Chapter 10

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Amber- What Could Be Worse...

Today had to be one of the longest days of my life. I snuck out it Andre's apartment this morning. After last night I'm surprised o could even look at myself in the mirror, but that's another story for another time. In between Blake eye rapping me all day, and Jessica not being here I was with the shits today. I haven't talked to Jessica in almost three days she hasn't been at school. I was walking to my locker when I see Shanice and Jake all up on each other basically fucking in the hall way. The last person I wanted to talk to was Jake but he was the only person that I could think of that would know where Jessica was.

"Jake, can I holler at you for a minute?" The nerve of him to be all up on anther bitch in my presence knowing damn well that Jessica and I are friends. I was trying my best not to snap on him, all I needed was to know where Jessica was.

"This bitch here." I could hear him whisper to his little goons as he walked over to me on the other side of the hall. "What's good?"

"I just wanted to know if you heard form Jessica. She hasn't been to school in three days."

"Oh you don't know? That's supposed to be your best friend and all. Nah I don't know where her ass at but tell that bitch to stop blowing up my phone."

"Watch your fucking mouth when you refer to my best friend! She must not have been too much of a dog while she was blowing your pasty ass."

"Man damn, watch your tone."

"Or what! What you don't want your new bitch to know. Trust me she doesn't give two fucks about you having a girl, but she might have a problem with you having a baby on the way."

"Look Amb you can shut that shit up. The last time I saw Jessica she came through to smoke a couple of joints that was a week ago. Just like I told Jessica that baby aint mine and bitch mind your business. And Fuck Jessica she a hoe any way. She wasn't doing her job so I had to find somebody else to do it. And tell that bitch to stop calling my phone about that bastard baby she carrying like I sa-" Jake was all up in my personal space with his finger all in my face.

"Aye watch how the fuck you talking to her!" He was cut off by Blake punching him in the mouth. Jake fell to the floor holding his mouth while a crowd started to gather. I shook my head and just walked off. I was over all of this I had more important things to deal with. Where in the hell Blake came from I don't know but I really needed him to stop with all that popping up.


"Why are you still following me!" I turned around and faced Blake.

"Man calm down. I just wanted to help you look like you could use an escape. How about we can go chill at the park and you can talk about it."


"Amber get your ass in the car! I'm not about to argue with you. All that shit you holding will eat you alive. Stop tripping and let me help you."

"Just the park." The frown on my face washed away and I looked around me contemplating what to do next. What did I have to lose, I was already skipping the rest of the day. Lord knows I needed somebody to talk to other than myself. I got in the car with Blake. We went to the park I told him about all the craziness that's been going on. It was kind of like old times when we would just hang out and chill at the park.

"I miss this" he sighed.

"Miss what"

"This when me and you would just sit out her all day and joke around. I mean everything just got hard for me. I just took it out on everybody my mom you. I have to go see her I just realized how stupid I was being once you called me out the other day I want to thank you for that."

"It's cool I kind of went a little crazy. As for your mom you might want to go and see her at least she didn't leave you its more than what I can say for my mom."

"What hap-" before he could finish my phone started to ring.


"Amber! Oh, thank god. Where are you? You dad called me and told me you disappeared!" Mrs. Nicki cried through the phone. She sounded hysterical.

"Trust me Ms. Nicki I had reason too, and it's not that serous. Why are you crying?" she was crying so hard I could hardly make out anything of what she was saying. All I heard was Jessica's name and hospital in the same sentence.

"Blake we will have to talk later I need you to take me back to my car."

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