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If I were to blame someone for my fatherless life.

I would blame everyone in this room.

You should be responsible for your blunders because they brought me ruins.

It is not my fault that I was born and deprived of a father.

Don't you dare forget, it was you who is the sheer reason I have blood in my hands.

It was the 15th century.

Being an aristocracy is already a hustle, but being a fatherless child is being treated as if you are a plague.

Despite the very fact, that your father was a womaniser, a sex fiend, a murderer or better to state he was one of the men your mother would ask you to stay away from.

But in royalty as long there is power, anything would be advised to be done.

I was summoned to the court today, sometimes I wish I didn't know life.

I was sitting on my throne. I stared aimlessly into space, swirling water in my glass I believe. It was odourless and tasteless.

People were dancing and chatting.

My eyes caught sight of something black, it was moving fast amongst the crowd gathered today. More like it was sucking something from everyone. Its eyes might mine.

I know that tainted varmint, after all, I killed him because I fell in love with him.

I wish I could forget him but miserably my whole life was founded on my father, I still fear him till now.

Why do I miss a man I was deemed to hate with all my soul? He was a bastard but yet I loved him as a child, now I am a teen who has issues all grateful to him. I am alive yet lifeless, my dear father yet you are alive and living life out there while I am the one miserable yet wondering why I can't just forget you.

I wish I could but miserably I formulated my whole life based on my father, and I still fear him till now.

Love manifests the most distorted curses.

My love destroyed me.

My earliest memory of mine was me crying my heart out hugging a brown teddy bear waiting for my parents to come back from their errand on a stormy day.

My firstest remembrance of a soul telling me they love me was my mama telling me how she didn't want to conceive me, she was tied and assaulted to have me, and she struggled to kill me but I was persistent to live.

He is back.

Our eyes met, there was dark glee.

The stench of the dead he rotted.

In a blink of an eye, the sea of chattering noise vanished. We held each other by the throat.

Everyone gasped at the sight.

"Look at you, once a killer….."

"You converse a lot."

I shatter his throat with my grip.

Blood splattered on my face.

I heard mutters of shock and fear.

I ran my hand through my hair.

"Dead bastard don't come alive unless someone revives them, who revives him…WHO REVIVE HIM? ANSWER ME, YOU BLOODY PEASANTS."

"....It is me…", the voice spoke.

"Who are you?"

I woke up panting, my skin was covered with sweat making strains of hair stick to my face and neck. The face was blurred. Who was it and why such a dream?

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