Gally (43)

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I was stalking my comments and I saw someone ask for more AUs and since it's the Christmas season  (and I haven't done any proper imagine in ages) I decided to gift you with one hehehe. This Gally imagine has the same theme as the last one idk why. (This is gender fluid but subtle)

I was laying around home getting kinda bored just scrolling on tik tok when I got a text from my besfriend Gally.

U wanna come over????

I quickly texted back a sure and threw on a jumper before heading over to his house.

I rang the door bell not wanting to barge in incase his parents were home and I would seem rude.

His mom opened the door with a smile.

"Oh Y/n! It feels like I haven't seen you in ages!" Ellen (Guys I didn't know what to call his mom😭) said embracing me "You have to stay for dinner sometime and I'm not taking no for an answer! Anyway I'm sure you don't want to be stuck talking to me, the boys are in the backroom,".

"Thanks Ellen," I said walking to the backroom as Ellen went to the kitchen.

I walked into the room to see nearly the entire football team taking up all the seat in the room all with controllers in their hands staring at a screen and screaming.

"I win! Suck it up losers!," Ably screamed, jumping up as the rest of the boys groaned.

"Oh Hey Y/n/n," Gally said as the entire room turned to look at me. Thanks alot Gally.

"Hey," I said cationously giving a small wave. When Gally asked did I want to come over I thought he meant just him and I not a whole fucking get together, the least he could have done was warn me.

"Aww Y/n looks like there's no seats left ," Minho said as I raised my eyebrows "I guess you'll have to sit on my lap,".

"Oh fuck off Minho," Gally said rolling his eyes as I walked over to Gally. I knew the rest of the guys but I was only good friends with Gally.

Gally pulled my onto his lap with a laugh as my back hit his chest causing my to burst into laughter as well as Minho made gagging noises.

"Come on let's start a new game so I can beat Alby," Thomas said as the other mummered in agreement.

"You gonna play Y/n?" Newt asked, at least he was trying to include me.

"Sorry, Gally forgot to tell me this was a bring your own controller thing," I joked earning as few laughs, this wasn't going well.

"Here you can play with me," Gally said wrapping his arm around my body, taking my hand to hold under his, moving them to work the controller.

I could feel Gally's breath on my neck and his hands on mine. I could feel him pressing up agaisnt my back. Bestfriend. Bestfriend. Bestfriend. I kept repeating in my head.

"Hmm sure not dating," Minho muttered as Gally shot him a glared causing him to shut up.

There wasn't much talking after that only scream of yeses and nos when people got eliminated and stuff.

I wasn't paying much attention as Gally was really playing, I wasn't doing anything. My mind kept drifting to how close he was to me, shifting slightly.

"Sorry I have keys in pocket," Gally muttered keeping his eyes fixed on the screen continuing to play as I let him move my hands and fingers around the controller.

"Oh really Gally? Keys for what?" Minho asked amusement in his voice as Gally ignored him. I wasn't stupid I knew what Minho was getting at.

"Shut it Minho we're trying to focus," Thomas snapped as Minho rolled his eyes.

After that I zoned out for a while, no one was talking, everyone was deep in concentration, but after a while I heard shouting again.

"We won Y/n/n!" Gally said dropping the controller on my lap and shaking me slightly to get my attention.

"You won," I corrected "I did nothing,".

"Nahh you're my good luck charm," Gally laughed wrapping his arm around my waist as he pulling me closer "Alby kept beating me till you got here,"

"Boys (and Y/n) I made food it's in the kitchen," Ellen said coming into the room as all the boys hopped up "Aha! I knew you two were dating!".

Excitement grew on Ellen's face as my eyes widen.

"Mum we're not dating," Gally said as I got off his lap "All the lads refused to get up for Y/n and I wasn't gonna tell you to sit on the ground now was I Y/n/n?"

"They are," Minho mouth to her Ellen as she nodded her head causing my mouth to drop.

"Alright. Kitchen. Pizza. Hurry," Ellen said before adding jokingly "I want you all out of here as soon as possible,".


"Everyone finished? Eveyone full?" Ellen asked after everyone finished their pizza as everyone mummered yeses and thank yous "Great! Now everyone out,".

Everyone laughed including me as we all got up and began to leave. Everyone began to leave one by one saying thank you to Ellen. Soon it was just me and Gally left.

"Well bye Y/n/n," Gally said rubbing the back of his  neck causing his biceps to flex very visibly threw his shirt as I mummered a bye.

Gally stepped forward and placed as kiss on my lips as stood in shock.

"I'm sorry I have no clue why I did that," Gally muttered looking confused as I did the only thing I could think of.

I pulled him into another kiss this time more passionate as one of his arms held my waist and the other my jaw, both of my hand cupping his face.

"Don't be sorry," I said as we broke the kiss as Gally let out a low laugh placing soft kiss all over my neck, pulling me closer by the waist. I couldn't help but laugh as I felt Gally smile against my neck.

"CALLED IT!" Minho shouted standing in the hall.

"Get out Minho," Gally told him.

This is one of my longer one shots guys I hope you like it. I also tried to make in gender fluid and I pretty sure it is. Tell me what you think and leave requests! Interact with me I'm lonely, people. Anyway Merry Christmas everyone  enjoy!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07 ⏰

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