fred weasley x reader: unofficially official

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requested by anon: "Hello! May i please request a fred x reader where they've been friends for years and everyone knows not to hit on her cause she's 'weasley's girl' (but they're not dating yet). Anyway, its the yule ball and a durmstrang boy asks here and she's like 'no??' And fred's like 'no?!?' And its just sweet and fluffy bc you write amazing soft work and i love it"

words: 1312

warnings: none

author's note: hello, and happy halloween! i absolutely loved this prompt, and it took me like five drafts to get it to this final one (which is by far my favorite). anyways, no fics tomorrow because i'm going out tonight for a little fun, and i probably won't be up for writing tomorrow. don't forget to stay safe tonight- gracie ♡♡


You were never good at getting what you wanted as a kid. You didn't ever want to work hard enough to earn whatever you wanted, like your perfect older sister. And, you never seemed to develop the heart-melting puppy eyes that got your little sister everything she wanted. You never minded, though, until you couldn't get what you really wanted, Fred Weasley.

Fred Weasley was many things- a storm of chaos in the best way, a brilliant wizard with a knack for mischief, and the one thing you couldn't seem to get. Well, at least not officially.

The two of you had been walking the line between 'just friends' and something more since a somewhat tipsy game of spin the bottle. Some days you two would run George out of the Great Hall with your flirting, and other days, you were nothing more than friends. You had always enjoyed your little dance and found it oddly romantic, but now, nearing the end of your Hogwarts years, you wanted more.

Perhaps it was too much to ask from a sixteen-year-old boy, who never showed any interest in committing to anything that wasn't his business, but you could help but want a little reassurance that you two were moving forward instead of two steps back.

"Freddie," you shouted, maneuvering your way around the masses of students and ignoring the rude comments you got for cutting between groups of people. You were oblivious to it, too focused on the identical redheads that were now laughing at your struggle to catch up with them. "Oi, slow down, would you? I have a surprise for you two, and if you two don't slow down, I'll revoke it!"

You came to a walk as the two redheads slowed down, dramatically walking in slow motion. "Slow enough for you, shorty?" Fred asked, sending you a wink.

"Whatever, carrot-head, not everyone is a million meters tall," you huffed, dodging George's hand that was attempting to ruffle your hair. "Hey, watch it, thing two! I spent a good ten minutes getting my hair to look this good."

"Ten minutes spent poorly," George snickered, ignoring your playful swat. "What's your surprise? Are you finally going to give my poor ears a break and stop calling my twin hot?"

"No, I'm not because I have to tell someone Fred's hot," you drawled, stifling a grin. "Now onto me being the perfect Secret, well not-so-secret now, Santa. My older sister sent me a letter, and she was complaining to me like she usually does. Her favorite perfumery closed in Diagon Alley to move to France or something. It took her nearly three rolls of parchment to even ask how I am! Anyway, that doesn't matter because what does matter is that there is a brilliant corner store available for you two."

"You're perfect, did you know that?" Fred smiled, wrapping his arms around you and spinning you around. "You're the most brilliant person in the world, and I love- how amazing you are."

"You flatter me, Fred, but I'm not the one who'll be a proud owner of a Diagon Alley store," you giggled, stumbling a little when Fred set you down. "What the actual surprise is my Christmas present to you, which is- drum roll, please-"

"Brrrr," Fred imitated as George pretended to play the drums.

"I paid rent for it under your names until the end of the school year," you announced, watching George light up and Fred's face drop.

"Damn, Freddie, I might have to steal y/n from you," George joked, wrapping you into a friendly hug.

"You shouldn't have, y/n. I can't imagine how much that cost you," Fred frowned, pursing his lips together. "We'll pay you back- you know that, right?"

"You absolutely will not, Fred Weasley. My mum and dad give me 15 galleons a week for my allowance- you realize that it more than enough money for a few sugar quills," you stated, placing your hands on your hips. "Besides, it is an investment in a business that I am sure will grow like crazy."

Fred broke into a small smile, wrapping his arms around you and bringing you into his chest. You smiled at his gesture, enjoying the all too familiar scent of bonfire smoke and spun sugar. "I don't know what I would do without you in my life," Fred mumbled into your ear, making you chuckle.

"I like hearing you say that, Freddie," you admitted, pulling back from Fred once George started to make gagging noises. "Well, Happy Christmas, boys."

You couldn't help but smile as the boy launched into an excited conversation about how they would set up the store. "Excuse me," a voice spoke up, causing you to turn around to face a familiar Durmstrang boy. "You are the girl in front of me in Potions, no?"

"Yes, you're, um, Novak, right?" You smiled, turning around to look at the twins who had stopped not far behind you. "Did you need help with the assignment?"

"No, I find you beautiful, and you can call me Nole," the boy stated casually. "You find me handsome, no?"

"Er, well, I-" You stumbled over your words, somewhat startled by his upfront manner. You turned around to see Fred's face just as shocked as you felt. "I think you are quite fit, I guess."

"Good, we go to the Yule Ball together then?"

"What? No? I don't- I'm sorry, I think I was confused with where our conversation was going," you gasped, shaking your head. You sent a pleading glance at Fred, who seemed to be frozen in either anger or shock.

"You have a boyfriend?" Nole asked, cocking an eyebrow in confusion at your sudden change in tone.

You stared at the Durmstrang boy, unsure what to say. At Hogwarts, it was easy- every simply knew you were off-limits. You and Fred were unofficially official, so you rarely had to deal with getting asked out or even hit on. "Yes- I mean, no. I'm sorry, Nole, it's complicated."

"I don't understand- you don't date me?"

"No, Nole, she dates me," Fred cut in, walking up to your side and wrapping his arm around your waist. "We've been together for years now, and we're going to the Yule Ball together."

You looked up at Fred, his face set in a rigid scowl, but his hand gently tracing shapes against your side.

"I do not think I understood your English, but I now understand you are not available. Have a good day, potions girl.," Nole grunted, turning around and disappearing amongst the crowd of students.

"So, we're dating, are we?" You asked nonchalantly, attempting to not run off and scream in excitement with Angelina and Katie.

"Well, um, I mean, we can if you want to," Fred stuttered, ignoring George's not-so-stifled snickers. "I mean, I was going to ask you at the Yule Ball, but it's apparent that Dumstrang students haven't been told you're mine."

"I don't know, Freddie," you started teasingly, "dating you means I can't sneak into abandoned classrooms with other guys anymore."

"Please, y/n, there isn't an abandoned classroom that you could snog in without thinking about all the things we've done in there," Fred stated proudly, brushing off your joke.

"You're right, I'll just have to take them to the astronomy tower," you sighed dreamily, winking at George. "It's a much nicer view anyway."

"Not after tonight, you can't," Fred quipped, grabbing your hand and dragging you towards the astronomy tower.

"Merlin, y/n, you can take back the shop! All I want for Christmas is that image out of my mind," George shouted at you two. "Hey, be safe, you two. You can't fit into your dress robe, y/n if you get pregnant!"

"Sod off," you and Fred yelled together, disappearing down the corridor and towards the astronomy tower.

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