george weasley x reader: written in the stars

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george weasley x reader

requested by anon: Hi lovely! I saw your requests are opened. Can I get a George Weasley x reader with prompts 13 and 30 from your list? Thank you!!

#13: "So, I like to overthink things! It's not going to kill me unless, of course, I have to pick between two things, or else I die."

#30: "Don't smile at me like that- I'm trying to focus."

author's note: thank you? is that enough to say to someone who suggested a prompt that ended up with this fic? i absolutely loved writing this! ugh, i wish boys in vermont were like george. also (surprise, surprise) i forgot to edit this - gracie ♡♡


You were exhausted. N.E.W.Ts were coming up, and there was no chance in hell that you were going to do well enough to please your mum and dad. No matter how many hours you slaved over your textbooks or how many tears you cried over the Herbology jargon, you doubted you were going to get more a four O's.

"Hello, love," George cheered, sitting next to you with a too-familiar grin. It was a shit-eating, I-just-caused-Peeves-to curse Umbridge sort of smile, and it was the last thing you needed.

"George, I have to study," you stated in a stern tone, filing through the various pieces on parchment sprawled around you. "I love you, but my mum will kill me if I don't get the N.E.W.Ts to be a healer."

"Hm, I guess- if I have to- I can wait until we walk to Transfiguration to tell you about what Fred and I have decided on," George pouted, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms over his child like a toddler put in time out.

You offered the redhead a thankful smile, pleased with his answer. It was the perfect answer, but something about the fact that your trouble-making boyfriend was so quick to sit quietly left you unsettled. You suddenly found yourself more distracted than you should've been, stealing glances at the boy between paragraphs.

"Don't do that," you finally commanded, pointing your finger accusingly at the ginger.

"Don't do what, love? Radiate handsomeness?" George asked, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Don't smile at me like that- I'm trying to focus," you huffed, propping a book between you and George.

"Sorry, love, I didn't realize that loving you was so distracting," George teased, his handing finding his way on your thigh.

You shook your head, trying to find anything but amusement in his actions. It was clear that you weren't going to get anything done at this rate, especially not with his fingertips tracing shapes on your leg. "You win, Wesley this time," You surrendered, cleaning up your table. "What is that you wanted to tell me?"

George beamed at you, quickly jumping to his feet and helping you pack up all of your books. "I can't tell you in the library- it's against all of my morals," George stated, shoving a few books into your hand before dragging you out towards the courtyard.

"Hm, it didn't realize you had morals," you teased, trying to keep up with the towering boy's long strides. As annoyed as you were at yourself for letting the charming redhead interrupt your studies, you couldn't find it in yourself care enough to break away from George's grip.

"Haha, you're so funny, y/n," George deadpanned, setting you down on a stone bench in the courtyard. "Now, y/n y/l/n, I'm about to ask you something that will change our relationship entirely. I know that it may seem like I'm rushing things-"

"No, no, no, no, no. You are not allowed to propose to me, George Fabian Weasely. We're too young. You have no income- I have no income. George, I love you, I swear, but if you get down on one knee, I'll punch you. Oh god, what would my mum say if she found out? Oh, Merlin," you rambled, wringing your hands in your lap.

"Y/N, you're overthinking this. I'm not-"

"Of course, I'm overthinking it, George. I want to marry you, but the logical side of me is telling me this irresponsible. And, so I like to overthink this! It's not going to kill me unless, of course, I have to pick between two things, or else I die," you mused aloud, your heart pound against your chest. "But, in that case, I guess I would have to-"

"Will you move in with me after you graduate Hogwarts?" George interrupted, his ears tinted pink.

You opened your mouth only to have the words stuck in your throat. You had always been the less romantic of the two, the one who never made the first move, and more than anything, the one who insisted you two go slowly. Yet, when George didn't ask you to marry him, disappointment filled you, and the world seemed to have shattered.

It was irresponsible to rush into marriage- the mature side of you told you that much- but you couldn't help but wish he was on one knee. "I- yes, I will," You replied when you realize George was staring at you expectantly.

"I thought you would be more excited, love," George frowned, sitting next to you. "I know that it's fast, and you're always going on about taking everything slowly so that it won't end up like your sister's marriage, but it feels right. It feels like even Ron, who is rubbish at Astronomy, can see it's written in the stars."

You gave the redhead a half-hearted smile, feeling embarrassed. "I am excited, and I'm proud that you finally found a place for your shop," you shrugged, resting your head on George's shoulder.

"Please, y/n, I know you better than I know Zonko's products," George scoffed, nudging you gently. "Come on, love, tell me what's wrong."

"I think I wanted you to propose," you mumbled before shoving your face into his shoulder. Merlin, he was your boyfriend, but somehow the thought of you wanting to get married to him made you feel like a tiny first-year.

George kept silent for a moment, trying to suppress the giddiness he felt because- thank Merlin- you were near the same page as him. He knew that he wanted to marry you since fourth-year when you charmed Mrs. Norris blue. All he was waiting for was you to feel the same way.

"George, say something," you pled, the two of you ignoring the students rushing to their next class.

"I don't know what there is to say," George stated plainly. "I've wanted to marry you the day I met you! All you need to say is the word, and I'll get down on one knee."

His words filled you with love; you didn't know how to explain it besides pure, unadulterated love. "I-I- didn't know you felt that way," you stuttered, tears starting to pool in your eyes.

"Of course, y/n! I have only been talking off Fred's ear about you for the past three years. Blimey, love, my mum has already decided how to hyphenate our last names. I want you to be with me forever," George chuckled, the words rolling off his tongue as if it were the easiest thing to say.

You smiled at him- your mind made up. "Marry me, George Fabian Weasley. Marry me the moment this stupid war is over, and make my day by letting me wake up next to you every morning."

George chuckled, his eyes starting to tear up. "Can you do it again, but on your knee?" George choked out, wrapping his arms around you.

"Shut up," you teased, pulling away from the hug and kissing him on his freckled cheek.

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