fred weasley x reader: crying in a yule dress

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fred weasley x reader

requested by anon: Can I request a Fred x Reader where it's like the song Prom Dress by Mxmtoon, and like he comforts her at the yule ball? All fluff, please! thanks soo much!

warnings: none... except maybe a non-edited post?

author's note: this will probably be kinda long, so you can just skip it. i listened to prom dress for probably like two hours straight after and during writing this. i also might change the title. additionally, i feel like i ended it oddly, but i don't really think they would just proclaim their love (based on my experience). sorry i'm such a talker, enjoy -gracie ♡♡


The Yule Ball was the only thing that anyone seemed to talk about. It came around faster than you expected, and you were somewhat over the build-up. It was just a dance, and you would have rather stayed in your room and read a book while your friends ran around like chickens without their heads. But your friends never let you off that easy, which meant you were attempting to smile as your friends took pictures of this 'momentous occasion.'

"Come on, y/n, smile," Angelina begged, looked at the picture where your face was set in more of a grimace than a smile. "Oh, we're late! Fred will be waiting for us."

"Oh, poor him," you drawled sarcastically, straightened the lavender fabric. "At least, his friends aren't shoving him into four-inch heels and forcing him to parade around like a circus elephant."

Katie Bell rolled her eyes, pushing you out of the dorm and mumbling about how you were ungrateful. Maybe you were a little ungrateful, but no one should be grateful for some sorry excuse to get dressed up. "Hey, Lee," Katie sweetly greeted, looping arms with the Gryffindor. "You don't mind that y/n and I are sharing you, do you?"

"Are you kidding me? I get to have two of the most beautiful girls on my arm the whole night. Not to mention that I would do anything for you," Lee shamelessly flirted, too focused on Katie to notice the kissing noises the twins were making.

"Lee, you're off the hook. I'm going stag." You shot the boy a subtle wink, watching his face glow at your comment.

"If you insist, y/n. I would have been glad to have you as my date," Lee replied, mouthing thank you when Katie looked into her purse for lipstick.

You swiftly brushed the boy off, following the three couples to the Great Hall that had been transformed into an elegant ballroom. "Oh, let's join the slow dance," Alicia urged, pulling George onto the dance floor with a smile.

You watched your friends disappear into the crowd, leaving you alone and slightly bitter. Despite your feelings, you understood. Angelina, George, Fred, Lee, Alicia, and Katie were all outgoing people, who all couldn't quite grasp the idea that you liked being alone. So, you left the crowded room, trying to push the thought that if you had said yes to some Beaubaxtons boy, you could be out there too.

"You wouldn't enjoy it, even if you had said yes," You said aloud, reminding yourself that you would have been just as miserable with a date.

You found yourself on the Great Hall balcony, picking at the ivy that grew up one wall and buried deep in your thoughts. Then, as random as being struck by lightning, you felt pressure pile onto your chest. Maybe it was the fact that your school years had been uneventful- despite being in your 6th year- or it was that you were sitting on the balcony floor alone, but you starting to tear up.

"Oh, Merlin, please no. Not tonight," you sniffled, wiping the hot tears running down your cheeks. "You couldn't even wait until you were in pyjamas?"

"Need company?" You hurriedly wiped the stray tears off of your face before turning around to face Fred Weasley. "Y/N, if you wanted a dance with me, you could've just asked. No need to cry."

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