We All Love Differently

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Love is such a strange word. Is it just a word or an emotion? Ever heard of the phrase, love at first sight? Well, what would you do, if I told you, nope it’s not love at first sight but instead we just love differently? I was 6 when my father told me he would harm me if he ever saw me again. 

I was 9, when I came into term, even after knowing that it was all in disguise of love his abuse of me yet I still loved him and still do. Funny I would say, I still love the person who bared out my soul only for the vultures to tear it. My love is twisted. It was beautifully tragic.

As a kid, we all are born with nothing into this world, it’s the person who raises us who will teach us everything. I was told by a friend, the reason why we love our parents is that it was love at first sight. I laughed at him. He had a happy childhood, loved and shielded by both parents. I believe you all must be aware there are different types of love such as love between friends, siblings and lovers and many more. Some might be twisted but it is a form of love.

It takes at least 4 minutes for someone to fall in enchanted with someone but it takes at least 90 minutes to register it as love, as proven by science. I had someone tell me, their parent told them, they were only loved by their parent as a responsibility and if they ever left the nest, they would be happy. 

More likely, the parent was forced to marry young sacrificing their young adult life to obligate their parents hence they are taking it out on their kid. They came to terms with their love for their child. You can only hate someone or something you truly loved. I learn that the hard way.

Sometimes loving someone or something can be the best thing to ever happen because it just felt right in every sense only because all you ever knew is good love. 

We only do what we know, so we only love because we were taught to. The butterflies in the tummy just come because you are nervous and you have every single possibility of your outcome running in your head. And the peace you get every time is because you have settled down your turmoil of thoughts.

Well, you may disagree with me. Fair enough, I love differently, my love is twisted in its ways. You would have been taught and learned differently. After all, we all love differently. We all have different relationships. Some are beautiful while some should never exist.

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