Chapter 56

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I kinda had a feeling Liam would wake up pissed, so I went and made him his favorite breakfast. That apparently cleared everything up, til tonight. 

We were at the Horan and Tomlinson conjoined house (Alli and Liv can't stand being apart and Niall agreed because Alli doesnt cook alot and not half as good as Liv).

Three of the boys, Zayn, Harry, and Liam, were sitting staring at the Horan's babysitter's sister. She was pretty. Way prettier than me, Cat, and Becca apparently. This especially isnt good for Rebecca because she's highly insecure and isnt used to Harry throwing her off for other girls, but we all thought it would happen sooner. Anyways, I went to Liam to hint it was time to go. "Liam the kids are tired."

"Mmmhmm take em home." He said, still staring at the girl's ass. 

"That's where I'm going. Home. With my mum. And my sister." 

He just nodded, not even paying attention to me. I rolled my eyes and went and put my kids in the car and drove to the airport. 

(Rebecca *just cuz this POV is hilarious. I know this is a Sophiam book but bear with me you wont regret this*)


"Hmm?" He asked, staring at the girl. 

"Darcy wants to go home."


I sighed and put Darcy in the car and started driving, then a plan sruck me. I dropped Darcy off at my sister's house then drove home. I changed into one of the sexy outfits Harry got me while on tour and I did my makeup and hair really pretty. Then I went in the car and drove back to the Horan/Tomlinson house. I went in the kitchen. "I need a water bottle. I'm gonna win my man back."

"Okay?" Liv said and handed me a water bottle. 

"Thanks." I walked out and sat in Harry's lap.

Harry looked at me and smirked. I put my hands in my lap and looked at him. "Hello??"

"Hellllooooo." He said, not able to keep his eyes off of me.

"How are you?"

He was like in a daze. "I dun- good."

I turned so I was sitting facing him with my legs kind of around him. "I'd bet you are. That girl making you feel good?"

"What other girl?" He asked, entranced. 

"The one you were mentally undressing."

He shook his head all dazed, as if he didnt remember. I shrugged and opened up the water bottle and started drinking some water. I took a big gulp then closed the bottle and wiped off my mouth. He just stared at me. I am kind of enjoying this. I got up and started walking away just to see what he'd do. He jumped up, grabbed my arm, and pulled me back to sit with him. I sat willingly and picked up a pen and paper. "Wanna draw?"

He nodded and took the utensils and I put one arm around his back and one arm on his hand. "Draw me something coooool." I said into his ear. He nodded, and I could see his desparation kick in. He drew a heart and I smiled and rubbed his arm in reward. He drew a banana then wrote 'giggity.' 

"What's it say?" I asked. 

"Giggity." He said. 

"Why does it say that?" I asked. 

"Because I have that."

"Oh really?" I asked and kept rubbing his arm. "What's causing that?"

"Yoooooooouuuuuuuu." He said all entranced, like drooling. 

"What? Me? No waaaayyyyy." I gave him a killer seductive look. 

"Mmmmmhmmm you arrrrrrre." He said, incredibly seduced. 

"No way. I'm not doing that to you am I?" I put my hand on his upper leg and he nodded. 

"Yeaaaa youuu arrrre." He said, practically drooling. 

I shrugged and rubbed his upper leg. "Hmm I think I believe it now. Your jeans are oddly tighter." I pulled up his jeans (like you would to a bra strap) right around his area. He looked at me desparately. I let the jeans drop right on him and licked over my teeth seductively, knowing I was killing him. 

"Mmmmmmmm." He said. I picked the jeans up again, same place, but higher so he'd feel it more if they fell. I let them go and he licked his lips. "Babyyyy can we go somewhere?"

"Like on vacation? I'd love that."

"No baby like a spare room." He looked at me desparately. 

"Oh sure. Yea. You can draw more." I smiled and took him upstairs into a spare room and shut the door. 

He looked at me. "I'm your slave."

I nodded. "Prove it." He went to me and licked my neck as I pushed him on the bed. "Are you at full candy corn or do you need some help?"

He laughed a little. "I am at FULL candy corn, but I think some help would be nice anyway."


I ignored another call from Liam. 

"Honey you should pick up." My mother said. 

"No! He wants a pretty girl then he can have one! I'll stay here with my almost three kids from him and mope!"

She sighed and took my phone outside and started talking to Liam. 

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