We All Love Differently Part 2

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I wrote part 1 when I was 19. I was having Palpitations, so I decided to write it out. I am 20 now.

Love is a myriad of emotions enclosed together waiting to explode and paint a carnage of colours.

Every love has its colour.

The colour of my love is white, purple and red, black.

Platonic, Obsessive, Sexual, Deranged.

I wonder would life be any different for me if my father had loved me?

I wonder how life would have been if it was my mother instead of my father.

I wonder why love became an adventure for me.

I wonder why others could love easily but I went on an adventure to discover love.

We all love differently. We love the way we are taught. If you beg to differ, then what I write is not for you. Move on and find your favourite writer.

An adulterer adult told me my works are swayed by emotions. I should commission my work, people would commission me. Should I try it?

Would you commission me?

I want a sexual love that drives me high of the memories of my trauma.

I want love to rip me apart and drown me.

I want a love that is cannibalistic.

I want to be broken and fixed.

What exactly is a soulmate?

Is it someone bound to you by a red thread to the pinky?

Is it someone whose soul is bound to you for all eternity because you both ate a mermaid scale from the same mermaid?

Or is a part of you that was ripped off by Zeus because he feared humans with 2 heads and 8 limbs would retaliate against him so he ripped humans apart making them one head and four limbs.

Is it an individual whose one rib bone was used to breathe life into you from dust?

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