chapter 9

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" ah, a long distance mission." Naruto mused.

I walked in silence, thinking of new ways to control my chakra. Sasuke walked beside me. I'd flare my eyebrows up with a sudden theory then relax again in a milisecond.

" what are you thinking about?" Sasuke asked.

" new ways I might be able to control my chakra, just board I guess." I said with a smile. " its fun thinking about jutsu and chakra. And time consuming."

" so what's your idea?"

" I have a thought that if we could form our chakra into air under our feet, pushing us upward, we could float almost and approach enemies stealthier. Nifty huh?" I explained.

" that's a good idea, anything else."

"Aside from that, only one, which kind of molds into multiple." I said." I'd also been thinking about how we can us the fireball jutsu by transforming our chakra into fire and exhaling out of our mouths, that we might even be able to emitt fire, in this case, from our hand or foot." I explained. I'd been thinking of avatar the last airbender, and came up with the idea.

At sunset I'd told everyone about my ideas, kakashi seemed quite interested.

" that sounds like a good idea. And you had thought it through" kakashi complimented. "Not many think it through as thoroughly as you did."

" thanks kakashi sensei." I said." I was just board to tell you the truth."

" you were board, and you thought about that?" Sakura said confused.

"Heh, heh, yea."

" alright everyone that's enough talk, get some sleep." Kakashi ordered. So everyone got ready and went to sleep.

The next morning I got up first. It was bafore sunrise so I sat up and waited a little bit. Only to realize we were being stalked, by a pack of wolves.

I searched the area with my chakra to calculate how many there were. At least 10 to 15 I couted. A fairly large pack. These were smart k-9's.

" kakashi, naruto, sakura, sauke." I whispered." Don't make any sudden moves. We are being stalked by at least 15 wolves."

They each shifted, they either heard me and understood, or didn't at all.

" I got the memo," sasuke said, lying next to me.

" same here" kakashi whispered.

" I got the message." Sakura said.

" guys, I got this. I've been working on something else with my chakra. But be ready if things go wrong." I said.

I focused my chakra to my mouth and whistled, no sound exiting my mouth, until far in the distance, I heard a sound which sounded like a wimmpering pup. I thought it might cause the wolves to get distracted long enough but they didn't move. So I did it again, only with a bark, for warning. The sound echoed from a long distance away. About 7 wolves left.

Great, 8 more to go. This is working better than I thought.

I did my trick again only this time sounding like a human saying help, a child. 3 wolves backed away. Only 5 left. Lastly I did my trick same as before, with a warning bark. The rest of the wolves backed away and  none were around them.

A few minutes later, I gave the all clear. Everyone got up except naruto. He was still sleeping. So I performed my trick once again saying ichiraku ramen. Which woke him up instantly.

" ramen!" He said happily looking around after he woke up. " hey! That's. Not fair!"

" hey I just saved our asses." I said mockingly. " 15 or so wolves were just stalking us. Had I not known my trick, we would be dog food."


I told naruto what happened and how I performed my trick by covering the sound with chakra, and then releasing it far away.

" that was brave of you, Elizabeth. I am proud at how well you handled the situation. You knew 15 wolves was too much to handle and deceived them. Good work." Kakashi said. " now everyone, pack up your things and let's go."

" what about breakfast??" Naruto whinned.

" there is a town not far from here, we can eat there." Kakashi informed.

" hey Elizabeth," sakura said.

" yea sakura, what's up."

" how did you know how many wolves were there?"

" simple" I started." I exended my chakra outwards and besides bushes and trees I felt the wolves interfering with the chakra trail." I explained.

Sakura looked a little surprised, and here I was thinking she and kakashi were the chakra experts of the team.

The next few days of traveling were easy. No one and nothing bothered us. All was good and enjoyable. We got to a point near the sea we were supposed to cross according to the witness. But a very thick fog blocked our path.

" what thick fog. Can we go through it?"

" no sakura. We might injure ourselves or fall into a trap." Kakshi said.

I luaghed a little. I just couldn't help it. "Its a seal. This fog is abnormal." I said.

" and that's something to luagh about." Naruto said irritably.

" sorry, it was just so obvious. Think about it, a witness sees a man suspected to be Oruchimaru in these parts, he or she never mentioned a thick patch of fog. So to be smart, Oruchimaru would put a seal to stop trespassers from snooping around." I explained. " I'm sorry but to me its odvious. And like kakashi said even if it were just simple fog, we might trip into a trap. One that could very well cost our lives."

" she makes a point. This area doesn't seem to have the environment to have such thick fog." Sasuke said to back me up. I smiled in his direction.

Kakashi then told me to look around with my chakra for any tags to break the jutsu.

"Over there to the north, there behind that tree, and one on a rock on the beach." I told him. He sent sasuke and sakura to look for them and went as well, leaving naruto and I to wait for a minute.

" how come I can't go?" Naruto whinned.

" your clumsy, you might stumble upon a trap and possibly make this jutsu harder to break." I explained. " naruto trust kakashi, he knows what he's doing."

" but still, sometimes I feel like I'm just dead weight" naruto replied in depression.

I placed my hand on his shoulder to comport him. " Naruto Uzimaki, sinse when do you give up. You above all people. You will become hokage, but sometimes that means thinking thoroughly before acting." I said encouragingly.

" your right. Thanks Elizabeth."

" no problem. I'm always happy to help out a friend." I replied.

Kakashi and the others arrived shortly after, the fog hadn't cleared for a few minutes. Revealing 2 ninja. I recognized one to be jugo. A blood thirsty lunatick.

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