fred weasley x reader: two to tango

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fred weasley x reader

requested by anon: "Can you write something for Fred? Idk what, but I like the way he written from you!"

words: 1023

warnings: none except i forgot to edit it

author's note: hello! i guess in way this is more of a blurb because it's a little rushed and a tad shorter than normal, but i still really enjoyed writing this! i also want to thank everyone who has followed me; i am almost to a hundred. i promise that when i reach a hundred i will do something fun! lots of love and thanks - gracie ♡♡

"Sorry, love, but George and I are going to try and find some first-years who will test some of our products. I promise that we'll get together later," Fred whispered to you, placing a kiss on your cheek. "I love you, and if you need me, George and I will be in the Gryffindor Common Room."

"I love you, too," you mumbled, ignoring the sinking feeling in your chest.

It felt selfish to be angry at him, but it seemed that you two were spending more and more time apart. Maybe it was Umbridge's insane by-laws or the fact that you and Fred were both preparing for your futures outside of Hogwarts. Either way, it felt like you two were worlds apart.

"I'm sorry, y/n, but you know how important this is," Fred replied, noticing your change in demeanor. "I promise, love, that we will have some time to ourselves once George and I sort the bits and bobs of our business."

"Don't worry, Freddie, I understand. I need to study for the N.E.W.Ts anyway," you reassured the redhead half-heartedly. "Go on, you don't want to leave George waiting."

You offered the redhead a comforting smile and wave as he made his way out of the courtyard and towards the Gryffindor tower. Once the boy was out of sight, you dropped the façade and leaned against the stone wall.

"Why is it so much harder now?" You groaned, closing your eyes.

You and Fred had always been in each other's pockets, especially after you two started dating, but now it felt like the universe was keeping you apart. Weeks had gone by since you two spent time alone with each other, and the fleeting moments you had with each other were filled with arguments over the inevitable wizarding war. Deep down, a part of you wondered if this was what falling out of love felt like.

You pushed yourself off the wall and began your way towards the library. If you were going to mope, you might as well do it over your N.E.W.T textbooks and study guides.

"Y/L/N, you're late on returning the book on quidditch maneuvers," Madame Pince warned, furthering your terrible mood.

"It's in my dorm," you replied, brushing off the witch and taking a seat in the middle of the library.

It didn't take long for you to become immersed in your textbooks, attempting to drown out your worries with potions jargon and meaningless information.

"Y/N Y/L/N?" You looked up, your eyes immediately drawn to an extremely pale first-year.

"Puking pastille?" You asked, setting down your book.

"Er, yeah, they just got the bleeding to stop," the first-year boy blushed, rubbing the back of his neck. "I, um, was told to tell you that Fred Weasley needs you immediately. He's in, um, I think it was in danger?"

"What? What happened? I thought the whole point of them finding testing dummies was that they wouldn't be in danger," you rambled, hurriedly stuffing your books into your bag. "Well, I'm not staying here, and neither should you. Hurry on, kid, go to the hospital wing before you pass out."

You rushed past the young first-year and made your way towards the Gryffindor tower. It positively just your luck that the first time you and Fred would spend some time with each other, he would be in danger.

"Fred?" you shouted, pushing past the protesting fat lady portrait. "What-what is going on?"

You stared blankly at the redhead, perfectly fine and smirking knowingly at you. "I wanted to surprise you," Fred stated simply, conjuring a flower out of thin air and placing it in your hair. "I think I owe you seven dates now?"

"Nine," you corrected with a grin. "Nine dates, and seventeen 'I love yous.'"

"Well, let's start making up lost time now," Fred grinned, grabbing your hand and leading you out of the Gryffindor tower. "I love you, y/n, and I have since you tripped into me during Herbology and burnt me with plant puss."

"Shut up," you laughed, your face turning red. "You promised you wouldn't bring that up again."

"How can I when that was the moment I fell in love with you? I knew it was love at first sight, even when my eyes swelled shut," Fred teased, wrapping his arms around your side. "I loved you then, but not as much as I love you now."

Your smile faltered at his words, guilt starting to sink in. "I- I thought we might have been starting to fall out of love," you admitted, suddenly feeling self-conscious.

"I couldn't ever fall out of love with you- no matter the war or George and I's business," Fred stated adamantly, abruptly stopping and turning to look at you. "I plan on marrying you, you know. I plan on marrying you, having a family with you, and loving you until I die. You know that, don't you?"

"I-I- no, I didn't," you stuttered, shocked by his words. As long as you two had been together, you two had never had a serious talk about what graduating Hogwarts meant for you two. "I thought-"

"No- if you thought my plans didn't involve getting down on one knee after the war, you were mistaken. Ever since the fifth year, I can only imagine marrying you," Fred interjected, placing his hands on your sides.

"Oh, so you daydream about me in a white dress," you teased, attempting to alleviate the intense manner of the conversation.

"Like you can wear white," Fred joking scoffed, ignoring your playful hit on his shoulder. "With what we've done, you might as well wear black."

"Hey," you exclaimed, "it takes two to tango."

"And, I only want to tango with you, and I mean it, too," Fred added, pulling you in for a kiss.

You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to you and enjoying the warmth that always radiated off of him. You suddenly forget about falling out of love; how could you two, when he still brought butterflies to your stomach.

"Wanna tango?" Fred cheekily asked, pulling away from the kiss breathlessly.

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