george weasley x reader: that's the pointe

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george weasley x reader

requested by anon: "Hello!! Could u write a weasley twin (it doesn't matter which) one where the readers muggleborn and a ballerina. And they learn that by some incident (maybe shes showing angelina and alicia her point shoes that were accidentally packed or smth?) anyway she just sorta shows them what she can do and they swoon or what not??"

words: 1217

warnings: none except i didn't proofread it

author's note: first off, i tend to stay more gender neutral, but this definitely feels more feminine. you can definitely still read this no matter gender, but just a heads up. secondly, this was a load of fun to write because -fun fact- i was a ballet dancer when i was a kid, and i did pointe for a few years. i actually wasn't as good as my older sister, so i decided to focus on my two main hobbies/sports, tennis and violin. i also know this is a little niche-y, but i really hope you can enjoy this anyways -gracie ♡ ♡


"I bet falling in love feels like the best thing in the world," Angelina sighed out of nowhere, eliciting a scoff from Fred, who was leaning against a wall across the room. "Shove it, Weasley, I'm not joking around- not that you know what that means. We are all of-age now, and-and we'll soon be falling in love, and, ugh, I want it."

"Please, Angie, you say that, but the moment a boy gets interested, you swerve," Katie laughed, tossing a piece of popcorn at the daydreaming Gryffindor. "Not to mention, it's always, 'Quidditch. Quidditch. Quidditch.' And that's coming from me!"

"Yeah, remember when I took you to the Yule Ball," Fred spoke up from the other side of the Gryffindor Common Room. "I offered you a snog, and you passed!"

"Yes, because getting offered to be snogged in an abandoned classroom is the same as falling in love," Angelina deadpanned, tossing her parchment to the side.

"Falling in love feels like being breathless and being able to breathe for the first time all at once," you mentioned offhandedly, placing the end of the sugar quill in your mouth. "Time doesn't stop like they say, though. Instead, it's more of a- elongation of the usual amount of seconds in a minute. What did you get for number seven, Katie?"

"Y/N, I know that you did not just declare you've been in love, then asked about Transfiguration?" Angelina hissed, running over to your side and sliding onto the couch beside you. "Spill already- I want to know more- no, I want to meet them."

"It's not like that, Angelina," you sighed, setting down your textbooks and pulling out your pointe shoes from your bags. "But, since you insist, this is Suffolk."

"What is that? I mean, I see you owl, Clara, deliver them like every other week, but what are they?" Katie asked, rushing to the other side of you. "What do they do?"

You couldn't help but laugh, slipping off your bunny slippers. "It's not what they do, but what you do in them," You stated, reciting your ballet teacher's favorite saying. You slid on your toe spacers and pads before beginning to lace up the pointe shoes. "I'll show you."

You walked over to the small clearing- the sound of the blocked toe hitting the wood floor, easing your nerves. You closed your eyes, the vision of a stage forming in mind. You didn't need music- not anymore- you knew your favorite routines like the back of your hand. You took a deep breath and began to dance Natalia Osipova's infamous Esmerelda's first dance.

Once you started with the temps levé sautés, your mind when back to when you first fell in love with ballet. You owed finding your true love to your parents, who had taught you to read music better than a novel and took you to Swan Lake in hopes of getting you into orchestral music. Instead, you fell in love with the dancers, who floated across the stage and practically made you dance in the aisle.

You ended the dance with a port de bras, extending your arms gracefully and letting out a breath you didn't realize you were holding. "So, Angelina, what do you think about my true love?" You asked with a soft chuckle. Angelina just stared at you, her eyes wide and her mouth agape.

"How could you not tell me you could do that?! When you said you wanted to go back to the muggle world to dance at a company- I thought you were just too embarrassed to say you didn't know what you wanted to do! You're amazing," Angelina rambled, a smile spreading across her face. "Can you do a big one of those leaps?"

"Well, duh, that's only the best part besides handsome ballet partners who dance with you," you joked, setting up your grand jete with a few pique turns. You began to set up your leap when you noticed Fred and George had moved away from the wall. "George, watch out!"

You closed your eyes, preparing for the impact, but it didn't come. Instead, you felt a warm part of hands support wrap around your waist. "I saw what you just did- I didn't know you could do that," George breathed, his hands holding you up. "It was amazing- I've never seen anything like it before, you know."

"I guess you've been missing out then, George," you whispered, a few strands of hair falling out of your makeshift bun. "Although, I will stay that you'd make quite the ballet dancer. I guess better than me- I honestly didn't mean to run into you."

"It wasn't all your fault; I saw you coming, and I hardly even moved," George chuckled, the warmth of his breath causing you to look down.

Your eyes roamed to where George's hands were still firmly placed on your waist, keeping you close. Your thoughts began to run, and once they went to ideas about what else his hands could do, you snapped your head up. "Why?" You asked, wanting to think about anything else.

"Fred and I were testing out a new product, and well, I guess it delays reactions," George shrugged, the tip of his ears turning pink.

"Sure, blame the products," Fred quipped up, popping his head over his brother's shoulder. "I had enough sense to move out of the way, but I wasn't ogling at-"

"Sod off," George interrupted, tossing his hands into the air, causing you to lose your balance. "Oh, sorry, y/n. I've got you."

You looked up, your eyes meeting with George's. "I-um-I should finish McGonagall's homework," you hummed, suddenly feeling out of breath. "I'll see you around at DA?"

"Yeah, I have to study to- well- no, not actually," George stuttered, quickly looking away from you. "Listen, I won't be around here much longer, but, uh, I'll be at Diagon Alley. If you know, you ever want to, well-"

"Oh, Merlin, George, this is painful," Fred groaned, walking up to George's side and wrapping an arm around his shoulder. "Y/N, we'll be at 93 Diagon Alley, setting up our own shop. Swing by some time, take George out for a date and make sure he's home by 10. Sounds good?"

You let out a chuckle, stepping away from George and immediately missing the heat. "Yeah, that does sound good," you grinned, watching George quickly wave off Fred.

"I was getting there, Fred," you heard George grumbled before turning back to you. "I would like to go out with you sometime. I know it's not ideal with, well, you know, but it'd be nice."

"Yeah, it would. Maybe I can take you to your first ballet," you smiled, looking down at your hands.

"Only if you're dancing in it."

"Okay, it's a date," you beamed.

"Seal it with a kiss?" George smirked, tapping his lips with his finger. "It makes it very official!"

You tossed your head back, a loud laugh slipping out of your lips. "Yes, I do believe I read it's more official than an unbreakable vow," you teased, leaning into George's side. You quickly brushed your lips against his freckled cheek, heating your face. "You can't back out now, Weasley, it's official."

"Well, of course, y/n! that was the point."

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