Chapter 15

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Jessica's- Two Months Later...

It's been crazy since a few months ago. My mom and Robert have started a relationship. I can home from school early one day to find them going at in the kitchen. I guess I know now why I'm so spontaneous. Amber hasn't been talking to me still. It was ridiculous as much time I spend at her house with our dad she still refuses to talk to me. I see her around school but she never talks to me seems to me that Blake has taken my place. I always see them hanging out together. As far as I know she and Andre are still together. My mom made me start going to therapy after she and I had a talk. I don't like it at all I'd rather talk to my sister about it, but thanks to me she acts as if I don't exists. We have three classes together and we sit right next to each other and she just acts like I'm not there. That ends today I'm tired of not having anybody to talk to.


"What do you want Jessica" Ok I deserved that attitude but damn can she be a little easy on me.

"I-I just wanted to ask you if you wanted to be my partner for this chemistry project."

"I was planning on doing it by myself but I guess I can work with you. You probably need a good grade anyway."

"Ok can you come to my house after school? We can start on it there and talk."

"Talk about what Jessica? You said everything you had to say"

"Amber I'm trying to apologize to you but I can't if every time I try to talk to you give me all this damn attitude! I was wrong for what I said to you but if you haven't noticed I'm going through shit right now but I guess you don't care!"

"No I don't! You don't need me to care you have dad to care."


After Jessica's outburst I felt kinds a bad. I was walking down the hall when I was pulled aside by Blake.

"Amber why did you do that to Jessica. You know her going through enough with losing her baby and dealing with Jake's punk ass. You need to swallow your pride and let all that shit go. You know damn well you miss her just as much as much she miss you."

"Whatever, let me go you giving to make me late for class?"

"Yeah whatever just talk to her and stop being an ass. Both of you have a damn attitude. Look at it like this she cared enough to try to apologize."

"I'm going to class. What me and Jessica have going on is between me and her."

"Then why the fuck you complain to me about it. You know what fuck it cry to your new nigga since you want to act like an ass. You doing the exact thing she did to you. Be happy you have your sister is still here." With that he walked away and the bell ring. Letting me know I was late for class. I walked in class late I was lucky that we had a substitute. I didn't have to deal with a lecture. I saw Jessica in the back of class with her headphones in. I walked back and sat next to her. I looked at her for a few minutes be for snatching out one of her ear buds.

"What Amber? I don't have time to listen to you criticize me ok." She spoke as her voice crack.

"I'm not I wanted to say I'm sorry for the attitude I gave you earlier. I just wanted you to know how it felt."

"Ok but I get it but you've been ignoring me for months now I thought by now you would have calmed down so we can talk. I'm sorry for all the shit said I didn't mean it I was just I was emotional at the time. I didn't know if I wanted to be mad or just depressed. I didn't know how to tell you. I know we might not ever be as close as we were but I miss you. I have dad and my Momma to talk to but they aren't you. They don't get the simple stuff we use to joke about. The only thing they can comprehend right now is getting freaky with each other."

"I know I walked in on them the other day." We both laughed at the same time. It felt good to be smiling for once.

"Well you and me both. I didn't that even know old people could be that damn freaky. Like I know they get tired. I getting sick of hearing them." We both cracked up at that.

"I miss you to. I've been talking to Andre and Blake but I think their getting tiered of me talking about me and you all the time."

"Yeah, daddy told me the same thing. What's up with you and Blake anyway? And who is this Andre dude?"

"I don't know what's up with me and Blake to be honest but..." I smiled think of Andre and how much closer we've gotten in the last few months. I was afraid to make things official but he convinced me otherwise. We've been going strong for about three months now, and I'm the happiest that I've ever been. As much as I enjoyed staying at his place I had to go home. There was no way I was going to be able to stay with him and resist him. "Well I would tell you now but we got too many nosey ass people around."

"Ok I'll come over then we can have fun like we used, but I have to get some stuff from the house."

"Ok I'll text you once I get to the house."

For the rest of the day we hung out and joked around like we used to. When she came to the house that afternoon I told her everything that had happened. She told me about her therapy and fixing things up with our dad. We stayed up late that night watching movies and playing around.

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