Chapter Thirty Eight

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It was closing time and Mary was slowly walking out of the school with her airpods on as she listened to Baby by Fave she bobbed her head to the beat of the song as she made her way to the gate and just as she reached the gate and stood at the side waiting for her driver Dean drove full speed in her direction.

She stood transfixed as she stared at the car approaching her, she felt as though her legs have been glued to the floor as her heart beat rapidly.

She closed her eyes waiting for impact as the car drew closer and when she felt no pain she slowly opened her eyes only to see the car three inches away from her.

She felt her eyes twitch as she glared at the car and her mood worsened when Dean opened the car door and winked at her. She imagined her whole face turning red with steam coming out of her ears as she kicked and punched him repeatedly.

She removed the airpods and angrily stomped over to him, she glared at him as he stood right by the open driver's seat.

"What the hell is wrong with you!?" Mary spat.

"Nothing. Besides you're the one shouting so what is your problem exactly?" Dean sassed back.

"I'm the one shouting! You nearly ran me over with your stupid car that's my problem" Mary rhetorted

Dean rolled his eyes as he stepped out of the car, Mary backed up as he stretched to his full height and looked down at her. "So what are you going to do?" Dean replied

Mary felt like she was about to explode as she looked up to his face that held a mischievous smile. She glared at him as he smirked.

"I'll......." Mary started but Dean interrupted her.

"Report me to the principal? Go ahead teachers pet" he replied.

Mary smiled as she walked closer to him, he looked at her with uncertainty as she stood right in front of him, she stared directly into his eyes with an evil glint in hers. "Why tell the principal when your mom will listen to anything I have to say in a heartbeat huh!" Mary smirked and turned to walk away.

Dean quickly grabbed her hand and dragged her to his chest. Mary glared at Dean as she struggled to release herself from his strong embrace.

"Don't think I've gone soft on you just because I'm being polite, keep your mouth shut when you meet my mom or you're dead meat" He said in a dark voice and pushed her backwards.

Mary stumbled and lost her footing but regained it at the last minute. She gave off a dark aura as she glared at Dean's retreating back.


Mary sighed in relieve as she walked up to a smiling Angela who had her arms wide open for a hug.
Mary smiled as she got enveloped in the floral scent that was Angela's perfume.

When she pulled away from the hug Angela pouted and glared playfully at her. "You kept me waiting for so long that my legs are sore" Angela whined.

"Big head, sorry" Mary replied as she playfully tapped her head.

"Apology not accepted, do you know how hard it is to stand with heels on?" Angela replied with an eyeroll as she grabbed Mary's hand and dragged her into the cute building that was Domino's Pizza.

Mary laughed as Angela dragged her to a booth that was located at the far right of the restaurant. They sat opposite one another as they chatted while reading the menu.

"I still can't believe we'll be starting our first term exams in three weeks, I can still remember when we resumed." Angela said

"I know right? It's like the days are running a marathon, it's going by so quickly most especially the weekends." Mary replied as she flipped through the menu.

"I can't decide on what to eat and I'm starving!" Angela exclaimed as she stared at her menu with a confused look.

"You always get confused at the sight of delicious food. Let me go and order for us." Mary laughed as she stood up and made her way the counter with a smile on her face.

She greeted the worker and placed her order with a warm smile. She turned around to go back to her seat when she bumped into someone.

The first thing that registered in her brain was the wetness she felt in her breast area followed by the pain caused by her ass making contact with the tiled floor.

She looked at the position she is in and felt annoyance and embarrassment building up as she glared at the white sneakers standing before her.

"Omg! I'm so so sorry, please take my hand let me help you up" She heard a male voice and two hands stretched towards her. She glared at the hands and tried to stand on her own but at the very last minute she fell back down.

"Ouch!" She exclaimed in pain.

Angela who was busy on her phone heard the sound and looked up, she gasped as she saw the condition Mary was in and quickly ran up to her.

"Are you okay?" Angela asked, Mary gave her an annoyed look and pointed at her soaked gown.
"Do I look okay to you?" Samuel smiled alittle and gently held both her hands and pulled her to her feet.

Mary opened her mouth to start ranting but he gave her an apologetic look. "I'm so sorry, it was an honest mistake that could happen to anyone, I didn't mean for my drink to stain your beautiful dress" he said in one go.

Angela looked at him and back to Mary who was giving him a heated glare and suppressed her laugh. "Why do you keep bumping into me?!" Mary groaned in frustration and without waiting for his reply made her way to the restroom.

Angela gave Samuel an apologetic look as she rushed after her friend to help her clean up.

"This is the last time I'm allowing you choose where we meet up" Mary said in an irritated tone as Angela came into the restroom.

"It's a really nice place and what happened was an accident that could happen anywhere" Angela replied as she helped her open her zip.

"It is but I bet if I had chosen the place we won't meet up with him! Like seriously I feel like he has a thing with bumping into people" Mary frowned as she removed her gown.

Angela giggled "Not people just you and you really scared him miss violence"

"Good, cause he ruined my dress" she smirked.


After quickly washing the stained part of her dress and drying it with the hand dryer in the restroom. Mary wore her gown and made her way out with Angela following behind.

She frowned when she saw Samuel seated on their table. She got to the table and sat on the chair facing him directly.

"I believe this table had just two seats meaning it's meant for two people that want to eat together and just have a good time so why are you here? To pour food on me this time around or to grab my breast since you missed when you spilled your drink on me?" Samuels eyes widened as he listened to her and his cheeks got warm at the end of her rant.

"I know and I'm sorry, I wanted to apologize to you and also join you for lunch cause sitting alone is boring. And no I have never once though about touching you." Mary frowned at that.

"I'm sorry, if it's going to be an issue I can just go back to my table " he said in a low tone as he stood up and picked his chair.

"No it's fine we don't mind you can join us" Angela who has been quiet all this while spoke as she took the seat beside Mary. Mary gave her an unimpressed look as a smile made it's way to Samuels face who sat back down.

"Fine! Just don't annoy me" Mary said with an eye roll.

That's all for today 🥺

I'm so sorry for the lack of updates. Thank you all for coming into my DM to check up on me, it's a really nice feeling knowing you have people who care about you.

Hopefully I'm back fully.

Please Leave alot of comments for me 😊 keeps me going.

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Kisses 😘

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2022 ⏰

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