Chapter 16

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Amber- Please stop....

I can say that things have been going great with me and Andre. I love the fact that he's so sweet and respectful to me and my body. With everything that's been going on I have had some moments were a bitch just needed a release. As much as I loved the feel of everything I was making sure I was being careful. Lord knows I don't want to go through what Jessica had to deal with. I told Andre about it and he understood. We both made sure to be careful. We had big dreams that together we could achieve but we couldn't do that trying to raise a baby.

He is really the perfect boyfriend. He stuck with me through all my family drama. I and his mom Lisa have been kind of bonding since we've gotten together. In my opinion she was a little too close to comfort with being so involved in his personal life. It was no secret that Andre was a momma's boy, it didn't take long for me to figure that out. She had him wrapped around her finger. Now that I'm in the picture her reign over his life is coming to an end. I'm not sure how she's going to take that. Tonight Andre planned a night out for the two of us. We haven' been able to spend much time together.

"Babe I'm ready" walking down stairs I looked for Andre.

"You look good babe, let's go" He appeared walking out of the living room.

"I see we matching when you changed"

"I went to the house and got some clothes to wear while you were in the shower."

"Damn I was in there that long."

"No you were getting dressed"

"How would you know? You know what never mind"

"Come on let's get on the road."

We reached the car he opened the door for me. I got in and he jogged back to his side of the car getting in he started the car and we headed down the interstate.

"Nigga wear you taking me"

"Don't worry about it take a nap it's going to be a while before we get there?"

"Whatever" I leaned my head against the window letting sleep take over me.


"Babe wake up" I woke up to Andre placing wet kisses all over my face.

"Boy move. You always got to be extra."

"You love my extra ass."

"I guess" he gave me a straight face trying not to pout. I looked passed him and I noticed we were at the fair. I haven't been to the fair in like years. My granddaddy would always take me every year, but after he died I just couldn't go anymore it wasn't the same without him. Andre must have notice my mood change.

"Before you start freaking out I brought you here so you could have a good time and reminisce on all the good times you had with your granddaddy and make some new ones with me. If that's ok with you" I couldn't stop the smile that spread across my face as he gave me that signature smile that I was starting to love.

"No I don't mind at all. Come on lets go play some games."

"I hope you ready to get on some of these rides."

"Yeah I'm ready come on you walking so freaking slow."

"I'm coming damn."

We played games and rode a bunch of random rides. Andre had won multiple stuffed animals for me. We were on our way to the food stands when I heard someone called my name. I turned around to see Blake walking up to me.

"Hey girl I know you heard me calling you."

"Uhh No I didn't. Sorry umm...This is my boyfriend Andre that I told you about"

"Yeah heard a lot about you. I should be thanking you of-"

"Who is this?" Andre pulled me closer wrapping his hands around my waist. Cutting Blake off completely ignoring Blake's presence, which was a huge mistake I know it took a lot for him to come and be nice. What's with his attitude anyway?

"I'm Blake. Amber's friend. I guess she didn't tell you that we've been cool lately, but you don't got nothing to worry about so check the attitude man. That shit is for females."

"Nahh fuck that don't get your shit rocked. My girl don't have any male friends." I stood there looking shit faced while they sized each other up.

"Look Amber baby girl you might want to check yo nigga I don't get time for this petty shit I'm trying to be nice about. He all up under you touching what's mine." I looked at Blake like he lost his mind. Of all the things he could have said he let that stupid comment fly out of his mouth.

"Yours. Little boy you must want that ass whopping you asking for?"

"Yes mine my nigga. You know I was her first everything right. First kiss, first boyfriend, and first nigga she let have a taste of that p-" he didn't finish his sentence before Andre punched him in the mouth.

I stood there with my face fixed with no emotion as I watched Andre and Blake go at it. They were going at it. Andre was throwing punch after punch. A crowd started to form a circle around the two entangling me as well. I had seen enough I was beyond pissed at the fact that they were fighting. Anger took over me as I stepped forward.

"Andre stop it! Damn I said stop!" Blake had finally decided to fight back sending a right hook hitting Andre in the nose. His comeback didn't last long as Andre flipped him over once more continuing to fight him. This time he was throwing blows everywhere.

"Andre baby stop please!" He slowly stood up breathing heavy his face was red with blood dripping from his nose. Blake laid their on the ground trying to regain his senses. I must say that Blake got his ass kicked, but I don't feel the least bit sorry for him. He was being petty. I should know better than to think he'd changed at all. I haven't talked to you in god knows how long and you decide to come be all friendly and shit. Not only did you decide to make yourself known but now you decided to tell him about the night at his party all because you see me happy with someone else. Like seriously, and then Andre and his possessive ass always got to do the most. Like damn nigga I'm not going anywhere. I'm yours and he should know it by now.

"Don't even speak to me. Take me home" I spoke to him beyond mad at this point I was over the situation. I just wanted to go home.

"Baby I'm so-"

"I don't care take me the fuck home! Now!" !" he walked over with his head swinging low he attempted to grab my hand I just snatched away speed walking to the car mean mugging the whole way there. He walked behind me trying to explain I just ignored him the whole way there.

"Look you can cut all that attitude shit out! The fuck I look like letting a nigga step to me about my girl! I asked you for one thing! Loyalty, and you out her got me looking stupid busting it open for any nigga that would have you!" Once we got to the car he unlocked the doors I didn't give him time to open the door for me before I got in. He looked at me once he got in the car I turned and look and I saw all the pain that he was felling.

"Watch how you fucking speak to me! I've given you nothing but loyalty! I don't have time for anybody other than you!"

"You know I was really felling you Amber I thought I could trust you hell I was starting to fall for your ass! Why didn't you tell me about you and him? I have told you everything there is to know about me. And you still keeping secrets."

"It was before you! Before we even meet! He used to be somebody I cared about but that was years ago! He's not even wroth the conversation!"

"Then why is he here? Why does this dude feel like he can step to you if it's not the conversation? Why the fuck you sitting there looking lost say something!"

"Blake I told you it was nothing!"

The words slipped from my mouth before I even had the chance to stop myself. Andre didn't say anything else. He just started the car and took me home.

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