothing. You just wanted the type of guy that would make even your very religious grandmother swoon. The sort that every girl at Hogwarts dreamed of snogging, and well, it didn't go unnoticed.

Your personal preference soon became a part of your reputation, and you were crowned with the title of 'Hogwarts' dream-boy serial dater.' It was fitting, after all, you had dated numerous Hogwarts heartthrobs, ranging from Cedric Diggory to Roger Davies to Oliver Wood. But, despite popular beliefs, you didn't date them all to anger every daydreaming girl at Hogwarts. No, you dated them because of your rule that those are the only type of guys you should date.

And there were no exceptions, at least, until George Weasley came along.

George Weasley was the opposite of everything you looked for in a boyfriend; he was spontaneous, reckless, and dangerously hot. He was the type of boy to snog you against the wall at your grandma's house rather than lead the prayer before dinner. George was the sort that skipped class to prepare some elaborate date that would lead to you saying sinful things to each other. He was off-limits.

Yet, every time he looked your way, you're knees would go weak, and your mind would go to the most unholy of thoughts.

George knew that. Of course, he did, and of course, he used it to his advantage. George knew of your goody-two-shoes boyfriend streak, and he fully intended to be the one to break it. The only thing that caught his interest more than the challenge of dating you was the thought of you and him snogging in a broom closet.

"Hello, y/n, lovely day, no?" George whispered from behind you, making you suddenly lose interest in potions.

"I reckon if you like snowy days," you whispered back, trying to ignore the feeling in your stomach that you always got when he was around. "Do you, George?"

"Do I what?"

"Like snow days, of course," you laughed, turning around to look at him for a moment.

George's cheeks flushed, and his subtle nodded his head to Professor Snape, who was sending the pair of you a questioning glare. "Sorry, Professor, she knocked my jar of asphodel off my desk," George lied smoothly, shooting you a wink.

You quickly turned back around, face flushed, and words reminding you to focus repeatedly playing in your mind. "We should focus on potions," you managed to whisper, keeping your eyes on your cauldron.

"To answer your question, I prefer springtime," George hummed, completely ignoring your last statement. "The broom closets are at the perfect temperature for a secret snog around that time. I could show you sometime."

His words were more than enough to elicit a response from you, making you stumble back into his cauldron and knock the potion onto the front of his robes.

"Y/N Y/L/N! How incompetent could you be? Take Mr. Weasley to the hospital wing, and while you're at it, start a three parchment essay on potions protocol," Professor Snape sneered, sending you and George out of the dungeon.

"Damnit, George, I really can't afford Snape hating me any more than he already does," you sighed, dragging the boy's arm.

"Sorry, love, I didn't realize that I had that much an effect on you. If I didn't know any better, y/n, I fluster you," George flirted, gladly following behind you.

"You know damn well that you fluster me," you snapped back, stopping in the middle of the corridor. "You can't keep this up, Weasley."

"Oooh, last name foreplay? I wouldn't expect it from you," George joked, stepping closer to you. "What's next, y/n? Are you going to tell me that I've been bad?"

You shook your head, a smile tugging at the ends of your lips. You wanted to be furious at him- after all, he earned you a three parchment essay- but you couldn't find it in yourself. "Stop it, Weasley. I mean it, or else I'll have to tell Ginny that you needed sorting out," You joking threatened, taking a step away from him.

"Yeah, the whole mentioning family member thing, I don't think it's working for me, love. Why don't you try telling me a dirty joke," George chuckled, ignoring your glare and taking another step closer.

"You're not my type," you said honestly. "I like boys who don't offer me a snog in a closet."

"Oh, like you and Oliver didn't snog in the broom closet," George quipped, closing the distance between you two. "I know- for a fact- that's his fantasy."

"That's definitely not his fantasy," you smirked, watching George's face drop for a moment. "What? Weasley, he didn't make you wear a Puddlemere United jersey when you two made out? Besides, he was never the one that suggested a snog in a broom closet."

"Hmm, you're not so goody-two-shoes are you, y/l/n?" George asked, having too much fun with you to care the potion was slowly seeping through his robes and onto his skin.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" you chuckled, leaning your face closer to him. You ignored the fluttering in your chest, focusing on the pale freckles that sprinkled his face.

"Yes, I very much would."

"Then, I guess you'll just have to be good for me," you whispered, placing a kiss on his freckled skin.

"Sorry, love, but we both know that good behavior isn't what you like about me," George breathed back, ignoring the burning sensation on his chest that he was sure wasn't from you.

"I suppose not, but that doesn't change the fact that the potion is burning a hole in your shirt," you responded, taking his hand and continuing your way to the hospital wing. "Perhaps if you weren't being viciously burned by a potion, we could've taken a detour."

"Okay, now you're just being a tease," George huffed as you placed him on one of the hospital beds.

"How do you think I got Oliver Wood, Roger Davies, and Cedric to date me?" You joked, pushing George against the back of the bed. "Now, get healed, Weasley. I don't want to see burns on you when you meet me in the library."

George wiggled his eyebrows teasingly. "And what will we be doing there? Snogging in the restricted section?"

"No," you cooed, drawling out your words and sending him a flirtatious wink. "We'll be writing that three parchment essay you got me from Snape."

"Hey, y/n, you can't-"

"Bring your A-game, Weasley. I expect you to last as long as I need you," you shouted back, ignoring the redhead's protests.

George leaned back against the hospital bed, an involuntary grin spreading across his face as you swayed out of the hospital wing. George was the exact opposite of what you'd imagined for yourself, and he hadn't ever taken romantic thoughts of you seriously, but merlin was a night in the library going to be fun.

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