Omg I can't believe this has 5k views, like wow thank you so much!

Also about requests. PLEASE FEEL FREE TO REQUEST! Requests help me find inspo to write (cause I'm lazy).

Your request doesn't even need to have any info in it if you don't want just who the imagine would be about.

If you feel like requesting just follow along the lines of Person, Place (or if it's book/movie) and Senario (what's going on).

To request you can comment your request or mesage me privatly (or publicly) which ever you prefer.

Also when requesting I would like it if you gave me some room to create and put my own twist on it.

I know there are some people who always vote and read this every time I post a new chapter and its normaly within the hour and I am so greatful (you guys feel free to request!)

PLEASE COMMENT! I love to see what you guys think and I think comment are one of the things that make books so great and are always really funny.

Love you guys so much and thanks for 5k!

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