fred weasley x reader: the importance of timing

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fred weasley x reader

part 2 of the downside of unrequited 

warnings: none

author's note: haha so originally it was going to end at Fred and Angelina's wedding, but there has been a change in plans. also, since this is my piece of fiction lowkey based of of my life, i decided to keep alicia and angelina as the reader's friend. hypothetically if you want any update on the real fred and angelina my friend and luke are still together and they are planning on going to the same college together. lol sorry for the long a/n, enjoy - gracie ♡♡


The Battle of Hogwarts was the end; at least, that's what the newly written history books claimed. You laughed when you heard the author read their new book at Flourish and Blotts; if anything, The Battle of Hogwarts was the beginning of living with the unknown. History books can tell a lot, but they can't put into words the feeling of being a survivor.

"Hey, do you guys want to get ice cream at Florean Fortescue's first?" You asked Angelina and Alicia, your eyes glancing at an 'in memory' picture of Katie Bell.

Surviving the war resulted in survivor's guilt, which for you, Alicia, and Angelina, meant a lot of crying and forgiveness. It was odd, to say the very least. After the incident in seventh-year, you three could hardly be in the same room. But, now, as a result of war and Katie's death, your friendship with them had grown into something better and more adult.

"Actually, I wanted to stop at Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. I heard that Fred got back from St. Mungo's, practically as good as new," Alicia spoke up, snapping you out of your thoughts and not-so-subtly nudging Angelina.

"Yes, that sounds good, Alicia," Angelina giggled, grabbing your wrist and pulling you towards the lively shop.

"What are you guys up to?" You asked hesitantly, using your body weight to stop Angelina and Alicia from dragging you any closer. "You guys are acting very suspicious."

"Come on, y/n, just trust us," Alicia begged, offering you a genuine smile. "We're just being the friends that we should have been in our seventh year."

"Yeah, I've always felt horrible that our friendship was ruined for like five months of teenage romance," Angelina confessed, suddenly avoiding your gaze. "With everything that has happened and the way you helped save Katie's body from being lost in the debris, well, um, I just want to pay it forward."

You wrapped your arms around the girls, understanding what they were trying to do. "Alicia, Angelina, we were teenagers when it happened. We've survived a war together. You two both saved my life against a death eater. Nobody owes anybody anything."

"Y/N, you are very poetic, but Angelina and I already hatched this plan, so we're going in regardless," Alicia smiled, hurrying through the shop's doors.

"But-" You stopped when you took in the sight of the store. Somehow it looked better than when it first opened, and there were more new products than you could fathom.

"Alicia! Angelina! My two favorite customers, who have you brought today?" George Weasley asked, hurrying out from behind the counter to greet the group.

"Y/N Y/L/N, and we're actually here for Fred," Alicia stated in a business-like manner.

"Oh, I get it! He goes into a coma, and suddenly, I'm everyone's second favorite twin," George joked, moving aside.

"I'll stay down here with you, George, if you promise to show me the new wonder witch collection," Alicia laughed, pushing you and Angelina up the stairs to their flat.

"Go on, y/n, I told Fred that someone was going to come and visit. I think Alicia needs a wing woman more than you do," Angelina whispered, opening the twins' door pushing you inside.

"Angelina, I swear- oh, hey," You greeted, your eyes meeting with familiar brown ones.

It was odd; you had dreamed about being alone with Fred most of your teenage years, and yet, you were practically frozen in place. "Come to see everyone's favorite twin," Fred joked, taking the ice bag off of his head and walking over to you. "Y/N, right? We were potions partners fourth and sixth."

"Yeah," You replied, straightening out your skirt. "How are you?"

"Eh, guess that I've been better. My mum can finally tell George and me apart now. You know, with his missing ear and my prosthetic leg." Fred shrugged, making his way into the kitchen and grabbing the kettle. "Tea, y/n?"

"Yeah, why not," you shrugged, walking over to the small kitchen and sitting down a the breakfast bar.

"So, what brings you to my humble abode?" Fred asked, handing you a hot cup of tea.

"My feet," you deadpanned, your face turning red when you realized that you had said it out loud. "Oh, God, that was horrible. I'm so sorry, my dad has been staying with me, and-"

"You think that's bad? You should hear my brother, Perce. A horrible sense of humor, but we're working on it," Fred interrupted, his words easing you.

"I liked you a ton when we were at Hogwarts," you blurted. Maybe it was the way Fred spoke with the same passion you loved at Hogwarts, or it was knowing life was too short, but the words tumbled out of your mouth faster than you could say 'Weasley.'

You and Fred just stared at each other with tinted pink faces. You focused on the small paint chip on the cup, suddenly finding everything but Fred intriguing.

"I'm sorry," you apologized after the silence started to become unbearable. "I just- you are still- I never got to say it when we were kids, so I guess a part of me just wanted to make sure you knew."

You watched as Fred rubbed the back of his neck, his eyes still focused on his cup of tea. "Well, since we're confessing things, I liked you for a while when you had that summer job at The Leaky Cauldron. But, you know, the war was approaching, and Angelina and I had broken up. I guess we have some pretty bad timing."

"Yeah, bad timing," you repeated, taking a sip of the tea. "Fourteen-year-old me is a hundred percent swooning over the news."

"Not twenty-year-old you?" Fred asked cheekily, sending you a wink.

"I don't know, Weasley... is twenty-year-old you swooning over me?" You asked, jokingly returning the wink.

"Hmm, I think I might have to answer that question over dinner. I do need more time to think since I hit my head," Fred quipped.

"Somehow, I doubt that's true," you kidded, pulling a pen out of your robes. "Here is my address. Apparate at my flat at 6, and we'll see who had it worse for each other. I've got to warn you, though, I fell for you pretty hard."

You pushed a small piece of parchment towards Fred with a smile and stood up slowly. "I guess it's a date then," Fred noted, standing up with you and leading you back out of the flat.

"I guess it is," you replied, lingering at the doorframe before deciding to place a soft kiss on Fred's cheek. "Maybe we can get the timing right this time, Weasley."

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