chapter 6

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That morning I woke up quite early, it was just before sunrise.

I got some food and drinks together for sasuke and I while we trained. We met at the training field.

" this brings back memories. Doesn't it sasuke?" I said, remembering the first day of training.

" yea. Naruto was so reckless then."

" he isn't named the hyper-active knucklehead ninja for nothing." I laughed.

" you make a point there." Sasuke replied. " let's get training shall we."

Sasuke and I first worked on hand-to-hand combat, or tijutso, to get a better feeling at our fighting styles, who was more force than speed, more agile than strong. In other words we evaluated each other. After gaining a few bumps and bruises, we talked about our fighting styles and disscused our technigue. Sasuke had more force and speed in his attacks while I had more force and agility. In other words I could perform more attacks at once than sasuke.

We then moved on to ninjutsu, we performed the fireball jutsu to again evaluate our jutsu. I had more speed and control over my fire while sasuke again had speed and force. Next was my own little plan.

" hey sasuke, there is something else I'd like to try." I started while we took a break.

" yea," sasuke breathed. He had used a lot of chakra.

" tomorrow I would like to try fusing our chakra together to make one large amount and be able to perform more powerful jutsu. Its only a theory it might work. Last night I was thinking about it. And I even figured out how to we might be able to fight while we had fused chakra." I explained. I'll admit I sounded a little like a teacher.

" wow, that's actually a good idea. And it would not only improve the team itself but our teamwork as well."

" exactly, and if we get it down fast enough, and easy enough, perhapse sakura and naruto could give it a shot." I wondered out loud. " they always seemed like brother and sister to me. and even though its not by blood, they kind of are."

" yea, I'll agree to that."

I put my hand on sasukes shoulder." And though its not by blood we are all family." I said lovingly. Nine tails or not, naruto will always be family to me. And whether sasuke will want to destroy the leaf, he will be family too.

" hey, why don't we try fusing, or at least controlling our chakra now. We still got time." Sasuke offered.

" sure." I answered.

We tried fusing our chakra by first collecting and containing our chakra. We then let it out of ourselves and tried to find each other, using our chakra. But instead of finding sasuke, I found a much larger chakra hidden in the trees.

There I though as I threw a kuni and 2 shuriken at the spot. The figure dodged the attack and came into view.

" very good, even I didn't expect that." Said someone as they came into view. It was tsunade.

" l...lady tsunade!?!" I said astounded at what I'd done. I'd just technically attacked the 5th hokage. " please forgive me."

" relax, I was expecting it anyway. I like to watch the genuine train, and see how seriously they take being a ninja." Tsunade said.

Sasuke was suprised to see tsunade and said nothing. So I put my hand on his shoulder again to calm him.

" that was well said about your team mates Elizabeth. I am glad you think of naruto as family." Tsunade commented, a smile on her face.

" thank you." I said.

" well, I won't bother you guys any further. I'll take my leave now." And with those words, tsunade left.

" how did you do that so calmly? I mean a visit from the 5th. That's big." Sasuke said after a few minutes of silence.

" I don't know really. I just, wasn't too suprised." I shrugged.

" well, its almost sunset. I think I'll turn in." Sasuke said." See ya tomorrow." He leaned in and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

" I think I'll turn in as well." I replied. We hugged and we left. Walking in silence, I got to my house. I brushed my fingertips over my cheek, it really was heaven. Because sasuke uchiha just kissed my cheek. If only I could tell my friends in the real world. They would hate me for all eternity.

The days past by quickly for sasuke and I. We got fusing our chakra down in about a week. We were still working on it and handled small missions on the side.

3 weeks past and I was living the dream.but then, I was hit with a flashback one morning.

I was at the uchiha housing district gate, caution tape everywhere.I was 6 at the time and I saw sasuke under a tree, so I walked over to him. Sadness crept along with rage in the atmosphere.

" sasuke," I said after the flashback passed. I'd known what it meant. Today was the anniversary of the massacre. Sasuke and I would sit vigil the whole day and some of the night, honoring our clans deaths.

So I went to sasukes house to pick him up, sorrow and grief filling the atmosphere once again. We walked in silence to the uchiha graveyard, holding hands.

We sat there the entire day. Our hands just touched each other. At night, just before we were going to leave, sasuke stopped.

" Elizabeth," sasuke said.

" yes sasuke, what is it."

" I love you."

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