oliver wood x reader: swimming with mermaids

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oliver wood x slytherin reader

requested by anon: "Hii! I've just discovered your blog and saw that your requests are open. I don't know if you write for Oliver Wood, but if you do, could you do something with the prompts 22 and 8. Maybe the reader is a slytherin, pretty ambitious, sarcastic but an introvert. Thank you so much!"

#8: "You have younger siblings? Your parents had you and decided they wanted to risk having a spawn of satan again?"

#22: "I can fix this- I was really good at fixing things! At least, I was when I was a kid. However, this looks more complicated than my brother's Legos."

words: 1387

warnings: i think one baby curse

author's note: i'm not going to lie, i don't know if i got oliver wood's mannerisms right because even though i love harry potter, i just cannot really remember what type of person he was. in my mind he's confident and kinda of a golden boy, but in the captain of the football team/ you belong with me by taylor swift way. idk but i hope it was enjoyable - gracie ♡♡


Merlin, you hated quidditch season. You didn't mind the sport or the pro season, but there was something about acne-ridden Hogwarts players with house rivalries that left you in a terrible mood. "No, Eliza, I will not go watch the pointless Slytherin game," you groaned, weaving through the crowds of students. "Everyone at Hogwarts acts as though it's life or death- I mean, it's just quidditch."

"Do you have no house spirit?" your roommate asked, nimbly following behind you, despite your desperate attempt to escape the girl. "Come on, y/n, one game. I swear I won't ever bug you about it again if you just go to one game and cheer on Marcus Flint with him."

"I would rather choke on a pumpkin pastry," you bit back, promptly stopping in your tracks and turning to stare at the blonde. "Bugger off, 'mkay? The Hogwarts Quidditch Cup is just a way for teenagers to put time on the field instead of broom closets. Now, I am going to the Black Lake to finish my book, and I would appreciate it if you would leave alone."

"Whatever. Just know that if you ever need me to cover for you, I'll bring this up," Eliza huffed, walking away with her hair angrily swaying with each step she took.

"She'll see a cute boy and snap out of her pissed mood," you stated to yourself, the slight pang of guilt quickly dissipating.

You made your way to the Black Lake, finally free of constant badgering and the stress that came with being stuck in a castle with hormonal teens. With the N.E.W.Ts quickly approaching and everyone panicking over Sirius Black, it felt like the only time you had to yourself was on weekend afternoons. And, frankly, not even Merlin himself could make you give it up for a few hours of quidditch.

"Oi, watch out," a voice shouted. It was too late- by the time you looked up, a charmed quaffle knocked the book of your hands and into the black lake. "My quaffle!"

"Your quaffle? My Book! Pince is going to kill you when I tell her what happened," you argued back, pushing yourself off the ground to confront the approaching Gryffindor.

"Fine, we'll worry about your book first," the Gryffindor, who you recognized as Oliver Wood, huffed. You glared at the scarlet-clad boy as he summoned your ruined book out of the lake. "Oh, er, that's not great."

"Oh, god, I'm dead," you gasped, staring at the soaking book with leaking ink. "I swear to Merlin, Oliver Wood, if Pince kills me, I'm going to haunt you for all eternity."

"Woah, come on, y/n, let's not go there," Oliver reasoned casually, mumbling a drying charm. "Oh no, I don't think I should've done that when the ink was also wet."

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