draco malfoy x reader: the great war

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"My hand was the one you reached for All throughout the Great War" - Taylor Swift

notes: this was an anon request for a third-person draco malfoy fic so enjoy!!

"HE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMED RETURNS." The headline forced witches and wizards everywhere to prepare for the inescapable; they had to make a choice. Muggleborns huddled in the corners of the wizarding world, hands shaking and voices hushed. They had to choose between the fight for their lives or the flight that'll cost them everything. Half-bloods everywhere sat in the kitchen as lights everywhere dimmed and debated their options; fight alongside a child, fight alongside evil, or turn the other cheek. Many closed their eyes in shame at the thought of choosing the latter. Could they turn their cheeks and wipe away the blood— the remorse of playing an 'innocent onlooker?'

Then, some read the headline without internal conflict brewing in their hearts. Harry Potter knew his place; his fate was sealed by a prophecy, and he would carry the weight on his shoulders until the end. Ron Weasley was raised to know this was wrong; his loyalty to Harry, Hermione, and the cause would push him to see it through. Hermione Granger knew what would come of the world if she ran; her identity and belonging to both worlds would give her the courage to finish it.

Then there was Draco Malfoy.

Draco Malfoy knew his place. His fate was sealed by a mark on his parents' arms. He was raised to know that you believe what's wrong if you want to survive. He only had one identity. He was a Malfoy.

Death Eaters, his followers, had been conditioned and told to believe in Voldemort's return. Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott, Y/N Y/L/N, and many others saw the headline and knew what it meant. This was the start of the war they were told to be prepared for. This was the cause that they would lay down their lives for. There was no choice; this was what they were raised for.


"Sometimes, when I lay in your arms, I imagine that we're entirely different people — that we won't have to turn into people we hate whenever he calls." It was a bold statement to say aloud, especially within Hogwart's walls, but y/n could feel that this was the last night. Y/N could feel the burn of their mark intensifying, the tension becoming palpable, and the guilt creeping into their soul.

Draco was quiet, his arms tightening around y/n as their breathing quickened as more time sat between their thoughts and Draco's response.

"I get it," Draco breathed out, breaking the silence and allowing himself to say what he'd been thinking for years. "I used to pretend I was someone else occasionally when I was a child. It's been more frequent since I got the mark. I'll lay awake while you sleep beside me and wonder how I'll beg for forgiveness from our future grandchildren."

"Before they villainize us in textbooks, will they ask why we did it? Will they ask themselves why children were even used in the first place?"

"No, but I ask myself that a lot."

"Do you feel this is the last night we'll have, too?"


"I-I sometimes think that I can't go through with it." Y/N's voice shook as the words tumbled out, ugly and exposing the worst thought imaginable. To their family and to Voldemort, this was a thought of treason. To Draco, this was a thought of unbelievable bravery and stupidity.

Draco pulled away from y/n, his face cold and unreadable. "Stop it. You can't say things like that — not here and not to me."

"Why am I ready to die for a cause that I doubt? Why are you willing? I look at Potter and his little band of misfits whose chances are slim to none, and I wonder how their faith in the cause carries them through. They are laying their lives down for something they believe in, and we're-"

"We're keeping ourselves and our families alive, y/n. My mum and dad are one more mistake away from losing their lives, and I refuse to be that mistake."

"I know our circumstances are different, but I can't help but wonder if my parents wished they had made another choice. I look my dad in the eye and see fear. I don't see loyalty to the cause, and honestly, I don't see loyalty to-"

"I call my you, my followers, and every dark creature that has pledged their loyalty to me. I call you to begin the attack against Hogwarts."

The pain of their marks blinded them; for a moment, the two moved as one. They moved away from each other and towards their wands — in complete unison and with total devotion. The moment lasted less than a minute. Draco was propelled by his family, but y/n was hindered by hesitation.

"I have to go, but we will see each other again. This is the last night before everything changes but not our last night together." Draco grabbed his mother's wand and looked back at y/n momentarily. "I love you."

"I love you, but I'm sorry. I can't do this — Draco, I'm going to fight, but not alongside you." The words hung in the air; Draco and y/n were frozen in time as they shared a bittersweet look.

"I love you," Draco repeated, his eyes glassy. Y/N would have thought it was a parting gift or goodbye, except for the genuine smile. "We will see each other again, and I will tell our grandchildren about how brave you were in this moment."

With that, a sign of hope, Draco apparated. He wasn't sure if he could choose to be as defiant and brave, but for the first time in a long time, he felt rebellion fluttering in his heart. 

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