Bambi Died

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Disclaimer:I hate everyone

I never said I am a good heart being...

Agreed I never took care of Bambi for years...

Agreed that I hit Bambi...

Agreed that Bambi should hate me...

Agreed that I have no right to cry about him...

Agreed that I should have just rotted and died instead of surviving...

Agreed that I hand him to his death...

Agreed that I want to slit my throat and bleed to death...

Agreed that I kill all the animals I have ever taken care of...

Agreed that the child of a murderer is a murderer too...

Agreed that I hate everything around me...

Agreed that I want to blame someone for everything...

I don't know what I am feeling...

I should have never given him to that man...

I should have just waited for that man to be back home or just should have broken the lock...

I should have died...

My birth is a blessing...

Fucking lie...

I should have died at birth...

I should have never existed...

I should be burned to death...

I am fucked up in my ways but I would never kill a pet...

I would never...

I just want to drop dead tomorrow...

My existence is a waste of 18 years...

I want to die...

Silent cries are more painful than cries with screams...

I hate my existence...

First Daisy and now Bambi...

I have learned my lesson...

It is better to be a soulless body than to have a heart of your own...

I should just perish...

What good is yet to come...

I hate everyone around me...

I just want to be poisoned...

I am sorry Bambi...

I am sorry Daisy...

People can see your soul Bambi but I can't and I don't want to...

Don't forgive me...

Curse me for all my life...

Just kill me...

The moon thought me how to smile yet that same moon thought me how to die...

I hate you moon...

I don't want to love again...

I want to die...

I don't have the right to cry over your death...

To my grandmother who wants to see me and was hellbent that if lived surviving the flood it would be all of us...

I don't want to see you till I die...

To the bomba man that refused to take Bambi...

I hope you die while serving and your loved ones never find your body...

To the Indian man that killed Bambi...

I hope you just drop dead right now like how Bambi was dropped...

To my gl who bought a house in Sri Muda...

I hope you die all alone losing all of your memories...

To my biological father who is still alive...

I dare you to find me and I will make sure you wish to kill me when you could have or just drop dead...

I am still afraid of you, you are my lifelong trauma...

To the lady that asked my mother if the dog is so important...

Yes he is, he was a part of my soul but never did I want to let go of that part...

To the old lady that saw Bambi's soul yesterday...

Thank you for everything but I still don't want anything with any one of my relatives...

Don't bother wishing me condolences...

I just wanted to write...

It's all tangled inside...

It suffocating...

I am sorry Bambi and Daisy for your demise...

I just want to rot in Taurus...

It's really stupid...

It's my fault for being born...

I should have never wished for a companion at the age of 4 or asked for a brother at the age of 6...

I should have slit my wrist harder when I did try to slit my wrist...

Agreed that I never should have breathed my first breath...

To all of the human race, just leave me alone...

God isn't cruel but people who worship God are deranged...

I don't know how I even feel...

Do I hate or am I am just broken...

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