Chapter Thirty Seven

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Mary was at the dance floor along with Angela dancing to the beat of Roll by Sammy majestic she felt her heart thumping to the beat of the song and blood rushing through her vain, all in all she felt alive.

She closed her eyes as she danced and turned to another direction while whining her waist. Not long she felt hands grab both her ass cheeks and abruptly turned.

She came face to face with the frightened face of Samuel, she felt her blood boil as he looked at her with guilt written all over his face.

She raised her hand to slap him but it was caught mid-way. Mary felt her right eye twitch with irritation.

She glared at Dean who gave her a smug look.

"You again! What is your fucking problem?" Mary yelled at both boys.

"My problem is you. I thought I warned you about insulating my friends?" Dean said.

"And I thought we have already established the fact that I only listen to myself and do what I think is right. And your so called idiot friend with a child's face is a fucking pervert who can't keep his darn hands to himself!" Mary angrily rhetorted

"Well all I'm seeing now is an annoying girl who doesn't like to share" Dean smirked.

"Fool, do I look like a fucking transformer that anyone can draw light from....why am I even still talking to you? An idiot and his useless friend" she hissed and took a step towards Samuel who took one in return.

"The next time any part of your filthy, underaged body makes contact with me again! I'll break you in the worst way possible!" She threatened and walked away.

Once Mary was gone Dean turned to a frightened Samuel and laughed at his frightened facial feature.

"I'm never going before that girl again!" Samuel said as he placed his hands on his chest in hopes that it will calm his rapidly beating heart..

"Chill, why are you so scared? She is just a girl." Dean laughed

"Just is not a word that relates to that girl! She's like ten girls in one and she scares me" Samuel said.

"Looks like I need to put you in classes on how to tame a wild cat. Also blame Alex for giving you that dare not me" Dean said and patted him on the back.

"As you've tamed the cat yourself, I know all about how she deals with you dude. Don't brag, as for Alex that idiot, I'll get my revenge" Samuel said as they both walked to where their group of friends stood.


As Mary angrily walked away she tripped on air and hit the person walking in front of her.

She gasped as she regained her balance. 'I hate when this happens' she thought.

"I'm so sorry" She quickly apologized as the girl turned around.

"Bitch I know you did that on purpose." Diane spat out

"If I had known it was you, I wouldn't have even bothered to apologise" Mary hissed and turned the other way as she was not in the mood for more annoying argument.

Dealing with Dean and his dump friend was enough of a mood spoiler, adding Diane to the list will just completely ruin her day. But Diane has another plan as she grabbed her shoulder and forcefully turned her back around.

Mary clenched her fists as she felt a slight pain in her shoulder and her annoyance grew as she stared at Diane's smug face. "How dare you low life think you can just walk away from me? When I speak you stay and listen. Now apologize for your clumsiness." Diane spat out.

Mary glared at her as she thought of a thousand way to deal with her without loosing control and strangling her.

"I'm talking to you bimbo!" Diane yelled.

The resounding sound of a slap echoed accompanied by gasps as Diane held her cheeks.

"Hope you got your reply. Bitch and the definition of bimbo suits a dumb fool like yourself." Mary hissed and walked towards the kitchen ignoring the onlookers that included Samuel who quickly averted his eyes the moment they made contact with Marys.

She shook her head as she walked towards the kitchen.

"Stupid party! Stupid people" She mumbled under her breath.

"Stupid party! Stupid people" She mumbled under her breath

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And that's a wrap!

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