Chapter 23

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Jessica- Surprise, Surprise...

I walked down stairs dressed and ready for Amber's surprise birthday dinner. I bet she thinks we all forgot about it. I walked into the dining room to see that the table wasn't set yet I started to freak out because Amber is going to be here soon and nothings ready. I walked in the kitchen to see my momma cooking.

"Momma why is the table not set yet!? Amber is on her way!"

"Girl lower your damn voice and calm down get the decorations off the table and set up the dining room."

"Okay I guess"

I walked into the dining room and got things set up thirty minutes later I had everything done. I started to make my way to the kitchen but I knock on the door interrupted me. I walked over and answered the door it was. Andre and his momma Lisa. I know yall like why you invite him, well as far as I know that girl could have been just a friend. And last time I checked with Amber he was her man, and as far as I know she and Ms. Lisa are cool with each other.


I know what yall thinking nigga what you doing here at Amber's birthday dinner after you showed your ass. Well for one it's none of yall damn business I just came to see if she really creeping around on me. I have been cheated on before, and this nigga popping up all the time is suspect. As for her being pregnant that's my main reason for being here she need to get rid of it. I got my entire life ahead of me I can't be tied down with a baby. Momma just here for support she supports my decision, she understands that I have too much to lose. I'm not letting go of my dream of being a lawyer go down the drain I worked too hard for this shit.

"Hey Jessica where is everybody?"

"Momma is in the kitchen getting the food ready and my daddy should be down in a few. Come on yall can come and sit in the dining room. Amber is on her way I thought she would have been with you."

"Okay cool" Obviously she doesn't know that I and Amber aren't together any more. I took my place at the table and waited patiently. I looked over at my mom she was completely overdressed.

"Momma why you wear that it's not your birthday"

"I know that doesn't mean I can't get cute" to be honest she looked like a hoe her breast were spilling out the top of her dress. Looked like she couldn't breathe. Ms. Nicki walked in the room.

"Hey Andre baby when-" she stopped mid-sentence and mean mugged my momma. The hell is her problem. My momma just looked and smiled. Am I missing something

*Ms. Nicki*

I know this bitch did not come to my house looking how she looking. See I had forgot about kicking her ass after laid the pipe down on me but this bitch just signed her death wish. The fakery of this bitch to step up in my house after you tried to come on to my man. I walked out the room and made my way out the room trying to remember that it was Amber's birthday. I'm not gone ruin my baby's birthday. That bitch got one time to try it. Robert came down the stairs I guess he noticed my mood.

"Baby why you mean mugging. You need daddy to take you upstairs and give you some act right."

"Robert now is not the time."

"Why not Amber's not here yet."

"Yeah well her guest are."


"Andre and his trifling ass momma"

"Baby stay calm you know I'm yours."

"I know that, it still doesn't make me not want to beat her ass. Only for Amber will keep calm. But she got one try."

"Okay baby"


This going to be an awkward ass dinner. I just hope Nicki don't lose it I'm not getting my ass kicked. Nicki may be nice but she will beat a bitch ass. I know firsthand she beat my ass when I told her about me and Trina. I walked behind her into the kitchen and grabbed the food to lay out on the dining room table. I walked in behind her to the dining room sitting the food where she told me. I could see Lisa licking her lips staring at me shit looked to nasty. She wasn't ugly but she damn sure made herself look nasty and desperate. I like a woman to be well put tighter not chocking on every dick that come available. I just continued to do what I was doing. I looked up to see Nicki with that I'm about to tag that ass look on her face. Her domineer was calm but I knew she was about to blow.

"Hey Robert" I hear Lisa speak. The way Nicki was looking at me like she dared me to speak back. Hell no I didn't speak back I just went over to Nicki and forced her to sit next to me.

"So how have you been Andre."?

"I'm good I just got a lot going on" he shifted in his seat not looking me in my face.

"That's good I guess, have you talked to Amber today?"

"No not really she and I aren't on the best of terms right."

"Why Not?"

"Well your whorish ass daughter was cheating on my son. And we are her to make sure she gets rid of that bastard she carrying. My son will not be tired down with baby he has too much to lose."

"What the fuck you talking about bastard my child isn't PR-"

Before I could finish Nicki had lunged across the table. She was beating the shit out of Lisa. This shit was a major turn on.

"Get the fuck of my momma." Andre spoke as he tried to pull Nicki off his momma.

"Hey put your fucking hand on my woman and you won't get them fuckers back." He looked at me enraged, but I didn't give a fuck he wasn't about to touch her. His momma ought to watch her fucking mouth.

"Man her beating up my momma." I looked over as I watched Nicki punch Lisa he body flew out the dining room into the hall way. Food was all over the place.

"I don't give a fuck she ought to watch her mouth how she refers to my daughter. Be happy I'm not beating your as for touching my Daughter." He went stiff I walked into the hallway pulling Nicki off Lisa. I looked down to see Lisa on the floor trying to regain her composure after taking multiple blows to her face my baby Fucked her ass up.

"What the fuck is going on!?"


I pulled up to Ms. Nicki's house looked like everybody was here except there was this one unfamiliar car in the drive way. I turned off my car checking my hair in the review mirror. I got out of the car fixing my dress before closing the door. I took a deep breath as I made my way to the front door. I walked up to the door I started to knock until I hear a whole bunch of chaos.

"What fuck is going I said as I walked in seeing Ms. Nicki going in on Lisa. My dad and Andre trying to separate them. Jessica just standing there in astonished at the sight before her eyes. Every one turned towards me looking.

"What the fuck is going on!?"


"Somebody going to answer my question or just look at me like I'm crazy." Andre open his mouth to speak but I guess he was loss for words. What the fuck is he doing here anyway? The nerve of this nigga to be eyeing me like I'm naked after he denied my child not even a day ago.

"What the fuck you starring at speak nigga! Why in the hell are you here anyway!?" he just continued to look at me.

"My son here to tell you to get rid of that bastard you carrying."

"That's it bitch that ass whooping you just got must haven't been enough!" Ms. Nicki jumped on Lisa. I didn't even acknowledge the fact that they were fighting.

"Man you need to get rid of it. I got too much going for myself to be tied down with a baby. I'm trying to make something of myself, I can't do that with a baby."

"You really got me fucked up if you think I'm going to abort my child for your sorry ass. Why do you even care if I have this baby or not. The list time I checked according to you it wasn't yours! Get out!" by the time I got done my dad had once again separated Ms. Nicki and Lisa.

"Whatever you want goon d-" before she could finished I had charged at her sending a right hook to her jaw. She fell to the floor yes if you haven't noticed I just knocked this slot, no walls, want to be cute, thirsty, no class having ass bitch out. Like damn why in the fuck are you consumed with my business like bitch you grown get a fucking life.

"What the fuck Amber? You can't get mad because you was out hoeing around and got caught up. That's how I know that fucking baby ant mine."

"You know what you a peace of shit I don't know why the fuck I slept with your ass. I don't know what the fuck she told you, but the last time I checked she wasn't their while you were fucking my brains out. If I was fucking with Blake why in the fuck would I fuck with you? We were fucking on a daily basis and as much I want to blame you for this shit happening it's my fault to I was so blinded by love that I didn't stop to make sure I was protecting myself. You think I want to graduate with a baby bump no, but because the decision I made to sleep with your sorry ass got me there. I want to make something of myself just like you!"

"I'm so-"

"No fuck your sorry get you're fucking trash and get the fuck out!" I tried my best to control the stream of tears that fell down like waterfalls.

He just walked over and picked up a knocked out Lisa and threw her over his shoulder and left. I looked around the room I looked into my daddy's eyes he shook his head in disappointment.

"How could you let this happen Amber?"

"Daddy I'm so-"

"Now I don't want to hear that! I worked my ass off to make sure you had everything you wanted and needed. And you throw it away for a boy all because he tells you the shit you want to hear! How can you be so fucking stupid!"

"Robert! That's enough! She made a mistake just like you and me she's human and will not talk to her like that because last time I checked you ass wasn't perfect!"

"No fuck that she needs to hear this!"

"Hear want because the only thing you have done for me is buy me shit to shut me up so you won't have to deal with me! How can you sit here and tell me some shit like that! I made a fucking mistake one fucking mistake! Yeah he told me what I wanted to hear and I gave him what he wanted and now I have to deal with the consequences! You can stop this perfect fuck father act now because you never have been a dad my granddaddy did everything for me! For as long as I can remember he was their while you pushed me away because you made a mistake! Nobody told you to fuck around and end up having me!"

"That's bullshit and you know it!"

"OH really then were the fuck were you when I fell down two flight of stairs at three years old and damn near killed myself. Exactly look at the shit you doing right now. You didn't do this shit with Jessica. You were there you never there for me when I need you don't give a damn about me the only thing you know is that you fucked my momma and got stuck with me!" I let out all the emotions I have been holding on to for the last few months. It's like when he and Jessica developed a relationship I was history. I know they have to catch up on the time they lost together but damn. All they time the spent together with Ms. Nicki all this fucking family time and I was forgotten about.

"Whatever I don't care anymore I'm done. You think you can stand here and disrespect me then you can take care if you damn self." he looked at me with no emotion like I was no more than a peace of trash on the street.

"Fine I will take care of myself and my baby without any help from you."

"Robert! You don't mean that! Amber come back baby!" I ignored Ms. Nicki as she ran after me I just got in my car and left.


I pulled into my drive away tears still flowing down my face. I just sat there in my car crying. My daddy hates me now the only family I have as of today is this baby. I'm going to do everything in my power to take care of me and my child if I can't get any support from them than o well. I was so stupid I actually thought what I and Andre had was real. I got to stop being so damn emotional from this day forward the only person I will give my hart to is my baby.

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