fred weasley x reader: the downside of unrequited

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fred weasley x reader

warnings: none

author's note: lmao something like this definitely didn't happen to me in sophomore year, in vermont, and with a boy named luke huang. lowkey also not really edited and revised... anyways, enjoy - gracie ♡♡

key: y/n- your name


"Y/N, come on, you can't keep wasting your time on him! What if I were to date him, and he were to like me back? You would have to stop liking him, right?" Your roommate, Alicia Spinnet, tried to reason. "Fred isn't even that great, you know? He never knows when he's gone too far with a prank. I mean, you shouldn't even waste your time on him."

You stared down at your hands, trying to ignore the two Gryffindors starting at you expectantly. You were unsure how a conversation about the N.E.W.Ts with Alicia and Angelina Johnson turned into an intervention. "I can't help it, guys. We've been over this probably a million times now, and it hasn't changed. I like Fred."

"Why?" Angelina asked, rolling her eyes at your usual answer when the subject was brought up. "I get that you've liked him for ages now, but that isn't enough anymore. You're wasting your time on him. What if Alicia and him were in love? What would you do?"

You shrugged your shoulders, an obnoxious burning sensation slowly building up behind your eyes. You had been having suspicions about Alicia and Fred dating for months, but the whole conversation seemed to confirm it. "Do you like him, Alicia?"

"No, but hypothetically, you would have to get over him, right? Maybe I should just ask him to Hogsmeade," Alicia suggested.

"Stop it," you called back, finding your voice and pushing back the tears. "It's an innocent infatuation, can't you let it be?"

"Y/N, we just want you to stop having all of these hopes that just break your heart every time," Angelina sighed, pulling out her textbook as if the conversation wasn't leaving a crushing feeling on your chest.

"You guys should go, it's time for quidditch practice," you whispered, keeping your head down as two girls made their way out of the portrait door.

And just like that- as if a switch had turned on- tears started to cascade down your cheeks. 'Stop it, y/n,' you scold yourself, hugging your legs and burying your head in your knees.

You shouldn't be crying; they were right to an extent, but it was so much more complicated than that to you. You couldn't find the words to tell them that there was something about Fred that made your knees weak and your heart beat faster. You couldn't find the right words to describe how the way he talks about having a joke shop one day made you want to tell him that you loved him.

It was too complicated to find a way to get them to understand, and yet, it was simple. Fred Weasley was your first love, whether he knew or not.

"Tears will do nothing," you reminded yourself, but the tears didn't stop. So you sat by the fireplace, your heart breaking over hypotheticals and somewhat over the realization that you won't wake up one day with Fred in love with you.

Once an hour passed, and your tears are somewhat slowed down, you made sure to be anywhere but the Gryffindor tower. All the sadness you had felt was quickly replaced with anger. You were furious at them and as petty as it was, you wanted them to feel guilty when they saw the tearstained pillow. A selfish, mean part of you just wanted to give them hell for reminding you that you Fred hardly knew you.

"I've always been a good sport about the jokes, but they know I hate talking about it," you ranted to no one in particular, wrapping your cardigan tighter around you. "And what is with the whole hypothetical thing?"

You kept walking, ignoring the darkening sky and the likeliness of getting caught out of bed after hours. You slowed down when you realized you were back at the Gryffindor tower, your eyes immediately focused on Angelina.

"Hey," you softly greeted, sitting next to Angelina.

"I'm sorry, you know that, right?" Angelina kept her eyes straight ahead.

"It's just you guys joking again- no big deal," you lied, looking down at your hands.

"It's not, though, we weren't joking."

You bit your wavering lip. You should have expected it- something like this- but all you could say was, "What?"

"Fred and I, we have been hanging out a lot recently, and I like him. He likes me too, and I just- I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I know you've been practically in love with him since our fourth year, but I can't help it."

"Oh, okay, no, no, no, it's fine," you rambled, ignoring the pressure that suddenly appeared on your chest. "It's okay, Ange. I'm happy for you. We're okay, honest."

Lies. Lies. Lies. They kept pouring out of your mouth as if lying was the only thing keeping you from running away.

"I don't fall for him to hurt you."

"I know."

"I hope you're not mad at me," Angelina whispered, her voice going soft.

"Never," you replied, the feeling of betrayal forcing your voice to be an octave higher than usual.

"I know you probably have a million questions, but-"

"I don't," you interrupted firmly- the last thing you wanted was details. Everything about the conversation was taking you off-guard, even though all of the signs were there. "I just- I just want to make sure we are still on for studying in the library tomorrow."

"Yeah, of course," Angelina said, placing a hand on your shoulder. "I really am sorry."

You nodded your head, listening to Angelina's fading footsteps. "I'm sorry, too," you whispered.


lmao also don't hate on angelina this is based on something that actually happened to me, and my friend was completely in the green. 

this is part one of three (the third one can be read as a stand-alone)

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