Chapter 11

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Ms. Nicki's- What Have I Done...

After Robert left I sat there for at least two hours crying. How in the hell could I not know that my child is pregnant. I can't be mad at her though I was never around her enough to teach her about sex and boys. I knew she had sex before I just thought she would have enough common sense to use protection. I have to do some serious soul searching to get my shit together. For the sake of my child and the grandchild I'm going to have soon. I was done with yelling at Jessica. The last thing I wanted her thinking was that I was going to leave her in this alone. I was going to teach her ass some life lessons but I wasn't going to let my child go through this alone. Walking upstairs I was prepared to see Jessica somewhere in her room crying. I walked up to her room door I could hear her shower running.

"Jessica!" I opened the door ready to talk but she was nowhere in sight. "Jessica baby where are you?"

"Oh my god! Jessica! Jessica, baby wake up! Baby say something!"

"Ms. Tate! Ms. Tate." I wake up from a night mare to see that it was still a reality. I'd been sitting in this hospital for three days waiting for somebody to tell me something. Last night I walked in Jessica's room ready to make amends and figure things out. Now here I am sitting in an emergency room wishing my child was okay. I walked into her room to see her passed out on her bathroom floor in a pool of blood. The doctors don't know what's wrong with her. The rushed her into emergency surgery, she'd lost the baby. Based off the amount of blood she lost during the miscarriage caused her to pass out. The Doctor's say they think she mistook the bleeding for a heavy minstrel cycle, but they still can't explain the weird after effects.

"Dr. Perish, please tell me you know something?" I jumped up and wiped my eyes and straightened my clothes.

"Yes I have some news, but it's not good."

"What? What's going on?"

"Do you know if your daughter was using any drugs?"

"No! Jessica would never." The floods came tumbling down my face. Drugs, of all things drugs. What in the hell was she thinking, playing around with something that serous.

"Well I ran some test and I found high concentrations of cannabis and cocaine in her system. Biased off my predictions someone gave your daughter cannabis that was laced with some new strain of cocaine. I've seen this before but I've never seen a case quite like Jessica's. Her body responded differently to the drugs, and due to long term abuse it's caused some irreversible effects as well as the loss of the fetus. Jessica's body has developed a serious case of epilepsy. It may have caused some brain damage where not sure if any of its long term just yet. We would have to wait until she wakes up to run more test." I sat back down in my seat with my face in the palm of my hands.

I'd failed my child as a mother. How could I have let things go this far. There was no doubt in my mind that boy had something to do with this. I'd raised Jessica better than this but she would do anything to have all of Jake's attention. Maybe because she couldn't get any from me. I threw myself into my work trying not to face problems in my own life. I put my job before my child and this is the end result of that. I found myself in Jessica's room watching her with all those machines hooked up to her I could hardly stand to look at her like this.


"What if she never wakes up?" I looked at Robert as he stood over Jessica's hospital bed. He'd been standing there for some time, but I couldn't find the right words to say anything to him. "The last conversation I could have had with my baby was an argument. The doctors say that they don't know how much brain damage she might ha-"

"I know I already talked to them. Look she's going to make it through this."

I wanted to believe him but how did he know for sure. Brain damage was nothing to play with. She could wake up and not remember me. Or worse she could wake up and be completely incompetent. I don't know what in the hell gotten into her but she better pray to god that I don't have the strength to beat her ass when she wakes up. I just sat there allowing Robert to hold me.

I finally headed into the hospital we walked up to the front desk. There was this nurse there, she seemed to be nice. Thank God because I don't have time for all those ratchet ass nurses at least not today. I was lucky enough to get Blake to drop me off at my car without alarming him. As soon as I got to my car I speed the whole way here.

"Hey I'm looking for Jessica Tate"

"Umm give me just a minute sweetie. Here we go. She is room 103." I walked off on the hunt for her room. I can't lie I was scared of what I was going to walk into. I feel kind of weird because we have so much to discuss. What if she feels a certain way? I know she's going to be having an attitude because she always dose when things go sour with her and Jake. Not only that but this baby thing is got me feeling a certain way because I'm supposed to be her best friend. You tell your best friend stuff like that. I mean seems like everybody seemed to know about it but me. Reaching the second floor I scanned the room numbers. I eventually stumbled upon her room after twenty minutes of searching. I was about to walk in when I saw Ms. Nicki sitting down and my dad on his knees in front of her holding her while she cried. I turned around and leaded against the wall. I should have known she was going to tell him to come and get me. Swallowing my pride I walked in her room she was laying there in bed as stiff as a board.

"What happened to her?" My dad looked at me with sorrow filled eyes while Ms. Nicki stood to her feet. She came closer to me and hugged me.

"Uh. She had a miscarriage. They had to put her in a medical induced coma to make the seizures stop. Somebody gave her marihuana laced with cocaine that was the cause of the miscarriage and the seizures. There might be some brain damage but we won't know unit she wakes up."

"What?" my thoughts went back to Jake. He had to be the one to blame for this. He just told me that he and Jessica were smoking together. He did this shit on purpose to make sure word didn't get out that he got her pregnant. A river of tears flowed down my face.

"Amber why didn't you tell me she was smoking."

"Because I didn't know. He must have talked her into it. He did this to her you need to call the police and have him arrested. Jessica would never just up and start smoking if Jake dint pressure her into doing it. She knows better than that."

"What are you talking about Amber?" my dad stood up over me looking at me.

"I asked him when the last time he saw her was and he told me that she came over to his house to talk. He said the smoked together. He did this!"


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