chapter 18

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Back to me

I'd felt chakra nearby, it was faint but I knew it was there. And it was sasukes.

Thank god my plan worked. I can't stand being with such a depressing crowd.

Kabuto seemed to notice I had a bit of excitement and relief in my eyes. And asked why I was suddenly happy.

" well," I started casually." You guys are letting me just follow you, and I'm memorizing the rout as we walk. And you guys switch hidouts every what, week or so. And the leaf ninja already know where the southern hideout is. And we all know I'm not staying forever." I explained. I was now planning to make travelling slower now.

" lord oruchimaru. She makes a valid point. We can't just let her walk freely like this, she could escape or worse." Kabuto said.

" fine, get the bandages, and blindfold her."

While kabuto was searching for the bandages, I performed my trick. Directing my words towards sasuke.

" don't come much closer," I started." I can feel your chakra and I'm fine. I'll give you the signal when I can escape these wierdos. Please stop moving."

Sasukes chakra stopped getting closer, it was now in one place. I'd left a tunnel of chakra for him to speak.

" thank goodness your alive. I got the memo. I'm telling the others now." Sasuke said.

I breathed a sigh of relief. Kabuto heard me but didn't ask. He just came up behind me and covered my eyes.

" let's go." Kabuto said.

We started walking again. Kabuto was behind me, directing my body so that I didnt walk into a tree. I had a bandage on my arm covering the wound from earlier. It had suddenly began bleeding, blood was everywhere and it was big mess.

" I know about your little plan." Kabuto whispered." And I must say, I didn't think one such as you could think that thoroughly."

" well when a girl such as myself has as much time on her hands as I did, one can think many things." I said softly.

" your sound trick is impressive as well." Kabuto said.

" tell me," I started. " why aren't you warning oruchimaru we're being followed?"

" because no matter what," kabuto said, he pulled himself closer to me so that he could whisper in my ear." Your still going to stay captive with us. And there is nothing your little friends can do about it." He said. He'd gotten so close I could feel his warm breath down my neck, even his gray hair brushed my shoulder, and his cheek even brushed against mine.

" still trying to make me crack I see."

" I did say by all means necessary."

" hmph." I said, I'd done nothing while his little whisper thing was going on. I'd just stood there, and walked as if that kind of thing happened every day.

Kabuto pulled away, saying one last thing while doing so." I'll be expirementing my own interrogation techniques on you."

" I can't wait." I said to mock him. But I think I only made things get awkward.

That night I told sasuke using my trick to lay low and stay away but close by for a few more days. I hadn't said anything about kabuto and his "interrogation techniques" so not to worry him. He understood and his chakra was growing weaker, he was pretending not to be there.

Good work sasuke, you kept your cool and didn't freak out. I'm happy for you.

The next morning sasukes chakra had completely dissapeared. He was just far enough away. Even kabuto couldn't sense him.

Later on in the day towards noon kabuto again came closer to me from behind, still directing my path from being blindfolded, he spoke in soft tones.

" looks like your little sasuke gave up his search for his beloved, he must think your dead." Kabuto mocked.

" or he hasn't and he knows not to mess with such strong ninja," I played along. Kabuto may have been sounding seductive, but I didn't care. Its not like he was going to do anything. I think he'd only go as far as a peck to the cheek, or pin me to the wall.  which in my book was nothing to think about greatly.

Kabuto didn't do anything else for the rest if the day. I was glad because I did find it creepy, but no matter what, if possible, a ninja must never show weakness, that was how I'd kept me cool.

That night new chakra entered my thoughts. As I'd felt sasukes yesterday I'd also felt sakura, naruto, kakashi and kiba as well. But this one was someone else's, I couldn't place straight away, until a few minutes past. It was itachis chakra.

" itachi I'm perfectly fine." I said using my trick, I really needed a name for it," listen I know kisame isn't with you. But I can handle this."

" fine, I just needed to know your unharmed." Itachi said softly through my chakra tunnel.

" look the more I find out about oruchimaru with perfectly good exuces,the more I don't have to act." I told him." Just trust me on this one."

" alright. I will." Itachi said. Then left.

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