fred weasley x reader: the upside of new beginnings

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fred weasley x reader

summary: moving forward is always easier with someone you love by your side

words: 1190

warnings: none

author's note: wow, i suddenly got a itch to write. for people who don't know, this is technically the third part of fred fic series (, ), but this can be read as a stand alone. this is 100% the last fic of this series, and i really hope that all 1190 words built up to the ending all of you wanted - gracie ♡♡


"It's just dinner," you reminded yourself, attempting to lessen your high hopes and settle your nerves. Despite your continued words of reassurance, you knew your attempts were futile. All of the love that you felt, which you thought was long gone, was just as strong as it was when you were a wide-eyed fourth-year. "It's not a life-long promise or a confession of love- just dinner, y/n"

You took a deep breath, smoothing out your hair one more time before stepping away from the mirror to look at yourself. Your anxious thoughts and mental pep talks were cut short by the sound of soft raps against your flat door.

"Hey," Fred breathed, his eyes widening as you cautiously opened the door. "You look breathtaking- quite literally."

"You don't clean up so horribly yourself," you chuckled, stepping out of your flat. You cursed yourself for wearing heels, your legs feeling like jell-o with each step you took. Years had passed since your Hogwarts days, and you've seen more than most your age, but Fred still managed to bring out something lighthearted and youthful in you.

"It feels silly saying this, but I feel like seventeen all over again," Fred chuckled, casually grabbing your hand. "I mean, I've got my own business and own a flat, but being with you just makes time turn back."

You tossed your head back as you laughed, the nervousness melting away at his words. "I feel exactly the same way, honestly. I spent nearly an hour trying to figure out what to wear, and I contemplated owling for advice."

"I thought George was going to knock me out with the way I was pacing in the flat," Fred added, relaxing his shoulders. "He had to send me out of the flat early because I was, 'ruining the carpet.'"

"Oh, we can take the shortcut through the park," you spoke up, leading George away from the busy muggle streets. "I forgot to tell you that your mum owled me and asked if I wanted to come to your family dinner next Friday. I-"

"You don't have to go if you don't want to. My mum is just excited that I'm seeing someone," Fred interrupted, the tips of his ears turning a bright pink color. "I ought to tell her that Alicia and George are dating for him slipping up about our date."

You shook your head, a smile spreading on your face. There was no other way to explain it, except being with Fred felt natural. "I was going to say that I said yes, but don't know what to wear."

"Oh," Fred sighed, his cheeks filling with color. "Honestly, wear something with an expandable waistband- mum will probably feed you until you burst into tears."

"Noted," you giggles, swing your hand that was intertwined with Fred's. "Hey, look a shooting star."

"Make a wish," Fred mumbled, taking his eyes off of the star to look at you.

"I wish that I could go back to our seventh-year and tell myself that everything would work out," you sighed. "So many tears wasted on something that just wasn't meant to be at that moment."

"What are you talking about?" Fred asked, cocking an eyebrow.

"You don't know about what happened between Angelina and me?" You asked, surprised that Angelina hadn't told Fred after they had stopped talking to each other.

"She mentioned that you two had an argument," Fred stated off-handedly. "I didn't know it was that bad- what was it about?"

"You," you stated. "I had loved you years before you and Angelina went out. You and I weren't anything more than friends, and Angelina didn't do anything wrong by dating you, but it just was too much. I-I felt like she betrayed me, even though it wasn't her fault. It seems petty now, but I was hurt back then."

Fred was quiet, both of you wrapped up in thoughts about your seventh-year. "I'm sorry, y/n. I knew you liked me, and I didn't even think about how you would've felt if I dated Angelina. Honestly, I didn't even want to think about you feeling that way about me," Fred spoke carefully, his words sparking your interest. "I felt bad that I didn't like you, you know. You were smart and attractive, but at the time, I just saw you as a friend."

"I know," you whispered, thinking about his words. Something was comforting about getting closure on that part of your life. You always wondered if he knew that you liked him, thinking it might have been a factor in why he never seemed to return your feelings.

"I wish that I would've realized how great you were when we were younger. I feel like we took some sort of crazy path that lead up to where we are instead of apparating," Fred sighed, running a hand through his red hair.

"It's alright, though. I don't think we would've lasted back then, anyway. I had a lot of growing up to do," You reassured the redhead. You hoped you hadn't ruined the date by bringing up what felt like ancient history, but you were glad he knew. That incident had always been a part of the past that you carried around, despite wanting to move on.

"What about now?" Fred asked, his stride beginning to lessen and slow down. "Do you think we'd last now?"

You honestly didn't know; there was something different about yourself since the Battle of Hogwarts. You wanted to promise that you two would last because Merlin knew no one wanted it more, but you couldn't bring yourself to make such a promise.

"I hope you," you thought out loud. "I don't think I'm the same as I was in seventh-year, or even before the war, but I hope so. I'm not as naive or light-hearted, but I like you a lot, and I hope that's enough."

"It's more than enough for me; honestly, a lot of things are enough for me now," Fred replied. "I guess almost dying and losing a leg puts things in perspective, but I think just wanting us to last is enough.."

You stopped, pulling Fred back with you. "We're going to make this last, Fred, because, Merlin, I still feel the same about you. I don't know what it is about you, but I still-"

You were cut off by the soft warmth of Fred's lips on yours. The whole situation was far from the idealized thoughts you had about dating Fred. It wasn't anywhere near perfect- both of you knew that- but it was something better. It was real and sweeter, even with all of the spilled tears and heartache. Deep down, you knew this was what you wanted for the rest of your life.

"I think I'm starting to like all of these new beginnings," Fred whispered breathlessly, pulling away from you. "Come on, let's make our reservation."

You followed behind gladly, leaving behind the lovestruck seventeen-year-old self that you had been holding on to for so long. Instead, you and Fred continued forward, towards the future of more beginnings and unknowns.

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