chapter 27

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The next day was horrid. I'd made a simple antidote in secret that would work for about 72 hours, and took it. Knowing oruchimaru and knowing personalities are different, he'd try to be slick and take something and kiss me so I'll talk. So I'd made an antidote for everything related to mind manipulation.

As I'd feared oruchimaru was acting weirder than usual. While roaming the halls for no apparent reason he came out of the shadows.

"What?" I asked.

"Hmph. So you suspect I won't do anything."

"No. I know you'll do something about what I did for you." I said with a hint of aggression in my voice. "All I have to say is that I did it out of the sheer fact that I'm a medical ninja and you needed medical assistance."

"Yet still. I do recal you naming me the 'snakey lunatick' am I wrong?" Oruchimaru said doing his tongue thing.

"Yes I did." I said. Time for my cover. "But giving me the curse mark made me realize I was getting nowhere with the leaf."

"Well well, seems you did have a change of heart." Oruchimaru sneered. He walked up to me and placed his pale hand on my cheek. "Kanoha must be so sad to have lost such a pretty figure."

"Sinse when did oruchimaru have feelings for such a young vessel." I said as he came but a bit closer. His hand moved from my cheek and slid so his index finger was just under my chin.

"Sinse he became desperate for your information." He said as his face came closer, until he kissed me and forced a liquid into my throat. The liquid was one for mind manipulation and paralsis. The antidote only worked for the mind manipulation so I couldn't move now.

Damn, should've known that was coming. Foolish me. He still tastes horrible. I thought. Oruchimaru then pinned me to the wall as kabuto approached. He'd pulled away and held me to the wall so I didn't fall.

"Pointless." I told them. "Did you really think I'm that dumb as to let you manipulate me?"

"Damn it." Kabuto grunted. "She saw through it!"

"Yeah I'm not an idiot." I said. "I'll admit I didn't expect the paralsis though."

"Hmph. Your a little too smart." Kabuto sneered.

"Hmm. Getting that a lot." I said turning my head.

"Yes well we will get information one way or another." Oruchimaru said still holding me to the wall.

"Please, we all know you can't do anything to me. Besides, I saved your ass yesterday." I spat."had I not done that you'd be screaming in agony right about now."

"You do have a point there."kabuto admitted. "Well we're just going to leave you there until the medicine wares off. Good day..."

"Hmph. I have an elixer for paralsis ya know." I told him.

"By all means then." Oruchimaru said.

"My pouch." I said instructing him to get it. Oruchimaru grabbed a small bottle from my pouch and held it to my mouth as I drank the liquid. In a few seconds I could move and so oruchimaru let go of me. "I'll be going now. I need some fresh air." I said leaving the hallway.

"She would make the perfect little toy. If only she were mindless." Oruchimaru sneered as I walked off.

"Yes, she is most interesting." Kabuto replied.

Damn! I have to put up with 3 years of this?!? I need something to do......something time consuming.....

I went outside and stood on the ocean, breathing in the salty air. Suddenly I'd heard a sound like water and hands grasped my waist and covered my mouth so I couldn't sound any alarm. I'd then heard a familiar voice in my ear.

"I thought I'd find you here..." He said. I couldn't place the guys voice but I knew him from somewhere. "Your coming with me now......"

Oh no I'm not! One creepy ass lunatick is enough! I kicked the guy in the leg and as he yelped in pain I broke away from him. Turning around to face him I'd noticed it was suigetsu. Damn it! One guy I haven't memorized the fighting style of. I'm officially screwed. Oh well, more fun this way.

"Oh, your that Elizabeth girl aren't you. Oruchimarus favorite." Suigetsu mused. "I'll have a bit of fun with you."

"Not if I kill you too quickly." I spat with sharingan anger.

"A classic uchiha move." Suigetsu laughed.

"Suigetsu!" I heard kabutos voice call as he ran to me. "I'll kill you here and now if you don't leave!"

"I think I'll go now, 2 is a little too much to handle." Suigetsu said dissolving into water and sinking into the ocean.

"Let me guess, Karin sensed him an informed you." I said in a casual, angry, and also sadish way.


"So first you threaten me then you come and I guess save is the word me from suigetsu." I said. "Damn dude you got mood swings."

"One minute your playful the next your a total bitch. I don't think your one to talk." Kabuto retorted.

"I was just stating the obvious." I shrugged. Kabuto and I then walked in silence back inside.

"Good your alive!" Karin said hugging me.

"Look I just had oruchimarus tongue down my throat, literally. I really don't want to be touched right now." I warned her. Kabuto had left.

"Ew, he did what now!" Karin said surprised.

"You heard me. It was because I saved his ass yesterday." I said. I then told her what happened the day before.

"I feel so sorry for you." She said.

"Yeah, the second guy in my life that kisses me is a 50 something year old snake lover." I said.

"You know what you need." Karin said.

"What?" I asked slowly backing away.

"Girl time! We are going to go shopping!" She said joyfully as she grabbed my arm and dragged me outside.

"I hate shopping.........I'd rather just sit in my room......"I said as karin was practically ripping my arm off as she hauled me across the ocean.

This is going to be a long 3 years for me...

The end.......for now.....

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