Chapter 2

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Amber- Welcome Back To RealityA Few Months Later...

"Ughh!" I slapped my pillow over my head as I tried to tune out my mother's loud, irritating moans. I had school in the next two hours, and they'd been going at it all night. I understood they were married, but damn, my room was next door. Just as I was drifting off to sleep, my alarm sounded off and woke me up.

"Really! They too damn old for this shit," I mumbled to myself. Rolling over, I just stared at the ceiling. I finally got up and headed for my closet in search of something to wear.

"Good morning, baby! Are you excited?" I turned around and faced my mom. She was all smiles. I slightly held a mug on my face while I stared at her. As much as I loved my mom, she could be a pain at times. "What's wrong? Fix your face. You should be happy; this is your last year of high school, baby, and you got to enjoy it!"

"I'm just sleepy. I didn't get any sleep last night. I'm tired, and I don't even feel like going."

"Well, you better get in the mood. You're going to school! When you get grown and married, then you will understand. Besides, you and Jessica have been talking my damn ear off about today, so go get in the shower, and I'll take out something for you to wear." I perked up a bit upon hearing her mention my best friend. "At least just try it for the first semester, Amber, and if it's too much, then we can go back to homeschooling. I just want you to have a social life, baby."

"Momma, I think I'm perfectly capable of picking out my own clothes, and could you please not give me the speech this morning?"

"Girl, why are you yelling? I'm right here."

"I'm seventeen and about to graduate high school. I can pick out my own clothes. I love you, but you're doing too much right now."

"Girl, get your ass in the shower like I told you."

I didn't dare open my mouth to argue. I just made my way to shower, laughing at the sour expression on her face.

Twenty minutes later, I was making my way downstairs to the kitchen, the smell of waffles capturing my senses. Unlike most girls my age, I actually loved food, a lot! I was not your average teenage girl. In fact, I looked like a grown ass woman. Most of my curves, I inherited from my mother. We both were on the heavy side, as society would say. Fat, obese, overweight, thick, whichever you prefer; pick your poison. I, on the other hand, referred to myself as an African-American young plus-sized queen. Fat or not, I was beautiful. I walked into the kitchen to see my parents damn near having sex on the kitchen counter just like any other morning.

"Y'all know this isn't healthy, right?" I sat down at the kitchen counter as I watched the two of them try to make themselves decent. I shook my head as I walked around the counter to get my waffles from the toaster.

"What are you talking about, little girl? This is what married people do. It's important that you see how a man treats his wife."

"Not if it keeps me up all night," I mumbled to myself as I poured syrup over my waffles.

"What was that, little girl?"

"Baby girl, what you doing after school today?"

I sighed, already knowing where this conversation was headed. "Nothing, Daddy." I sat quietly and indulged in my breakfast as my daddy watched like he always did. It used to drive me insane, but according to him, it was the only time he got to see how fast I'd grown up since I was always too busy to hang out with him anymore. "I'm probably going to hang out with Jessica at her house. Why?"

"Will there be any boys at Jessica's house?"

"Probably not, Daddy. Miss Nicki willwon't be home, so I highly doubt it."

"Mmmhmm, I don't want my baby girl around any boys. They only want one thing, and you ain't willing to give that away."

I dropped my fork after losing my appetite. Every time I got ready to leave the house, I had to hear the same old speech.


"What? I'm not gonna have her out her like most of these young girls walking around pregnant and alone. You just remember, baby girl, you have more important things to worry about like school. You not grown, and you can't do what me and your momma do. We're both grown and married."

I rolled my eyes with a sly smirk on my face. "Daddy, according to Granddaddy, I was conceived before you and Momma were married, and Momma was pregnant in all her wedding pictures." The look on his face was priceless. I jumped up from my seat and fixed my shirt as I gathered my things. My mom picked out a nice little fit for me. I had on a basic white V-neck T-shirt with a floor-length floral kimono, a pair of skinny jeans, and a pair of wedges.

"Where the hell you going dressed like that?"

"Daddy, not today, please. I'm going to school. Besides, Momma picked it out."

"No, you look too grown. Go take it off."

"Daddy, then I'll be late. Momma!"

"Robert, leave her alone, and it's her senior year!"

"I don't go—"

"Amber, baby, go to school."

I made my way out of the house as I listened to the two of them go back and forth. I hopped in my Impala, buckled up, and turned up the radio. Twenty minutes later, I was pulling into Jessica's driveway. I had texted her almost thirty minutes ago, so she should be ready by now. I watched her run out of the house and head my way while she juggled her things in her hand while trying to hold an apple in her mouth.

"Really, Jessica? You never on time!"

"Heifer, you always early! Why you up so early anyway!"

I rolled my eyes as I mugged her. She was always late. It never failed. "You already know the answer to that. The same reason why I'm always up early."

"Ahhh!" She burst out laughing and jumped around in the seat the way she always did. I honestly wondered sometimes how we were still friends. We were polar opposites. She was loud, sometimes ghetto, and just plain wild, while I was quiet and reserved with an occasional outburst. Truth be told, I was never really myself around anyone. "Wow. Mrs. Trina a trip! I want to be like her when I get older. Mr. Robert be throwing the di—"

"Trick, keep playing, and I'm gonna kick your ass out of my car. Don't encourage their foolery! Try me, and your ass will be walking to school."

"Chill. Why you so cranky this morning?"

"My dad and his lecture every time I leave the house. I'm sick of him treating me like I'm twelve. Like damn, can I go outside to breathe without him all in my face?"

"Girl, chill, he just cares about you! I wish my daddy was around to actually give a damn about what I was doing."

"I'm sorry. I know it's a sensitive topic for you."

"You good; just be happy he cares."

"I am happy he cares. I just wish he would trust me more." Of course, I didn't expect her to understand, being that she didn't know the history of the relationship I had with my family.

"Whatever. Enough of this emotional stuff. Let's talk about Mr. Man that you went home with the other night."

"When are you gonna let this go, Jessica?"

"When you spill the tea, bitch. Now, serve it while it's hot before we pull up to the state penitentiary."

I laughed at her as I bit my lip, remembering that night.

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