fred weasley x reader: love me tender

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fred weasley x reader

summary: roses are red, violets are blue, here is a valentine's post for you

words: 1519

warnings: overall kinda suggestive ig

author's note: not edited because that's not how i roll, and also happy valentine's day - gracie ♡♡


Valentine's Day- every guys' nightmare and every girls' dream day. You had always been one of the guys, running from teachers with the twins and cursing at the Slytherin chasers with Lee. And, as much as you hated to admit it, you were in the same state as every other girl walking the stone corridors of Hogwarts. You found yourself doe-eyed and secretly hoping that every guy that walked past you was planning on asking you to Hogsmeade. Unfortunately for you, your hopes were about as good as they were when the Appleby Arrows had a shot at the Quidditch World Cup.

"Look at all of these girls, crowding the hall with desperate hopes that some boy will ask them to the Hogsmeade trip even though the trip is tomorrow," Fred chuckled, leaning down and tickling your ear with his laugh. "This whole thing is practically begging for a solution- like a diluted love potion. Wanna meet me for some testing tonight?"

"When pigs fly will I let you give me a love potion," You laughed, pushing Fred. You loved Fred- maybe a little more than you would ever admit- but he truly never stopped inventing and thinking up ways to capitalize off anything. "You could leave Valentine's Day alone, you crazy wizard capitalist, you know? It's all about love, Freddie- not making money off girls who just want someone to be head over heels for them."

Fred stopped in his tracks, his hands quickly making their way to his waist to stop you from running into him. "Hold on now, madame lovey-dovey, are you actually falling victim to the idea of Valentine's Day."

You tossed your head back, letting out an unattractive giggle-snort as Fred pulled you into an abandoned classroom. "Freddie, you're being dramatic- Valentine's Day is about being love and spending the day with someone who just looks at you like-like you're the stars and everything great about the world."

"You know, I never took you for a hopeless romantic," Fred teased, shutting the classroom door and taking a seat on top of an old desk.

"Freddie, we're supposed to getting to Charms, you cheeky redhead," You laughed, joining Freddie on the desk. "Besides, I've always been a hopeless romantic- you're just not the type of friend I talk to about this stuff."

Fred held his hand to his chest in mock hurt before gently nudging your shoulder. "Come on, y/n, we're supposed to be the bestest of friends, and I have the friendship bracelet to prove it," Fred hummed, pulling out a raggedy chain of thread that you gave him back in first-year. "So, pretend I'm Angelina and tell me why you're such a Valentine's Day purist and against me capitalizing off of it."

"Freddie, charms class? Does that ring a bell," You chuckled, jumping off of the desk and pulling Fred towards the door. "Besides, Weasley, do you really think lowly of me now that you know I want to be drowned in chocolates, flowers, and love bites tomorrow?"

Fred pulled his hand on the door, keeping it closed, as an all too familiar smirk spread across his face. "Little miss mudpies and races down the corridors wants someone to fall over themselves for her? Remember when George fell into a bowl of mashed potatoes trying to impress Angelina by serenading her? You really want that?"

You leaned your head against the door and stared at your best friend, his brown eyes staring back at you inquisitively. Even after all these years with him, Fred puzzled you. He wasn't the player- he didn't go from girl to girl, he didn't wake up in different beds each morning, and he never really played the part of a casanova- but he wasn't the type to commit. George was the twin to fall hopelessly in love and fall over himself for a girl he liked. Fred was the one to remain tunnel-visioned on his and George's business. Still, you thought he said at least one romantic bone in his body.

"Freddie, my love, I want it all," you smiled, looking up at Fred who had you pinned against the classroom door. "I want kisses in the moonlight, snowball fights, late nights in the astronomy tower, and god, Freddie, I want someone to fall into a bowl of mashed potatoes for me."

Fred let out of laugh, filling the room with a sound worth millions if someone could find a way to sell it. "I learn something new about you every day," Fred grinned. "First-year, I learned you are allergic to pumpkin pastries. Second-year, I learned you are terrified of caterpillars. Then last year, I found out you have a birthmark on your-"

"Shut up, Red," you giggled, remembering how red Fred got when he walking in on you changing into your Quidditch Irish Jersey. "Ginny warned you that I wasn't ready, you know."

"Well, I forgot you're a girl and take forever to get ready," Fred teased, sending you a quick wink that sent another wave of giggles through you. "In all seriousness, though, how come I've never learned that you're interested in dating?"

"Freddie," you started, placing your hands on Fred's chest and gently pushing him away, "I did talk about it around the yule ball time last year, and then told you that you felt all this pressure to ask me when we were dancing. I-I just don't want you to feel like I'm only friends with you because I want romance out of it."

Fred grabbing your hand, closing the space you had put between the two of you. "Come on, y/n, have some faith in me. We are solid bestest of friends- I would never think you only want a good snog from me."

"Oh, Red, you are so wrong. I am only in this for the snogging," you teased, pulling Fred closer to you by his robes. "This whole being friends with you for seven years- it is a total play. I'm only here for neck kisses, corny nicknames, and lots of time in broom closets."

Fred laughed against your lips, the warm air stirring a fuzzy feeling in your stomach. "Then you, love, are the absolute worst at the hustle," Fred mumbled, his eyes darting from your eyes to your lips. "Absolute rubbish, love. I can't remember a single time we've snogged, and I know that is something I would never forget."

Your eyes involuntarily fluttered shut as Fred's breath moved from your lips to your neck. "Rubbish, Freddie. I'm such rubbish at using all of this time I've earned. Oh, and Freddie?"

"Yes, love," Fred mumbled against the nape of your neck.

"You've asked a lot of questions, and now it's my turn. When did you start becoming so interested in me?" You let out a soft sound before guiding Fred back into your line of sight. "With all these questions, Freddie, I'm thinking you're maybe only in this friendship for the snogging."

"Caught me," Fred smirked, crashing his lips against yours and pinning harder against the door. Your hands moved faster than your mind, moving from his chest to the back of his neck to his hair.

You pulled away from him, your breath heavy and your body reacting only to the redhead in front of you. "Fred, what are we doing?" You asked, her breathing heavy and feeling intoxicated by the smell of Fred. "You have never been interested in dating or snogging girls in abandoned classrooms."

Fred shook his head and began laughing like you said the world's funniest joke. "Come on, y/n. For someone who is a self-proclaimed hopeless romantic, you are so oblivious. I've never been interested in dating or going around and snogging in an abandoned classroom because you've never been interested."

"Freddie, I've always been interested in you- well, since last year," you grinned, mindlessly running your hands through his hair. "Specifically, at your house when you brought me cookies after getting back from The Cup. You laid in bed with me until I stopped shaking."

Fred involuntarily shivered as you tugged gently on his hair. "I have been waiting to kiss you like that since the moment I learned you're allowed to kiss girls like that," Fred laughed, burying his laughter in the crook of your neck. Fred placed a gentle kiss there before looking up at you and turning solemn. "However, I have been waiting to tell you that you make me crazy since the day you stood on the top of the Gryffindor table in first-year and announced in shock there were two of us, not just me."

"Romantic, Weasley," You grinned, bringing him down to your level. "Sweet and innocent is so attractive on you, and yet-"

"And yet?" Fred questioned, cocking an eyebrow.

"And yet, it isn't what I signed up for," You mumbled, closing the gap between the two of you. Fred grinned against your mouth, placing his hands on your hips and maneuvering you from the wall onto a desk.

"I have a feeling we'll be missing charms class entirely," Fred joked, shrugging off his robes. 

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