love interest x reader: not much but enough

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"If you ever looked at me once with what I know is in you, I would be your slave." - Emily Brontë

warnings: none


"'Mione?" Your voice echoed off the stone classroom walls, harmonizing with the soft crying that rang in stark contrast against the celebratory noise from the Gryffindor tower. "Can I come in?"

"Why ask? I know that you'll come in, wrap into your arms, and reassure me that this heartbreak —this pain— will pass." You slid into the room, your eyes adjusting to the darkness and your heart aching for the brunette sitting on the dusty desk and sobbing. "I'm a fool, you know."

"Aren't we all?" You questioned, sliding onto the desk beside Hermione and placing your arm around her shoulder.

"Not like me," Hermione sniffled, sliding closer to your side and immediately warming you. "How did you know that you were in love?"

"'Mione, don't you think that we should talk about-"

"Please, y/n, I don't want to talk about something I don't understand entirely. I just-I just want to know how to know when you're in love, especially how to know when you're in love with a friend."

"I might not be the person for that," You chuckled, smiling at how fate brought them to you. "It's strange— I can replay all these moments before we fell for each other, but I don't pinpoint when I started to fall for them. We weren't friends for terribly long before, but it seemed like we always gravitated and found each other."

"There was this one time that I remember as clear as day, though. We were sitting in my room studying for the O.W.Ls, and they started telling me facts about Nifflers. It was completely out of the blue, and I don't think I processed anything they said. It made my day regardless; it still makes me smile seeing them passionate over things everyone else overlooks."

"We also didn't have some momentous event that marked the transition from friends to dating. I held their hand the entire time on an outing to Hogsmeade. I could feel their heart racing when I hugged them goodbye, and I just knew they were feeling the nervousness and excitement I was feeling. We talked, and then we were dating. Honestly, I think I'm the worst to explain how to tell when you're falling for someone."

"What does being in love feel like, though?" Hermione had leaned away from you and was wide-eyed as you talked. She held onto your words like a toddler listening to an epic bedtime story about adventure and tragedy.

"Nice?" You laughed at your own words. "I don't know, 'Mione. I guess it feels like someone cares about you in a way that no one else has. They're my first love, so maybe I'm biased, but it feels exactly like the books and movies. I find myself glancing them to make sure they are having fun. My heart still skips beats when they hold my hand in public. My body warms when they touch me. Mostly though, I feel happy. Even with all the horrible things happening in the world, I just feel lucky to have time with them. I don't know if we'll end up together forever or if we'll live out all the fantasies I've made up for us."

"I do know that I love them so truly and deeply that if they were to say they wanted to break up tomorrow, I would be grateful I had two brilliant years with them. It's not much, perhaps, but it's enough."

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