Chapter 6

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Amber's- Bitten by the Love Bug...

I had to say this has been very interesting for me. I got to now Andre a little better a few weeks ago. Once we all were seated at the table for dinner he sat across from me and we joked around and hung out. We actually ended up catching a late movie after we helped my mom clean the kitchen. My dad and his mom were still talking business so momma gave me my keys and we went to catch a movie. It was actually fun I didn't feel the need to be anything other than myself. It scared me a little bit at first being so open with someone, but then I felt a sense of relief. Like I could finally breathe. He even managed to sweet talk me into giving him my number.

"So you mean to tell me you have never been to a drive in theater."

"Nah, this is some of the most country shit I've ever seen. People out here with blankets and shit. This the type of shit us southerners are accused of doing." I laughed at Andre as we made our way back to my car. We went to the concession stand in the front of the building and bought a few snacks while one of the staff members parked my car for me. We were in one of the center parks in the theater.

"Look don't sleep on my favorite theater, besides its more comfortable here. You don't have to check your seat for fluids to make sure the people before you didn't leave behind a parting gift. They play all the best old movies and it's cheap."

We were watching one of my favorite old films Rear Window. It was amazing to me how much films have changed over the years. I was a film junkie. I had a thing for old movies. Half way through the movie I got distracted. I'd seen this movie almost a hundred times. I took a look around and all to be seen were teenagers exchanging saliva and old people chilling in the back of the theater. Suddenly I felt like I'd picked the wrong spot to hang out at. What if he got the wrong impression about my intentions?

"Come on." I tapped Andre on the shoulder getting his attention.

"Where we going?"

"Were going for a walk come on." I found one of the staff and handed him my tag number for my parking spot and my keys. I asked if he could move my car if I wasn't back before the movie ended. "Come on old man."

"Who you calling old girl?" I laughed and squealed as Andre picked me up spinning me around. "Seriously, Amber where you taking me girl." we walked alongside each other and his arms found its way around my shoulders.

"Trust me I'm not taking you anywhere bad. Just relax we will be there soon." we were a few feet away from the theatre. I was taking him to one of my favorite spots in Compton. The movie theatre was a cover up most times for me to come here. We extend the theatre through the front entrance and we were not walking up the huge hill. At the top was a power plant for the Westside of Compton. It was private property but I would always sneak on to get a view of the city. Climbing through a hole in the fence Andre followed but I could tell he was worried about where I was taking him. Finally we made to the top. I sat down in the empty parking lot overlooking a small ledge. Here you could see all of Las Angeles.

"Damn this is dope and all great view but I got to ask. Are we trespassing?"

"Yes we are but its fine. The security guard that works here was a friend of my granddaddy. Plus he's lazy and he never watches this side of the plant this late at night." we sat there in silence taking in the scenery.

"You talk about him a lot. "Andre finally said something breaking the silence.


"Your grandfather."

"Yeah I do, don't I. He was my best friend so it was hard losing him." I turned my attention to Andre and I wish I'd never turned to look him in his eyes. I felt like her was staring into the depths of my soul. As long as I've lived I've never meet anyone who could make me feel the way he was making me feel now. "My papa was the best thing that could ever happen to a little girl. It's hard without him here. I have to let it go by everything about Compton reminds me of my papa I guess that why I love it here."

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