Chapter 4

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Amber's- Told you so...

"Amber! Baby girl come down stairs!" I rolled my eyes hearing my dad's voice. It's been almost two months since he accused me of being pregnant, and as I said I wasn't pregnant. Since then our happy little family facade was up. All my mom did was argue with my dad about how petty he's been for the last two months. He still punished me for not being pregnant. He said and I quote "You should have never put your mother and me in that position." Practically blaming me for his asinine assumptions. He took my car and refused to do anything for me unless it was school related. My mom persuaded him to give me my keys back but I didn't dare take them back. I relied on public transportation to get me from point A to B. I got a job at footlocker and every dime I made I saved it in my account to buy myself another car.

I haven't talked too much of anyone other than a few friends at school about homework. I haven't talked to Jessica at all either. The way I feel our friendship is dead. Of course she came running back to apologize after she had to tell Jake about the pregnancy and he clowned her in front of the whole school. She came running to me trying to pick up all the pieces, but this time I wasn't having it. My mom was doing everything she could to get me to talk to her again, but most of her efforts went unnoticed. Despite how I feel about my mom I feel like I was being a little hard on her. If she wasn't arguing with my dad she was arguing with me. Most days I come home she's nowhere to be found, but today she was front row and center ready to play the role of the happy wife.

My daddy had the nerve to ask me to act accordingly for his little business dinner tonight. He was meeting with some big time trucking company tonight to possibly merge the two companies together. I'd heard him talking about it over the phone a couple of times. I'm really not in the mood for this today. Today was my only day off this week and the only thing I wanted to do was lay in bed and catch up on all my homework.

I walked downstairs slowly trying to listen I on the conversation. I'm not sure of who we were meeting with but I heard two different voices. I'd never heard them before but they definitely had to be form out of town.

I took my final step tiredly I sighed. I looked up to see this woman. She was beautiful, the type of woman my dad would usually fool around with rather than work with. She was about the same height as me. She was a big girl, and from the looks of it she was proud of it. She was rocking a cold shoulder dress with bell sleeves in black. Her dress shaped her waist nicely almost as if she didn't have much of one, but as far as her hips the dress hung from her hips flowing onto the floor making a pool of fabric around her feet. She was definitely a fashionable woman, but clearly most of her thought went into her attire rather than her makeup. Looked to me like she was selling a hell of a lot more than a business pitch. I wonder if my mom has seen her. Her hair was a hombre effect of black and burgundy it stopped at the arch of her back. It was gorgeous but it wasn't her real hair, whoever did her closure didn't tame the baby hairs of the closure correctly. I was no expert but I did know a few things when it came to weave.

"Hello beautiful!" she spoke getting all hype. My first thought was no sweetie I'm strictly dickly.

"Hi." I gave a shy smile as I made my way over to my dad.

"What's your name honey? "She asked.

"Umm it's Amber and thank you, you're gorgeous as well" I was unsure of the uncertainty in my voice.

"Amber baby don't be shy this is my business partner Lisa. She and her son Andre are moving here to Compton and our companies will be merging. So they joined us tonight for a victory dinner." you could hear the excitement in his voice.

"What son?" I looked around to see if I'd missed anyone.

"Oh, yeah he went to the car to grab a few things for me. I love your set sweetie where did you find it."

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