chapter 24

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The next few days at Karin's prison were quite pleasent. Oruchimaru was still creepy and kabuto still suspicious but karin was funny, for a warden.

" man I can't wait to see sasuke..." Karin said." Do ya think you could draw me some more pictures for me?"

" sure. I'll draw a whole bunch for ya. That way you can stay busy." I said.

" yay!!"

" hey, elizabeth, shouldn't you be packing. We leave tonight." Kabuto said.

" oh fine then." I said. It was only noon and all I had was a few drawing materials and some clothes along with a few books. Nothing fancy nor big.

I got packed in a flash. I drew some pictures of sasuke for karin both body and face. And I drew one sexy one only because karin requested it and would kill me if I didn't.

" yay!! Thanks Liz!" She said jumping for joy.

" don't mention it. Now I gotta go karin. See ya." I said walking with kabuto and oruchimaru out the door.

" so which hideout are we going to now. The northern one is totaled, the western one is a little too close to the leaf..." I trailed off as if I'd been traveling with them for a while. Which technically I did, a short while though.

" we're heading east. There's a hideout there as well. Smaller but still usable. We don't go there often." Kabuto explained.

" oh, okay then." I said.

The trip was short and silent. It only took us 3 days to get to the eastern hideout. And as kabuto said, it wasn't much. Just a few short halls leading to a few rooms.

" hey kabuto."

" what, Elizabeth." Kabuto replied.

" ya think ya could teach me a few medical techniques." I asked.

" why do you ask?"

" well one because this place is boring and two because making your little remedies for oruchimaru could go faster. Therefore his treatment will go faster as well." I explained." Plus, one of these days you'll be the injured kitten and I'd be the only one who would have to heal you somehow."

" alright I see your point. I can teach you a few things." Kabuto said.

" thanks. And don't be afraid to use large words. I'm not an idiot ya know." I told him.

" alright." Kabuto said.

I laughed slightly at a very silly idea.

" what are you laughing for?"

" nothing, just a thought. I was thinking that this could be considered team bonding." I said with a laugh." Stupid thought huh?"

" not exactly. I mean one teammate or connrad helping another usually increases the teams efforts and abilities." Kabuto said like a teacher." Here, chop these up then crush them into a cream in this." He instructed.

I did as I was told and commented on his little comment," you sure know how to turn a silly thought into something science related." I said with a laugh as I chopped the herbs like lightning. Then crushing them into the cup thing as told.

" damn that was fast." He said trying to sound helpful.

" hey man I may be new to this medical thing but when it comes to knives of all kinds I'm a maniac." I said holding up the knife I used to cut the herbs like it was a harmless plushie.

" well that's true enough." He said. He handed me some more stuff to chop and crush.

as I chopped and crushed I hummed a little tune unknown to this world. I was humming the eternal forest by a youtuber called brunuhville. I was humming the part that reminds me of this world.

" so what's the tune?" Kabuto asked after a few humming minutes.

" I'm calling it the eternal forest. Like it?" I asked.

" it isn't bad, but I can't say its something I'd listen to." He said.

" that's because you don't here it the way I do."

" what the hell are you saying."

" well, you hear a hum, I hear an orchestra of violins and pianos and flutes and guitars." I explained.

" hmm, I guess if you've heard it before-"

" nope, I just made up the tune. And used the sounds produced by my brainwaves' memory to duplicate the sound with rhythm and emotion." I explained cutting him off.

" ah, now it makes sense." He said trying to make me stop talking.

" okay now could you please tell me what it is we are making?"

" oh, yes of course." He said.

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