Chapter Thirty Four

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"You did what?" Angela whisper-yelled when Mary told her about the incident that took place in the halls.

"You heard me right" Mary replied with an annoyed look.

"Why are you so troublesome? you could have just ignored her stupidity" Angela said.

"You know I'm not that kind of person, if you give me trouble I give you double wahala. I don't have the patience to tolerate nonsense" Mary replied and flicked her braided hair.

"It's not good to always indulge such people, act mature for once and ignore her" Angela advised

"Miss counselor I've heard you and I'll not do it, if she or anyone else troubles me I'll give them their size." Mary replied.

"May God help you." Angela replied

"Amen. Now tell me about yesterday" Mary said enthusiastically.


Closing time rolled around and surprisingly Mary didn't set her eyes on Diane or Dean throughout the day.

She stood by the gate stomping her foot impatiently waiting for either Dean or Kayode so they could go to their house together.

She waited for over ten minutes that felt like an eternity when annoyance took over and she angrily walked back to the school.

She searched the classrooms first and met with only the sweeper, she greeted the lady and went to the janitors closet.

She forcefully opened the door and met with a displeasing sight, Dorathy and Kayode were engaged in a heated makeout session with his shirt unbottened and his chest in full view. Favours shirt was on the floor and her bra was unclasped as they made out and Kayode's hand was in her skirt fingering her.

They both gasped and jumped away from eachother when Mary cleared her throat.

She rolled her eyes at the frightened look on their faces and walked away.

After searching the whole upper floor, her anger has reached it's peaked and a frown masked her face.

She walked downstairs and angrily went back to the gate only to meet an annoyed Dean kicking stones with his feet.

She glared at him and angrily walked up to him.

"What is wrong with you? Do I in any way look like your nanny that will just wait around for you?" She angrily ranted.

"And do I look like your driver that will be waiting for you under this hot sun?" Dean rhetorted.

Mary glared at him and hissed.

"Let's just go biko" She said

"Whatever, this way" Dean said as he lead her to his car.

He hopped into the driver's side and started the car. Mary stood by the side door glaring at him.

"Will you get in or not?" Dean yelled from inside.

"Mannerless idiot, I wonder what girls see in him when he doesn't have the common courtesy to open the door for a lady" She grumbled as she entered the car.

"What was that?" Dean asked in a mocking tone.

"Fuck you" She spat out.

"No, it should be the other way around"Dean smirked and started driving.

"I feel like strangling this idiot" She thought.

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