Cleopatra Selenophile Relinquished Wild Mars Maniac Dionysus

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It has been a while since I have been all astronomy ethereal,
Having fun playing with the solar system,
My mother promised me a luna orb,
I haven't even taken a sniff of one since last year,
I want a lunar orb,
My solar system went all dusty,
Need to clean it,
Oh well,
It has been a while,
Hasn't it,
Me ranting on the moon,
It an ethereal white beast I am in love with,
It's fun being a selenophile,
It even extra fun being,
'Cleopatra Selenophile Relinquished Wild Mars Maniac Dionysus',
I know the name kinda lengthy,
I will still keep it even if 'Cleopatra Selenophile' is not much of a gender-neutral name since Cleopatra daughter had a similar name' Cleopatra Selen ||',
Cleopatra did name the daughter that,
The queen of Egypt did have a horrid sense of naming her flesh,
She had few daughters and sons,
If I am mistaken,
And how can I be mistaken,
She is my inspiration and love of history,
I am in love with the moon but I hate humans,
I think I might do a little tale of a human demon child in love with the moon,
Did you know?
There is an infamous Greek mythology I read in poetry,
About the sunflower,
There once lived a girl named Heathlie or something,
Was a beautiful girl,
Every girl in her town envy her,
Every boy wanted her,
Her eyes were only on the sun,
She sat on the hilltop for days and nights,
The Sun was mesmerized by her,
She never ate or drank,
Till she turned into a flower,
It was too late,
The Sun God came to earth,
He knelt to flower,
He kissed the flower,
The flower turned into the beautiful girl she once was,
Apollo kissed the girl again,
More Flowers bloom on the girl,
More Flowers bloom on the ground as a result of their coitus,
That how the flower got its name 'Sunflower',
Oh well,
Till the next time with my words,
After all,
I love you to the moon and back,
Even if the moon mainstream and all,
I still love you to the moon,
As you are my solstice,
Got to go now,
Bye Bye.

This a long-ass poem...😳

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