Aris (7)

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I was walking into the cafeteria place thing later because they had run a few extra test on me which i wasn't happy about.

Once i walked in Thomas came up to me to drag me over to the other and i could feel the whole place looking at me.

A guy from one of the tables stood up with a glass in his hand and walked over to us and bumped into me spilling water all over my grey tank top.

"Oh sorry let me get that for you," said the guy with a smirk.

I then realized exactlly what he was doing and brought my knee up smartly between his legs as he fell to ground in pain as Thomas grabbed my arm and dragged me away to the others.

I sat down with the others in between Thomas and Minho.

"There goes my plan not to draw attention to ourselfs. Again," sighed Newt.

"Who was the first?" I asked bitting into an apple.

"Thomas tried to murder the bloody gaurd," said Newt as i looked over a the gaurd.

"Step it up Thomas. My guy's lying on the ground in pain and yours is standing up gaurding a door," I said nudging him in the side as he laughed.

"Who are they?" I asked nodding to the people across from us as Minho handed me some napkins.I looked at him confused as he nodded to my tank top.

"They're from another maze," said Minho

"Another maze?" I questioned raising an eyebrow as the boys nodded "Well how long have you been here?"

"Two, three days," said one of the boys.

"He's been here the longest though, a week," said the other nodding over at a boy sitting alone.

He wore a hoodie with his hood up and his shoulders hunched over.

"His looks lonely," I said tilting my head looking over at him.

"Well no shit shuckface," said Minho rolling his eyes.

"Oh slim it shank," i said rolling my eyed back "ShyGuy!," i called as his head perked up and looked over to me "Come sit with us,"

He slowly got up and began making his way over to us looking down at his feet as i patted the seat next to me and he sat down.

"Hi there ShyGuy," i said looking at him as he looked down at his tray.

"Aris," he said just louder than a whisper.

"What?" Said Newt looking at the quite boy.

"My name is Aris," he said looking up and taking down his hood.

"Well I'm Y/n, This is Thomas, Newt, Minho, Frypan, Winston and...I don't really know those guys," I said pointing everyone out as Aris nodded.

𝐀𝐫𝐢𝐬 𝐏𝐨𝐯

Y/n is amazing she invited me over to her table and was so confeident. She was the exact oppisite to me i was shy and she was outgoing.

She could never like me could she?

I couldn't help but smile everytime i heard he lovely voice and her amazing laugh.

One of the boys on her table caught me looking at her a smiling and gave me a quick wink. I liked him he was different.

I told them about my maze and about how i was the only boy in a maze of girls.

"Lucky shank," said the British one as i laughed.

"Well you have Y/n," i said and then relized i said it out loud and blushed slightly.

"Aww thank you Aris," Y/n said "The boys are lucky aren't they,"

I laughed along with everyone else and relized i really liked this girl but she would never notice me ShyGuy.

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