👑(power-crazed monarch)

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From the beginning of my life, my earliest memory, "Cleopatra" has been my nickname. Also, my name is the name of royals, a princess who loved music and loved helping the needy who later in time became a Saint, Queen of Heaven and Earth, the rebel Queen of the    Dark and also after the obsession of the name Ann.

The 21st-century monarch....

She is the mainstream definition of a sovereign,
She is the Mephistopheles,
Of lust,
She enjoys seeing the destruction,
She is a merciless being,
She loves seeing blood,
She is an assassin,
Of hearts and soul,
She has just massacred,
Hell and its underworld,
She is the darkness that every mortal fear,
She is the angel of death's
Her birth brought death along,
She is the 21st-century monarch,
She does not care for love,
She is hated by her kin,
She is a traitorous bitch to her very kin,
Sex is just a blade of pleasure for her,
She uses sex as a toy,
Love is also a toy for her,
Her heart is dead,
She is a queen,
All she ever cares about is being feared and hated by her kin,
After all,
Her mother and father hate her very birth,
They wanted her dead,
She was never wanted,
She will go to the depths of Abyss to gain anything in her possession,
All she wants in her possession is the authority to make the universe suffer,
She was as bright as the sun,
She is now as dark as the darkest shade of the moon,
She wants to dominate and never to be dominated,
She has broken many stereotypes,
She is the mainstream definition of a bitch,
She is hated by many,
She is a python,
Her words are venomous,
Her actions are feared by the greatest majesty,
She is a psychopath under the crown,
She admires Cleopatra,
At times she is a bitch that even the greatest of the great fears and hates,
She was the sun
But betrayals killed her,
She rises to the crown in the coldness of her innocence
Her heart was toyed with and killed merciless,
She is a living corpse,
She reeks of blood,
She is a 21st-century monarch,
She wants the universe to suffer for what it did to her,
She was kind to it but it killed her,
She rises back like a Phoenix,
She is the 21st-century monarch.

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