luna lovegood x reader: meadow nymphs

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prompt: "i would love to request a luna lovegood fic or blurb, whichever length you're comfortable with doing as a newer writer. the more fluff, the better. actually can you use #34 and #46 from the prompt list you posted? i'd absolutely love that! thank you bunches in advance. sending you love, hugs and luck."

#34 : "If you dance freely and gently amongst the wildflowers, you can hear nymphs singing your name."

#46: "You have an eyelash on your cheek, and in case you didn't know, that means you get one wish. Careful, you don't want to waste it."

author's note: this is my first request/ fic on tumblr, and honestly, I am so thankful for weasleysflowr having a little faith in me. go easy on me, everyone lol 


After the war, life felt unfamiliar and everyday things slowly began to feel unnecessary. Most people shuddered at the idea of going back to Hogwarts, where memories haunted the grounds, and wounds were still too fresh. You were not one of those people; you needed something familiar to fill the silence on nights when you couldn't fall asleep, and you needed to see something finished. You had almost lost the love of your life. You had stared down death, and like hell, were you about to be scared of the N.E.W.Ts.

"Hermione, what did you get for the proper technique when it comes to conjuration?" You questioned, sucking the fine-spun sugar quill as you studied. The N.E.W.Ts were fast approaching, and sugar quills were one of the only things keeping you sane.

"Where did that roll of parchment go? I'll find that answer for you," Hermione replied, rummaging through the piles of parchment. "Oh, I remember what I wrote about! You see when you are attempting to conjure something you must-"

"It's lovely outside," an airy voice interjected, walking up to you and placing a wildflower on your desk.

"Luna, love, we are studying, and frankly, you should be studying too," you stated matter-of-factly, ignoring the part of you that begged for a break. "Please? You can stay and help me with all my care of magical creatures' work."

The offer went through one ear and out the other; her silvery eyes were looking far off in the distance, and she was unmistakably elsewhere. "I think it is a perfect time to go out to the clearing north of here, no? Come on, y/n, take a break."

"Okay, but only for a little bit," you relented, waving goodbye to Hermione as Luna dragged you outside.

Luna was undoubtedly yours, and you were just as much hers. With Luna, it was always the small moments, like the way her blonde hair blew in the wind as she dragged you past the whomping willow. It was these moments that made you realize why Luna meant so much to you; even after all the pain the war caused, Luna made you feel alive and safe. "Hurry up, y/n, we have to get there before the nymphs think no one is coming," Luna urged, breaking you out of your thoughts.

You did not know what she was talking about, but the way her eyes lit up was enough to keep your protests silent. "Luna, love, slow down. I'll give you more time if you slow down," You laughed, tripping behind Luna, who was nimbly avoiding ruts and branches. "Where are we even going?"

"To the place where nymphs see us best," the girl replied between breaths, beginning to slow as you two approached a clearing. "Oh, is this not enchanting?"

You looked around, the meadow much farther from the castle than you realize. It was a breathtaking sight; the clearing was enveloped in still silence, and the view overlooked Scotland. The stillness could be perceived as haunting, but with Luna searching for magical creatures, it was exactly how Luna described it. "I've never seen anything as enchanting," You breathed, your eyes focused on Luna, who was observing a butterfly. "Why are we here again, love?"

"To dance for the nymphs, of course, y/n," Luna laughed, shaking her head at you as if you had said something funny. "Follow me, and you'll understand."

Luna took your hand, dragging you to the center of the clearing, and began to sway to imaginary music. You offered the blonde a smile as she wrapped her arms around your neck and pulled you close. "Why would the nymphs care if we dance, Luna?" You hummed mindlessly.

"Nymphs care about everything we do in nature," Luna responded, brushing a piece of hair behind your ear. "They care, and they will make sure you know they care. If you dance freely and gently amongst the wildflowers, you can hear nymphs singing your name."

You let out a soft laugh as her fingertips lingered on your cheek. "Is that so, Ms. Lovegood," You chuckled, spinning Luna under your arm.

"Of course, y/n, listen to them," Luna breathed, stopping your dance with her and taking your hands. Slowly Luna kneeled down to the ground, bringing you with her. "Listen, they're singing your name, and it's the greatest sound I've ever heard."

You stayed silent, thoughts of how lucky you were to have Luna by your side after everything that's happened ran through your mind. Your eyes ran down Luna's face, examining her soft freckles. There was something magical about the way her naturally pink cheek gave her a youthful, lively look. Your thoughts stopped when you noticed a stray eyelash, gently placed on Luna's cheekbone. "Luna, your cheek," you softly called. "You have an eyelash on your cheek, and in case you didn't know, that means you get one wish. Careful, you don't want to waste it."

Luna stilled, her breathing slowing as she thought of what to say. "I don't need a wish when I'm with you," Luna finally whispered, taking the eyelash off her cheek and letting the wind sweep it away.

"You're ethereal, Luna," You whispered, leaning in and touch her lips with hers. The kiss was sweet and short, but it filled both of you with warmth. "I love you for it."

"You-You love me?" Luna asked, her voice slightly higher than usual. You laughed at the sight of Luna looking so gobsmacked. "You've never said that to me before."

"I've been thinking it for days now."

Luna let out a sigh, her cheeks flushed. "I love you more than nargles love infesting mistletoe, y/n. Oh, I knew something wondrous would happen if we danced for the nymphs."

"Well, thank Merlin for the nymphs," you joked, wrapping your arms around Luna and placing a kiss on her cheek.

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