neville longbottom x reader: like daylight

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neville longbottom x reader

summary: i once believed love would be burning red- t.swift

requested by @chlo333w3asl3y

warnings: none

author's note: this took me so long, and chloe, i apologize for that. i was so nervous to write this, but i'm very proud of how this turned out. however... i do see a very familiar trend that is the great and amazing t swift. i also apologize for her heavy inspiration lol - gracie ♡♡


"Hey, Nev," you hummed, lowering yourself into the spot under the tree and beside Neville, who was carefully tending to a magical plant growing near the edge of the Black Lake.

"Morning," Neville replied absentmindedly, his hand slowly turning over a pale leaf and brushing his fingers on the plant's thin stem. Most people would have felt snubbed by the slight brush-off, but you liked seeing him like this. You liked watching his eyes light up as he observed a plant, and frankly, something was enduring about him being so wrapped up in something he loved.

"Afternoon, actually- you missed lunch," you chuckled, placing a soft hand on his other wrist. The action was subtle and faint, but it still caused butterflies in your stomach. "Anyway, I was thinking that we could walk the grounds. That is if you're finished with that, er, plant."

Neville just chuckled, gently letting go of the plant and brushing his school robes off. "How dare you, y/n?" Neville asked with mock hurt. "You have known me for two years, and you think you need to ask such a foolish thing. Come on, love, I never turn down a walk."

You shook your head at him as you pulled him up from the ground and leading him towards the somewhat unofficial walking path. Silence settled between the two of you, and normally you were the type to ramble on, but with Neville it was different. It always has been different with him.

"Nev, do you think you'll fall in love?" The question tumbled out of your mouth before you could think to stop yourself. "I, um, just, mean, well, you know."

Neville slowed down as tree coverage began to envelop the two of you, taking you away from the castle and towards the edge of the forbidden forest. "Well," Neville started deliberately, "I don't know if I will, but I like to think that I will when we're both ready."

"Oh, so you have someone in mind?" You asked quickly, nervously twisting your hands.

"No, but my parents found true love at Hogwarts, and my gran said that it happened so instantaneously because the time was right," Neville answered earnestly, keeping his eyes focused on the overgrown path ahead. "I don't think that you can fall in love if the timing isn't right."

You hummed in response, keeping at Neville's side. "What do you think love is?"

Neville let out a laugh, a smile spreading across his face and breaking the somber mood. "Shouldn't you know since you never shut up about it, nor do you stop looking for it," Neville gently teased, carefully eying you to make sure you weren't offended by his words.

"Okay, fair point," you chuckled, lightly bumping his shoulder with your own. "However, I want to hear what you think."

Neville stopped, his eyebrows furrowed in contemplation. "I guess that if I were to put it into words, I would say that love should be soft and patient. You always talk about it being red, bright, loud, and just filled with all of this passion, but it can't just be that. Love isn't always loud, and it isn't always there, but it's consistent. It's daylight."

"Daylight," you repeated quietly.

"Yeah, I reckon that sounds a bit stupid, but it should be just like daylight. You know- daylight isn't always bright, but it's always there- it's always present. Even when time passes and dark nights pass, there's a light that tells you it's another day," Neville rambled. "My gran says my dad and mum used to say that daylight is what makes you sane because it means another day to be better. Love should be like that; it should keep you sane and be a reason to be better."

"It should be soft and yet bright," you added, stepping closer to Neville. "I should be taking chances with a boy who saw you at your worst and didn't care because all he saw was you. It should be taking a leap of faith, like how I am now."

You were quicker than Neville's response, your body closing the gap between the two of you and your heart pounding as you pulled him in close.

It wasn't anything magical- there weren't fireworks or an entire frog choir singing, but it was better than anything you thought you wanted. Neville returned the kiss gently and earnestly, his hands finding themselves at your side. Everything about the moment, the kiss, was effortless and natural as if the stars perfectly aligned themselves and time stopped.

Neville was the first to pull away, his fingers tracing patterns on your back as he resting his forehead on yours. You were breathless and craving more as he brushed fallen locks of hair out of your face.

"I get it now," you breathed, placing your hand on his cheek. "I was searching was something that wasn't stable- that wasn't what love should be. Love should be just like you, golden."

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