Thomas (16) Pt.2

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𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲: Thomas2921

𝐈 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐢𝐭!

"Uhh Janson," a man dressed in a white lab coat called for the lab as Janson passed.

"What is it now?" Janson asked frustrated stepping into the lab and crossing his arms.

"Did you know your daughter was immune?" The man asked looking at some test tubes.

"What no she's not! We ran loads of tests on her already, she not immune!" Janson said in shock at the man showed her the test tubes.

"Well she's immune now, what happened?" The man questioned looking through a microscope.

"How is she immune, she wasn't before we checked multiple times ," Janson said scaring the man.

"Well I'm not quite sure on how but we're going to run some tests to figure it out, it really is quite an unusal case," The man said taking an extract of the virus.

"Well figure it out and get the Teresa girl to help you," Janson said leaving the room, he couldn't really confront his daughter about it, she wouldn't anwser or wouldn't know.


Thomas sat by a rock. He was frustrated and upset, they put so much time and effort into the into the train rescue and yet they weren't able to save Y/n....or Minho.

Asher was asleep next to Thomas, Asher had warmed up to Thomas but was acting strange since Y/n was taken and Thomas was too, everyone noticed.

"Thomas come play with me," Logan shouted, Thomas couldn't bring himself to tell Logan he was his father, not without Y/n.

Thomas was going to find WCKD and get Y/n back, he had too.

___________𝐡𝐮𝐠𝐞 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐬𝐤𝐢𝐩 __________

Gally was alive, but he couldn't be he was dead Minho killed him, he was stung.

Everyone stood in shock staring at the man who should've been dead, except Thomas. Thomas threw himself at Gally punching as Newt ripped Thomas of Gally.

"All right I deserved that," Gally said, as Thomas let out a sort of low growl. "I think I can get you into the last city,".

"Y/n," Thomas muttered, he would finely get her back after all this time.

"Who?" Gally questioned looking at Newt for an answer.

"Long story," He repiled.


Y/n was running down the corridor, she had finaly broke out of she cell, I mean room. Her father had been questioning about how she was immune, she played dumb of course.

The entire city seemed to be in chaos, surely it couldn't be about her break out, she had been planning it for ages and it was perfect, without flaw, yet everything seemed to be on maxium secruity.

Y/n ran in to the parking lot, to she a bus filled with children, Y/n wasn't the only one to break out of WCKD today. Curisoity got the better of her as check out the bus.

When Y/n approuched the bus just seemed to be starting up and Y/n spotted a familiar girl in the front seat as she told everyone else to duck.

"Brenda?" Y/n questioned as Brenda stared at Y/n in shock, Newt and Thomas were currently in WCKD trying to break Y/n and Minho out and Y/n was here.

"Y/n?" Brenda said as the two girls looked at each other "Your suppose to be in there waiting to be saved,".

"What?" Y/n laughed "You expected me to there and look pretty while someone trys to save me?".

"Well we should all know you well enough now to know wouldn't," Brenda laughed "The boys need to save Minho anyway,"

"What the boys are inside ?" Y/n questioned, she knew this was one of Thomas' stupid plans to get everyone killed.

"Get in the bus and I'll explian everything," Brenda said as Y/n took the first seat she found and Brenda explained everything.


Y/n, Newt, Minho, Gally and Brenda were in the helicopter Vince was flying. They were trying to find Thomas. Y/n was getting woried but she had to focus on making sure Newt was ok. Y/n had just jabbed the cure into Newt and he was just recovering.

They soon stopped at the top of a building that Thomas and Teresa were at. Thomas looked very weak and Teresa was struggling to hold up Thomas. They were standing up  Thomas tripping slightly.

The everyone reached out to help Thomas to pull Thomas into the helicopter, Y/n rushed over to Thomas leaving Newt by himself. While Y/n was tending to Thomas Teresa fell from the building the ground collasping underneath her falling into the fire beneath her.

Thomas passed out as Y/n dabbed at his cuts making sure he was ok. She moved a small piece of his hair out of his sweaty face smiling finally seeing him again after nearly a year, even if he was unconscious.


Y/n was sitting in the safe haven talking to Brenda, Thomas had been unconscious for a while. Y/n made sure to check on Thomas every day.

Y/n couldn't believe how much Logan and Laura had grown in the time she was gone. She also found out that Thomas still  hadn't told them he was their father.

Brenda and Y/n were talking when Brenda pointing to something behind Y/n. The girl turned around to see the boy she loved.

Y/n stood up and ran towards Thomas throwing her arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

Something.. two thing attatched themselfs to Thomas' leg as Thomas looked down to see Logan and Laura hugging his leg. Thomas leaned down to pick up Logan and Laura.

"Hi Logan," Thomas as he held Logan in one arm "Hello Laura," he said to Laura in his other arm.

"Hi Thomas," They said together as Y/n took Laura off Thomas.

"Wow you've gotten so big," Thomas said as Laura giggled and nodded.

"Come on Laura let's go play tag," Logan said as Thomas put him back on the ground and Y/n put Laura on the ground and they ran off to play tag.

"I've missed you so much Tommy," Y/n said holding his face in her hand as Thomas looked into her e/c eyes.

"I've missed you too Y/n/n," Thomas said as he leaned down to kiss Y/n and the world seemed to melt away.

𝐈 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐰𝐨 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬.

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