chapter 15

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" what the, who is this guy." Neji said.

" the guy I mentioned fighting." I told him." Do not take him lightly, neji, Hinata. He attacks with both long and close range. He uses his bones as weapons and shields as his clans gekegenki(again, sorry for spelling mistakes.). He majors in tijutsu and ninjutsu."

" still not afraid to run your informational mouth I see. A very attracting trait for lord oruchimaru." Kimimaru mused.

" shut up you boney slug." I mocked.

" hey, slugs don't have bones,"

" then let's use the bones to represent you chance of catching me. Well, sinse slugs have no bones, you have no chance." I said tauntingly.

" I'm gonna enjoy killing you."

" not if your illness gets you first." I said." That's right asshole! I know about your little illness. And how weak you can get if your out for too long."

Neji and Hinata got the message I was giving and understood that we needed to buy time.

Kimimaro was suprised at my threat." Damn it" he muttered.

" listen kimimaro, oruchimaru feels no pity for you. He only let's you live because your a sacrificial pawn. I know your life is sad and full of hate. Your parents and clan were murdered for their power, and at such a young age you were placed in a cage and tortured." I said. I was buying time without causing a fight. Any time I could kill, even with nonsense talk was worth it." Then oruchimaru came and found you had exceptional abilities, he only saved you for your body. And you thought he really cared and vowed to serve him as payment for your dept."

" shut up you little brat!!" Kimimaro rushed towards me, a bone spike in his palm.

I dodged it easily but was not aware of how he approached, he came and he was ready for me to evade his first attack, and he punched my back. Blood came out of my mouth, I was sent flying to a tree, I had just enough strength to land standing on the trees trunk and fell in pain.

Damn, he's not a clone. And we can't win this like this. Damn it where is sasuke when I need him. We could make this easier. But I haven't the time to sit here and do nothing.

I got up and though I coughed up a little blood, I was fine.

Hinata and neji werent doing too well. Neji was already full of cuts and scrapes, along with Hinata. And kimimaro was having a blast.

Fire style: fire ball jutsu! I thought as I weaved the signs. The fireball I'd created was bigger than I'd thought, and it was focused right to kimimaro. He was engulfed in the flames and I had fused some of my chakra into he flames so he would stay engulfed, he was for 4 seconds until the flames died. He fell to the ground, burns across his face and chest from what I could see.

" wow, that was amazing," Hinata said.

" don't get too excited, that's only the preshow, the grand finale starts now." I said limping over to neji and Hinata.

" damn that's annoying" kimimaro said, getting up." Didn't think I'd need to do this so quickly."

(Get ready for a real twist in the story)

Kimimaro went into spinal sword mode, he had bone spikes along his arms.

" guys, he now attack mainly from close range and is very powerfull. I would suggest we work together here." I said. I went into sharingahn mode, neji and Hinata were already in byakugahn mode.

" your intell sharing is getting really annoying." Kimimaro said. I could tell he was growing weak.

Kimimaro rushed towards me and the others, his sword at hand. He cut us many times before we got a scratch on him. But neji soon found an opening and was going all gentle fists on him. After he performed the 8 trigrams kimimaro was sent flying towards Hinata who also perfomes her 8 trigrams, which is awesome if I may add.

Kimimaro was hurt pretty badly after that. And his illness didn't make him any better. I had thought we had a chance to get away before he suddenly was filled with so much energy he used emense speed to knock out Hinata, then neji shortly after. I was left alone. On a dirt path with him.

" no where to run, no where to go. Just come quietly and easily." Kimimaro breathed.

I too was breathing heavily." Never, I'd die first."

" well your of no use dead so I'll just take you by force then." Kimimaro said.

I couldn't move, my body was too heavy, I'd lost a lot of chakra, and blood.

I'm sorry...sasuke

I was then also knocked out by kimimaro.

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